Building a Wall or Building People


Devotion:  Nehemiah 6: 15-19

The completed wall the enemy had predicted would never be completed; was finally finished.  Those same enemies who once were desperately working to destroy the whole concept of wall building were now shaking in their boots.  What in the world?  The enemies acknowledged that God had been the help of His people.  He gave them the power to complete this project in just fifty two days.

When we come up against our enemies;  whatever our project, we need to recall who our God is.  The prince of the power of darkness is  certainly  wily, but he doesn’t hold a candle to the power of our God.  We do not need to fear our arch enemy.  God is ready to come to our aide when we are longing to accomplish His perfect will and plan.

Success in the Christian’s life does not necessarily mean that the opposition of our enemy goes away.  It just doesn’t always work that way.  Satan seems to have new strategies up his sleeve.  I’m sure God’s own city of Jerusalem was ready to have its protective wall rebuilt.  The replacement wall was a prefect combination based upon prayer and hard work.

More than rebuilding the wall; Nehemiah longed to restore the place where God’s people could serve Him, sacrifice to Him and worship Him.  As God’s people; we are still prone to forget who we are and what God has done for us.

Although there are no new strategies; our enemy still uses them because he knows they work and his time is short.  People are no different than they were in Bible times.  We are made out of the same clay as our forefathers.

What is the real goal?  Is it to build walls or build people?  Walls still need reconstructing and so do people.  God will help with both.  As was in Nehemiah’s time; people always over walls.  Always.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord in heaven, thank You for calling us to build into people.  That’s the ultimate goal of any wall that will ever be built.  God just waits for us to ask for His help, His strength and HIs courage every step of the way.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.


Our Desperate Enemy


Devotion:  Nehemiah 6: 1-14

Satan knows his time is short.  He is desperately trying to destroy you and when he cannot do that; he will seek to distract you.  What’s a believer to do?  Refuse to be distracted!  Keep doing the work to which God Himself has called you.  Do not fear or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you all the days of your life.

Nehemiah refused to come down from doing his work.  His enemy could not destroy or distract Nehemiah; so the next trick up his sleeve was to try and discourage him.  This former cupbearer to the king; refused to be defeated in his work and his demeanor.  He knew Who he was working for.

Remember when Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness to throw Himself down off that precipice?  What was His defense?  He said; “It is written, thou shalt not tempt the Lord of Heaven.”

What is your calling?  Are you tempted to throw your hands up and quit?  Will you persevere and glorify God in the midst of every trial and temptation?  Nehemiah was tempted by his enemy to go to the house of God for refuge.  When your enemy is desperate; the very worst he can do; is use the place you love the most and trap you.

When Nehemiah was tempted; like Jesus, he did not give in to the lies of the false prophets.  He refused to go hide in the temple, rather he came back at them with God’s powerful two edged Sword, His Word.  It defeats and destroys the plans of the enemy every single time.  Praise God’s Holy Name.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your weapon to defeat my enemy.  I love You and trust Your to help me overcome him by the Word of the Lamb.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.



“Hallelujah Anyway.”


Devotion:  Nehemiah 5:8-9

My friend Linda Albers sent me a song by Rend Collective called “Hallelujah Anyway.”  As you walk in the fear, respect and praise to the Lord, can you say hallelujah anyway?

The Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. This kind of fear means total respect and reverence for the Lord our God.  The longer I serve Him, the more that I long to revere His Holy Name.  I want to live out this type of respect before Him and the people in my sphere of influence (even if my dreams fall to the ground.)

People observe our lifestyles to see if they exhibit our love and devotion to our Savior?.  As far as we are able; we are to be at peace with all men.  Am I living a life of praise in front of my people?  Sometimes it’s hard to live out praise even when your soul is troubled.  Father God stands ready to help you.  Praise Him in the midst of adversity.  It will bring honor and glory unto Him and promote His kingdom.

Exhibiting the fear of the Lord can silence the mouths of your enemies.  They don’t even know what to say or how to say it.  When you acknowledge the characteristics of your Lord in praise and worship, He is pleased and the voices of the people around you are silenced.

