It’s Not Fair


Devotion:  Luke 6:31

How many times have you heard a child say; “It’s not fair.”?  From the time children are able to communicate; they learn quickly; all is not fair.  Parents aren’t always fair.  Teachers aren’t always fair.

The whole fairness thing carries over into adulthood.  Bosses aren’t fair.  Life isn’t fair.  People aren’t always fair.  It’s not fair that good people have bad things happen.  Diseases aren’t fair.  Accidents aren’t fair.  Divorces aren’t fair. Job losses aren’t fair.

We think people should do unto us as we have done unto them.  It’s funny how God doesn’t look at it that way.  He says, “Do unto others as you have them do unto you.”  It does not matter how they’ve treated you.  You are to treat them the way you would like to be treated.  Period.  Always.

How do we accomplish this great feat?  First of all; we love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength.  If we truly love the LORD wholeheartedly;  we won’t be as apt to be caught up in the whole fairness thing.

We will, but we shouldn’t pull the whole fairness card thing.

Life wasn’t fair to Jesus and He is the only begotten Son of God.

If we “seek first the kingdom of God; all these things shall be added unto us.”  What are all these things?  The desires of our heart that line up with His will and His plan.  An unexplainable peace that passes all understanding will come over you.  You will learn to choose joy instead of anger and bitterness over the unfair things that are sure to come.

“You can do all things through Christ that strengthens you.”  You can choose to put the” fairness thing” behind you.  God is working “all things together for your good and His glory.”  He is training you in righteousness.  Try to accept the unfair things as from Him.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, when life isn’t fair; help me to remember; You are good.  Help me to receive unfairness as training in righteousness.  I want to love You with my whole heart continually.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

Hard to Say Goodbye


Devotion:  Luke 9:33

This powerful passage occurs on the mount of Transfiguration where Jesus was about to make his earthly departure to heaven.  It was a place of worship.

Many times people leave this world unexpectedly.  They have no outward sickness or disease of which we are aware.  God takes them with a massive heart attack or an atrocious accident.  We didn’t even get to say goodbye.  It’s very hard to say goodbye under the best of conditions.  Parting is such sweet sorrow.

If you have to part with a believer relative or friend; at least you know you will see them again someday.  I think you feel like your goodbye is complete if you get to tell the person everything you wanted to say to them.  It’s still difficult to know you can never speak to them again this side of heaven.

One such person was my mom.  I was grief-struck when God took her in 1977.  I couldn’t believe my strongest mentor and friend was to be no more.  My mother knew how to speak the truth in a way that it went to the core of your being.  You never forgot what she opened her mouth to say.  She knew how to love with abandon the people God had given her.  She also knew how to love her God.  Her life was a testament to that fact.

I was twenty-four and she was fifty-three when Moma breathed her last.  I had prayed and prayed, believed with all my might she would be healed.  She was.  For eternity in heaven.  Not for this world.  As I gazed at her lifeless body; I knew immanently she was not there.  Her soul had departed.  Although I was happy she was released from her body of suffering; I knew I would miss my greatest confident and prayer warrior.

I never felt there was anything left undone or unsaid between my mother and me.  Although she was my hardest goodbye in this world; our goodbyes were complete.

If there is anyone with whom you have unsettled business; please take care of that as quickly as possible.  We don’t plan to separate from those we love.  God has set eternity in our hearts.  We hope to live forever.  It’s been placed in us since the Garden of Eden.

I’m certainly not trying to be morbid because I intend to live life to the fullest.  I just want you and I to live our lives with the people God has given us; ready to say our goodbyes without regrets.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus; one day I will see You face to face. Until then; may I serve You faithfully, joyfully and with a grateful heart!  I want to please you above all others.  In Jesus Name.  Amen


To Make a Resolution


Devotion: 2 Corinthians 1:20

It’s that time of year where we start to think about our New Year’s resolutions.  Do you make New Year’s Resolutions?  I use to. However after umpteen years; I realized I could not keep them longer than a week or a month.  I wondered who made the first New Year’s resolution?

I found this in Wikipedia: “Babylonians made promises to their gods at the start of each year that they would return borrowed objects and pay their debts. The Romans began each year by making promises to the god Janus, for whom the month of January is named.”  Apparently, New Year’s resolutions go back a long way.

