Rejection or Protection


Devotion:  Genesis 3:1-24

As we look forward to 2024; is there something or someone for whom you’ve been praying and yet you’ve not seen this thing come to pass?  Heaven seems silent.  You “feel” as if God is not listening to you as you pour out your heart before Him.  You begin to think, He has not heard your prayers or seen your tears.  You “feel” rejected by the One whom your soul loves.

However, we know, “He is working all things together for our good and His glory.”  Many are His sons and daughters who don’t understand the ways of God; because His ways are higher than ours.  Our reliance and trust must be solely upon Him while we wait.  We must not lean on our own understanding.  We wait before Him under the umbrella of His protection.

Satan would have you to believe God has rejected your prayers.  Jehovah El Roi, the God who sees you, knows what He is doing.   What feels like His rejection is actually His protection.  We cannot see and know what’s going on behind the scenes.

Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient God has got your circumstances under control.  What looks completely impossible is possible with God.  Cling to Him and do not let your situation become an idol.  A dear counselor told me; “anything you dwell upon more than the Lord becomes an idol.”  It took me a minute to grasp that truth.  When I say a minute, I really mean about a year and a half.

Rejection by a family member is HARD!   You can grieve so hard that your physical heart hurts.  The truth of dying of a broken heart can be a real thing.

What I thought would absolutely kill me was my road to “peace that surpasses all understanding.”  There was no other way for me to learn it.  It was my training in righteousness.  It brought a shift to my focus.  I was consumed with grief over the rejection of my son;  when Omniscient God poured out His peace and gave me “beauty for ashes, strength for fear, gladness for mourning and peace for despair.”

When your enemy tries to make you believe God has rejected you.  You tell him NO!  God’s grace is sufficient for me.  His power is perfected in my weakness.   Satan hates it when you. quote Scripture to him.  He has to flee.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, You alone are my protector and defender.  My help, peace and protection comes from You alone.  Please remind me to put on Your amor and always to use the Word of God as my weapon to defeat that serpent of old.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.



Undressing the Tree


Devotion:   Mark 15:22-47

My dear husband helped me undress our Christmas tree this year.  I wrap most all of the ornaments in tissue paper or paper towels to protect them before they go back into the attic.  The undressing of our tree was not done with the same glee with which we dressed it.  Most of our ornaments have been given to me by friends or handmade by my very talented sister Susan.  I treasure each one.

As we took the ornaments off I wrapped a long nail which represents the nails driven into the hands and feet of Christ.  I thought about how He was disrobed, beaten within an inch of His life, and then crucified on Calvary’s tree.

What His torturers delighted in doing to our Savior’s body was  put away in the grave for three days.  The grave could not hold Him, so their delight became their demise.  The Pharisee’s glee had to flee because of Jesus’ victory.

Christ’s torturers essentially undressed that cursed tree when they took His body down.  Our precious Savior was wrapped in linen cloths and laid in a tomb. The guards rolled a huge round stone in front of the grave.  If that was not enough, guards were stationed on either side of the stone, to make certain no one stole the body of Jesus.   Those who had seen Christ perform miracles still did not believe He was the Son of God, so they honestly thought  one of His disciples would come and try to steal His body.

As the cross made from a tree that Jesus died upon was undressed; one has to wonder what became of that old rugged cross?  Were many more true criminals crucified upon it?  I guess that’s a question we will have to wait to have answered in heaven.  But then; it won’t matter.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, thank You for dying in my place, taking the punishment for my sin.  You paid the price for my sins with Your precious life’s blood, the only thing that could wash away my sin.  Now I can have eternal life because You did that for me.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.



Daily Discernment


Devotion:   Psalm 119:66

Do you have discernment?  How do you know if you have discernment or not?  So according to today’s verse discernment can be taught by the Lord.  Do you want to have discernment in your walk with the Lord?

The definition of discernment is “the ability to judge well.”   If we lack discernment; we may not make the best choice.    God tells us If we seek Him we will find Him when. we search for Him with. our whole heart.

I long to have wisdom and discernment straight from my Heavenly Father; but I must remember to ask for it.  He stands ready to teach me and train me in righteousness.  He’s such a good Father and as much as I want. it; He wants to give it even more.  Lord help me to listen with the ear of a disciple for Your voice.

Discernment comes from God’s Holy Spirit.   He is the third person of the Trinity and the One with whom you are sealed for your day of redemption.   The truth oE=W=WWWliving inside of. you is huge.

God tells us to take His yoke upon us and learn from Him for HIs yoke is easy and His burden is light.  He promised to never put more on us than we can bear and He, my friend is a promise keeper both now and throughout eternity.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, remind me to ask You for discernment daily.   I need and you want to give it.  Speak Lord, for Your servant is listening.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.





