

Devotion           Read Joshua 6

What’s the purpose of a wall?  Most walls are built to protect or fortify what or who will live inside of that wall.  Two famous walls that come to mind are the Berlin Wall and the Great Wall of China.  There are times; when the very walls initially built for protection, turn out to be walls that imprison and can lead to destruction.  This was true of the wall built around the city of Jericho.  None could go in or out of these strong walls. The Lord told Joshua to take his men and march around the walls of this city once a day for six days and on the seventh day, to march around seven times.   Following this parade of God fearing people; the priests  blew the rams horns and the people shouted a great shout. Those fortified walls came tumbling down.

The Jericho walls had to come down, in order for God’s purpose to be accomplished.  What walls have you built that need to come down? You built them brick by brick; in order to protect yourself from people who may hurt you, but in the process you alienated yourself and raised up walls that brought destruction to your very soul.

In Motion

Kindness will tear down walls that a jack hammer cannot break through.  It’s the kindness of the Lord that leads us to repentance.  Be kind to one unlovely person today.  It might be someone you know or an unkind person on the highway or in the grocery store.  Prefer someone over yourself by doing a random act of kindness.  Have no expectations of their response.  Show kindness as if you were doing it for the Lord Himself. The walls in your own heart will come tumbling down!

Name Calling


Devotion                 Please read Acts 11:25-26, 2 Corinthians 10:5

When I was in the lower grades of elementary school, there was a little girl named Jane.  Jane was a very different kind of child.  She would make some very odd facial and hand motions from time to time.  Kids would make fun of her.  They would call her things like “retard and spastic”.   Although I never called her names, I feel horrible that I never tried to defend or befriend her.

Name calling is a horrible part of growing up, especially if those names draw attention to our weaker side.  Those names can ruminate through our heads and hearts for years after we heard them.

Names can build up or tear down.  The name Billy Graham denotes, preacher or pastor to the world.  The name Adolph Hitler brings remembrance of massive murder in your mind. What does the name Christian mean to you?  Do the people in your sphere of influence know you are a Christ follower? Do you edify those God has given you or are you given to name calling? Everything we do, every word we speak, every thought we allow to ruminate in our mind, should bring honor and glory to the One whose name we bear.

In Motion

For this day and during the next twenty one days, would you consider submitting your mind, heart and spirit to Christ?  At the beginning of each day, ask Him, “Lord would you help me to take every thought captive and to speak only names that glorify You Jesus?” When you default back to your old ways of “name calling”, repent immediately and choose  words that would bring glory to Christ and build up the person you were tearing down.

Missed Opportunities


Devotion   Please read 1 Samuel 15:22

In 1991 my oldest son was 13 years of age.  God was leading me to start a Moms In Touch International group.  It’s a group of moms who meet once a week during the school year to pray God’s Word over their children.  I wanted to lead the group in my home, so I began to pray, “Lord show me the ladies You want to be a part of this hour of prayer.”  One by one He began to reveal His plan.  

On a summer day, while driving  home from my part time job, I saw two young boys selling lemonade in on my street.  God nudged me to stop and buy lemonade.  I was tired and just wanted to go home.  His nudging became very strong by the time I opened my garage door and pulled in.  “Okay,” I shouted, hitting my dash board, “This is me backing out and going back up the street.”  I pulled over, got out out of my car, and said, ” That lemonade looks very yummy for this thirsty lady.” The boys hardly responded so I was thinking, “What Lord?” I started to get back in my car and one of the boys said, “Wait, you can’t take the cup.”  I replied, “O.K., I guess I’ll stand here and drink it.” It was only a plastic cup.

Their mom came out of the house with a tear stained face.  She had been in her house on her knees praying for her three older children.  Here was a mom, right on my street, interested in praying with other moms for her children.  I almost missed an opportunity to gain another mom who wished to pray for her children, and one of the dearest friends in my life.

In Motion

As a believer in Christ; you are called to obey quickly, His still small voice. How many opportunities have you and I missed, because we are tired, or just too busy?  Declare to the Lord today, “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.” Then tell Him you will obey right away. Do not miss the opportunity to receive the very thing you have been praying for.