Nehemiah didn’t trust the priests as he made them swear to not charge the people interest.  Wow, now that’s a caring leader right there.  Nehemiah was trying to aright the wrongs done to the people.

Will you serve your God through praise and worship even if things are not going your way?  It’s not just critical; it’s imperative to sing “Hallelujah Anyway.”

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I am singing Hallelujah anyway!  I fear and revere Your Holy Name.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.





When the Rooster Crows


Devotion:  Matthew 26:75

While gathering my former neighbor’s garden; I heard a rooster crow in the adjoining yard.  He was so loud that I said aloud, “I hear you buddy.”  He was making his own joyful noise.  I couldn’t see beyond the trees and the bushes but I heard a man say shut-up.  I think “Ole Rooster” began to crow even more loudly.  I yelled back to the man; “He’s just making a joyful noise;” to which he replied; “He’s about to be dinner if he doesn’t quiet down.”  It made me laugh out loud.

I’m so thankful to be able to see and hear animal noises.  In my own neighborhood we have a couple of owl families.  They talk to each other at night in owl language that only they understand.

I love hearing the cicadas and crickets chirping in the summer evenings; however, I probably wouldn’t love it if they were in my house.  Those night sounds are most enjoyed outside.

This well remembered passage reminds us of Peter’s determination to stand up for Jesus; however, the Lord told him before the night was over, he would deny Him three times.  Peter couldn’t believe he would ever deny the One whom his soul loved.  Then he actually forgot until he heard the rooster crow three times.  I’m sure Peter wanted to die a thousand deaths.

Has God ever given you a warning of any kind, whether it be an animal sound or some sort of an alarm going off in your head?  He certainly has done that during my life time.  Will we respond correctly and heed the warning?  I pray that we all will.

Prayer in Motion:Lord, help me to be listening for all of Your warning sounds.  I want to take every one seriously because they are from You Lord.  Help me to stay alert and pay close attention.   I want to be ready in due season.  in Jesus Name.  Amen.


Rejoice in the Lord Always…


Devotion:  Philippians 4:4

…again, I say rejoice.  I remember singing these words as a child.  When you rejoice in the Lord, your relationship with Him deepens.  Choosing joy in the midst of difficult circumstances; relieves depression and despair.  Sing unto the Lord when your enemy is desperately trying to steal the truth of God’s Word out of your heart.

Is the joy of the Lord your strength?  Will you cast your cares upon the Lord knowing He cares for you?  His love for you endures forever.  He remains faithful even when we are not.

The Christian life does not mean operating out of our feelings.  If that were true; we would only rejoice when things were going well.  The word always really means forever.  How is this even possible?  I have to ask myself the following questions.

  • Is the Lord teaching me the discipline of rejoicing when I               don’t feel like it.
  • Am I expecting beauty for ashes, strength for fear, gladness         for mourning and peace for despair?
  • What does my Savior want to accomplish in me through all of       the difficult things?
  • Will I choose to rejoice no matter the length of the process?

These are soul searching questions but ones that must be asked.  I honestly believe God wants to train us in righteousness.  I don’t enjoy the process, however; I certainly want to learn from the circumstances He has allowed.

He longs for us to “Lift our eyes to the hills from where our help comes.”  We learn that while we are waiting; we can rejoice knowing God is with us.  Remember to cling to the promise that He will accomplish what concerns you.  He truly is working all things together for your good and His glory.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, I rejoice in You today and forever.  You keep me in perfect peace because my heart and mind are stayed upon You.  I love You and trust You to accomplish what concerns me and those for whom I am praying.  In Jesus Name I pray.  Amen.




The Enemy Comes Against You


Devotion:  Nehemiah 4:7-14

Name calling!  It always makes you question yourself.  The enemy comes to bring confusion against anything God has asked you to do.  What do you do?  You always make a plan to pray.  Prayer sets a guard over your mind, your heart and your spirit.   It’s not only a shield about the person for whom you are praying but a shield over you as well.