Court Was Convened


Devotion:  Daniel 7:9-14

I’ve never had to serve in court.  As I read today’s passage, I pictured the Ancient of Days calling my name, as do earthly judges.  Can you imagine seeing the books of heaven opened and hearing the Judge of heaven and earth calling your name to approach the bench.

The description of God is amazing, hair white as wool and from His throne came flaming fire and a river of fire coming out from His presence.  Don’t you wonder if He has a gavel or maybe some sort of noise maker to command the attention of everyone.

A silence falls in the earthly courtroom when court is convened.  I’m certain it is a reverential fear of the Judge.  Did you read what happened after the beast was destroyed?

Don’t you love all the “and suddenlies” in God’s Word?  You know something powerful is about to happen.  The Son of man, Jesus, came down out of the clouds of heaven.    He was escorted before the Ancient of Days, who by the way, is God the Father.?

What is said in an earthly courtroom when the judge enters?  “All rise.”  Why?   Out of respect for his position.  In heaven, we will bow before our God for the very same reason.  We all need to fear Him.  He is worthy of our praise but also our fear.

The Bible tells us; “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”  When we appear before the Ancient of Days, our Righteous Judge, what verdict will we hear?   We all pray to hear the words; “Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Master.”

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, I do fear and revere You.  You are God Almighty, my Everlasting Father, the Ancient of Days.  Thank You for teaching me about fearing You.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.




Sensible and Godly


Devotion:  Titus 2:11-15

Our two attributes go together.  The first part of our passage instructs believers to deny godlessness and worldly ways.   How long are we to deny these things?   For the whole time we are waiting for the blessed hope, the appearing of the glory  of our  great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Why would God give Himself for us? (perfect sinless God) To redeem us from all lawlessness and make us clean for His own possession.  God’s Word promises;  “Though our sins were as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.”   The only  way that could ever happen is through the blood of our Savior.

Many pastors in our generation excuse away sin that God has declared to be sin.  Honestly, I think they do not fear God, nor His Word in the least.  The Lord has not changed His mind in regards to sin and unrighteousness; however, He stands ready to forgive all who come to repentance

I wonder how many believers even think about being sensible and godly?  I know there are a few who truly long to display the godly character of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.  Those are believers who want to do everything for the glory of God.

Godliness is a trait all Christians should be displaying in front of fellow believers, as well as those who are lost.  We are known by our love and compassion but hopefully by our sensibility and godly character.  It’s a reflection on the Christ we serve.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, may. I always display sensible and godly character for Your honor and glory.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.








It’s Over


Devotion:   John 19:30

Have you ever heard those terrible words, “It’s over;” either in word or deed?  It hurts to the very core of your being.  You’ve heard the statement, “Actions speak louder than words.” Actually, both can wound your soul equally.

Christmas of 2023 is in the books.  What memories did you make?  For some, there was nothing but joy and happiness.  For others, there was sadness of heart because of loss, death as well as relationships. Words were exchanged.  People were missing.  Many words and actions transpired. Whatever transpired good or bad is over.

Can you move on with your life?  Believe me; I know it’s so hard but truly,  “You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.”  It is a process our minds and hearts must go through, a journey, if you will.  All of it can be training in righteousness.

The realization and acceptance of a physical or relational death seems impossible to wrap your mind around.  Not that you will like it; however at some point, you will accept the truth of that death.

When Jesus said, “It is finished;”  He died a death that His mother, family, and friends thought they could not bear.  Imagine their elated joy when Jesus resurrected three days later. Jesus death was real.  His resurrection was real.

When everything seems to be over dear reader, it may be just temporarily over.  Death of a Christian is only until Jesus brings them home.  Their “earthly tent” is vacant but their spirit lives on for eternity in heaven.

The death of a relationship can go on for years but as long as there is life, there is hope for restoration, so never give up praying for what seems to be impossible.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your unconditional love even when the “It’s over” comes.  Heaven is forever and I will see my loved ones who knew you again.  Help me to stay the course until the “It’s over,” comes.  May I hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.  Enter into the joy of your Master.”  In Jesus Name.   Amen.


Peace with God or Peace of God


Devotion:  Isaiah 9:6

Who knew there was a difference between peace with God and peace of God?  It’s still peace, right?  Yes, that is true.  Anybody and everybody is invited to have a relationship with God.  Without Jesus, you will never enter the gates of heaven because He said:  “I am the way, the truth, and the life and no man. comes to the Father but by. me.”

Jesus is the source of your peace through your relationship with. Him.  Christians are abiding in Him daily and peace is a result of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.   The peace of God comes through that personal relationship with Christ.

Do. you have a sense of quietness and tranquility?  You can walk through any kind of difficulty this world may throw at you.    John 16:33 tells us we will have tribulation in this world.   God can grant you peace in any circumstance according to 2 Thessalonians 3:16.