The Jews built a physical guard for their protection against the enemy..  God sets a spiritual guard through prayer over anyone for whom you are praying.  Through faith in Jesus Christ; every intercessor builds a wall of protection around themselves as well as those for whom they intercede.

Verse six tells us the people had a mind to work.  Prayer is the work.  Prayer builds walls.  Prayer defeats the enemy of the souls of men.  Prayer calms the storm inside of you as you pray and wait.  It goes ahead to intervene on behalf of the one being prayed for.

Our enemy is strong but our God is greater and more powerful than any fallen angel. (word fallen being key) God’s Word says, “Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.”  Our God is Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent.  Satan is none of those things!  He is a defeated foe and he knows his days are numbered.  He knows he loses in the end!  God wins the final battle which means you win too my friend.

Even when your strength as a burden bearer is failing and there is much rubble; you need others to intercede with you.  Jesus is at the right hand of the Father ever interceding for you and for your loved one(s).

Your enemy is always plotting to stop you from praying (building a wall.). He has no power over you.  You belong to the Lord your God.  You are His child.  He leads you to Himself as the enemy fights you to give up, give in and give over to your thoughts.

We draw closer to God when we are in need.  We learn who He is in a deeper, fuller, richer way.  He longs to draw us closer and closer to Himself.

Remember this song.  “It will be worth it all when we see Jesus.  Life’s trials will seem so small when we se Christ.  One glimpse of His dear face.  All trials will be erased.  When we see Christ.”

When the enemy desperately tries to kill you; find your people to pray for you and your loved one(s).  You know who they are. Put on your spiritual armor and go do spiritual warfare together.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I trust You because I know You are at the right hand of the Father ever interceding for me and for my loved one(s).  Bless those who are wall builders.  Keep them strong as they do this warfare.  May we never lose heart or hope.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.





No End in Sight


Devotion: Nehemiah 4:10

The phrase “no end in sight” is used when one does not know the point at which something will end.  How are believers to deal with the never ending heaviness of our burdens?  The weight of the burden effects every part of your life.

I am a burden bearer and my calling in life is to intercede for people.  My heart and my flesh may fail (It has, It is and it will,) but God is the strength of my life.

If His burden is easy and His load is light; (It is.) Why does it weigh so heavy on our hearts?

When there is no end of sight;

  •   Take hold of the horns of the altar of God.
  •   “Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord.”
  •   Cling to God’s promises that are yes and amen.
  •   Keep your eyes fixed on the Author and Finisher of your               faith.
  •   Remember: Now your eyes behold in a glass dimly until you          see your Savior face to face.
  •   God will accomplish what concerns you. (Trust the process.)

God’s Word tells us to bear one another’s burdens.  Besides the Lord, who is your burden bearer?  Who just popped into your mind?  He or she has proven themselves trustworthy, not running to share your pain with others.   He or she refuses to tell you what you want to hear but lovingly shares the whole truth in love.

How are you walking in the circumstances of your life that apparently has no end in sight?  To be completely vulnerable with you dear reader; I’m on a roller coaster ride.  The struggle is real and hard.  The reality of a mother’s broken heart is ever present.  My method of survival is my total dependence on the Lord my God for my prodigal and his whole precious family.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, thank You for the knowledge that my end in sight is You the Author and Finisher of my Faith.  You are my Burden Bearer and I thank You for the earthly ones you have given me.  You are my strength in my weakness.  You are my courage in my fear.  You are my hiding place.  I rest in the shelter of Your arms.  “Oh for the thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer’s praise.  The glory of my God and King, the triumphs of His grace.”  In Jesus Name I offer up this prayer.  Amen.




Used to Be


Devotion:  Isaiah 7: 23-25 sor

This passage makes my heart sad.  What once was thriving with life is now thorns and thistles.  What used to be vibrant and flourishing, now is withered and looking like death.  Just yesterday I commented to my husband; some people look like the walking dead.  There’s no color, no brightness in their eyes or their smiles.  I always wonder what has happened that their countenance has fallen.

If we could see into the spiritual world; rather than seeing a great cloud of witnesses around them; we would see dark clouds like demons looming over their heads.  There are times in life that Christians and non-Christians alike are filled with sorrow upon sorrow.  There is much to be sorrowful about; however, we should choose to live out in front of the world; the joy of the Lord. We “used to exhibit it daily.”  What happened?  Life, that’s what happened.

How do we get back our “used to be?”  Only believers in Christ can exhibit joy in the midst of our deepest sorrow and circumstances.  We spend time with Jesus.  He will walk you through the darkest of trials and suffering; physically, emotionally or spiritually.  Sometimes it can be all three at once.  This can reveal itself with a heavy heart.

Because of God’s Holy Spirit; we can cast our cares upon Christ.  He cares for us like no other.  “No one understands like Jesus.  Jesus means so much to me.”  He’s ready to restore your “used to be.”  “If you seek Him; you will find Him, when you search for Him with your whole heart.”

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, thank You that my “used to be” can be restored when I lay it down at Your feet.  I will trust You with every circumstance, every heartache and every testing.  I love You Jesus.  Amen.

Life Giving Sound


Devotion:  Psalm 130:2

Turn on your tub water to regulate the temperature and listen.  If you listen closely; you can hear the difference in the sound of hot and cold running water.  Of course you can feel the difference; however; you can hear the difference if you listen closely.

This Scripture tells us God would rather His children be hot or cold versus lukewarm.  Think lukewarm coffee.  Yucky!  If I am in my own house and my coffee gets cooled off; I immediately put it in the microwave to get it steaming hot again.

The people in your sphere of influence; saved and unsaved, know if you are hot or cold.  They can tell by your words and deeds.  If you talk like the world using displeasing words, not just profanity but gossip and slander; that my friend is being lukewarm.  Lukewarm blends in with the world we live in.

God calls us strangers and aliens.  Believers are to be holy and set apart from the world.  If we are choosing to look like the world; be like the world; then how is that holy and set apart unto the Lord?

No Christian wants to intentionally walk as a lukewarm Christian, looking like everyone else.  Nor do I my friend.  Although not formerly diagnosed; I know I am ADHD, distracted by every gnat that flies by.  You will find the verse; “Be still and know that I am God;” in three places in my home.  I fail to look at them because they’ve been up for so long.

You ask; “What has being still got to do with being hot or cold?”  It has everything to do with it.  If we are not still enough to hear the voice of Christ, our Living Water; we will become lukewarm and stagnant.  You see Living Water runs deeply through our veins.  We are to be passionate about our life’s blood.  We live and move and have our being through Him.

Listen for His voice, the sweetest, deepest most life giving sound this side of eternity.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I long to hear Your life giving words.  Help me to give them out to all those You have given me.







Got To or Get To?


Devotion:  Luke 9:62

“I’ve got to clean my house,”  ‘I’ve got to wash these clothes.”  I’ve got to balance my check book.” ” I’ve got to clean out my closet.” How about if we change our thinking and say, “I get to clean my house.”  I get to wash these clothes.”  I get to balance my check book.”  “I get to clean out my closet.”

Got to and get to are two little phrases with totally different perspectives.  One looks at a glass half full and the other looks at a glass half empty.  Which kind of person are you?

I can be a got to or a get to person depending upon the day.  Circumstances can be totally overwhelming, leading us to a pathway of hopelessness, defeat and despair.  Our flesh can quickly fall into that trap that will take you further than you want to go and keep you longer than you want to stay.

tI honestly believe the choice is ours.  You can choose to be a “get to” person versus a “got to” person.  Got to wears you out.  Get to builds you up.  A “get to” person works tirelessly putting their hands to the plow and not looking back.  A “got to” person is constantly looking backward which makes your row crooked.

If you’ve ever used a plow, it is hard to hold in the row you are trying to create.  If you turn around and look back, your plow will veer off the path.  If God has called you to a new pathway do not look back.  Forge ahead with  Him by your side and keep on plowing until you have accomplished His purpose and plan.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I thank You for helping me to move forward, to plow on and do the work You’ve given my hands to do.  You are teaching me, training me, and equipping me to keep my eyes focused on You, the Author and Finisher of my faith.