If you love the Word of God,  read it, meditate upon it, God will pour out His peace, not as the world gives but His peace that surpasses understanding.  What is the source of your. peace?  Peace with God and peace of God can only be found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

A friend of mine just shared the gospel for the umpteenth time with a family member and his statement to her was this; “Christians are so arrogant, thinking Jesus is the only way.”  As believers; we know He is the only way because It is proclaimed through His written Word.  Every Word is yes and amen.

You, my dear reader; can possess both peace with the God whom you have a relationship, and know the peace of the God you serve.  The peace of God that surpasses all understanding is the third attribute of the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  It belongs to all believers.

Do you have peace with God?  He stands ready to pour out peace that you cannot find in this world but it is given freely by the One whom your soul loves.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I thank You for being my Prince of Peace.   You have blessed me with insurmountable peace, the kind of peace I cannot comprehend.   The only way to have that kind of peace Lord, is through You alone.   In Jesus Name.  Amen

Finding Hope


Devotion:  Proverbs 13:12

So many people are in dire need of hope.  Hopelessness and helplessness lead to a brick wall.   They search everywhere looking for the one thing every heart desires.

Hope is not lost.  It is where it’s always been, in Christ alone.  There is no other place where hope never wavers nor is shaken.  God has a wealth of hope for the most hopeless person in the world.   We’ve all seen some pretty hopeless people out there.  Maybe we ourselves have lost hope.

There are women who have been used and abused.   There are children who’ve been equally used and abused.  Both feel abandoned and alone, suffering with anxiety and depression.  Who will come to their rescue.

Ask the Savior to show you someone who needs help and hope.  You have salvation through Jesus Christ to offer them and then if you know of resources where you can direct them, you can lead them to a good path.

God uses people to direct others to a healthy direction.  He can pluck anyone out of any unhealthy environment and set them on a secure and narrow path.  That is His desire for all people.  He tells us in His Word that narrow is the path to right living and broad iis the way that leads us to destruction.

Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.  He is mindful that we are but flesh.   We have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory.   There is none righteous, no not one.  

Our hope is never in our circumstances.  We must lift our eyes to the hills from where our help comes.  Our help and our hope comes from the. Lord, maker of heaven and earth.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, thank You for providing hope that does not disappoint.  My  hope is in You alone my Lord and my God.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.





Good Will Toward Men


Devotion:  1 Peter 2:15

What does good will toward men even mean?  Do we even try to display kindness toward others in this day and time?    Sometimes it’s just easier to keep our heads down and go our own way, refusing to acknowledge those who are hurting and in pain emotionally, physically or spiritually.

God tells us to be kind to one another, tender hearted forgiving one another even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you.  It can be really hard to choose kindness over revenge when you have been ill treated.  I pray we grasp that God is most glorified when we live out our worship and praise in the middle of difficult circumstances.

It’s so much easier to display good will when good will has been  shown to you.  It’s truly thought to be crazy in the world’s eyes to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”   Our flesh wants to react in the flesh to retaliate with hateful words and deeds.

The poorest of the poor and the richest of the rich all long for peace on earth and good will to be shown to them.   Will. we choose to show good will to all men?  It honor’s our Savior when we show good will to those who are less than deserving of it.

Will you be kind to the unkind?  Will you be true to the One who first loved you in spite of your sin and short comings?  Will you show the same good will He has shown toward you and to the whole world?

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, thank You for the good will You.displayed toward us by dying for us on the cross for our sin.  We love You and thank You for first loving us.  In Jesus Name.   Amen.





Peace on Earth


Devotion:  John 16:33

I remember singing a song in chapel as an eighth grade girl, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”   What the world?  How can peace possibly. begin with me?  In our flesh, it is impossible, because there are so many things trying to steal our peace such as world events, family matters,  and social injustices to name a few.

Peace is the third attribute of the fruit of God’s Holy Spirit.   I do not believe it can be self manufactured.   People used to hold up two fingers in a V shape and say. “Peace.”   I’m dating myself.

God declares “In this world we will have tribulation but tells us not to be afraid, for He has overcome the world.”   Jesus.  also said, “My peace I give you not as the world gives; so give I you.”

Currently, there are so many wars and rumors of wars.  There is fighting within and fighting without.    Many people state that their happy place is at the beach or in the mountains.  I think that’s just the place they equate with peace, a place where calm washes over them.

Can we find peace in the midst of a storm tossed world?  I’m happy to report there is peace in Christ.  Honestly,  I believe we cannot learn to access His perfect peace without going through a trial of some sort.  That is how God trains us in righteousness.  Not necessarily fun but if you choose to allow God to work in you through the trial, you will be trained in righteousness.

Prayer in Motion:

Dear Lord thank You for making a way for me to have peace in this broken world.  You are my peace.  I’m forever grateful!  In Jesus Name.   Amen.