Christians make New Year’s resolutions all the time.  We are going to read the Bible all the way through. That’s a great resolution and many people do it every year.   We promise God we will witness to someone at least weekly. For some, that’s not a lofty goal.   We will be tidier. Oh, how I want to be.  We will be kinder, more compassionate, easier to get along with.  At least we want to do these things.  That must count for something, right?

To make a resolution is not a bad thing if you are by design a very determined person. Otherwise; why make promises you cannot keep?  What’s the definition of a resolution? the act of determining

We can determine a lot of things and then due to life’s  interruptions; we cannot possibly follow through with our resolutions.  I believe if we just ask God on a daily basis to order our steps and direct our paths; He will absolutely do it.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, may I only make resolutions that align with Your will and Your way.  May I make them one day at a time or only those that are pleasing to You.  You keep all of Your promises.  They are yes and amen. I do not wish to break mine.  Thank You LORD!  In Jesus Name.  Amen

Cradle Became a Cross


Devotion:  John 1:11

I found myself flipping through channels on Christmas day.  I heard this man singing about “Christ being born in a stable.  His cross became a cradle but where else would a lamb be born?”  I was so gripped with the message of this powerful song; I began to weep.  Easter was in the eyes of the Father all along.  God knew Easter would only be on the horizon of that first Christmas morn.

As I reflect on the powerful words of this song; I’m still in awe of Jesus’ great love for us.  The One who knew every single little thing about us from before the foundation of the world; came into a world not ready to receive Him.

The nails of the cross cradled Him or held Him like a lamb about to be slaughtered.  The Infant’s manger cradled Him without nails.  He came because His Father sent Him.  He would have come of His own volition because the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are always in one accord.

Jesus came to the world solely to do His Father’s will.  He began teaching in the temple at twelve years of age.  The men were astounded at His teaching.  He who is the best Teacher ever; shared such deep truth with these temple men.  It was more truth than they had ever heard or taught themselves.  That’s why it left them astounded.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, the cradle that embraced you as a baby; would one day become a cross.  I thank You for coming for me; coming to die for the sins of the whole world.  You were born in a manger and then went to a cross on my behalf, on behalf of the whole world.  I am forever grateful!  In Jesus Name.  Amen.



My One Word


Devotion:  Psalm 46:10

My One Word for 2018 is “Be still;”  based on the scripture: “Be still and know that I am God.”  It’s hard for me to be still.  You say be still is two words.  You’d be right but that’s what God said to me through my friend Stephanie.  I’ve been doing My One Word for five years.  A Pastor from Wilmington, NC wrote the book and had his congregation to go through it.  It’s a change your life kind of book.

After God confirmed the “Be still” word for 2018; I got the flu just in time for Christmas.  My friend Tina Hunt said; “Remind me what your word is for 2018.”  She knew.  I laughed and said, “That’s not funny.”  She said; “It wasn’t meant to be.”  God is so good!  He gives us what we need at the time we need it.

I wasn’t thrilled about being home alone for Christmas.  My husband and I had already celebrated with our sons and their families.  We always celebrate with Ben’s dad, brother, and his family on Christmas day.  It was the first time in forty-four years that we didn’t get to go to Paw Paw’s house for Christmas.

My sweet family changed our time together until the following weekend.  Barring a snow or ice storm, we will gather next Saturday to celebrate our Christmas time.

I truly want to be able to be still and know that He is God.  I stay so busy; many times I can’t even think my own thoughts much less seek to hear the voice of the LORD.  I want to hear Him over every other voice.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, help me be still and know that You are God.  Your voice is the One I long for.  I magnify Your Name today.  I praise You and worship You, Jesus!  You are Immanuel, God with us.  I love You and trust the One who calls me to His side.  In Jesus Name.  Amen


Soared or Soured


Devotion:  Proverbs 16:24

I’m reading a book, “have a little faith: by Mitch Albom; given to me by Doris and Vic Turner.  I was reading last night while my husband was watching a football game under the lighting of our Christmas tree.  As I read along Mitch was talking about a man named Henry.  I thought Mitch said, “Henry’s business soared.”  My clue to look back at my misread word was found in the next phrase; “his house went into foreclosure”.  The sentence had read; “his business soured.”

One misread word changed the whole meaning.  That’s why words are so important.  I blame the lighting, although it’s still cool to read with only the glow of our Christmas tree.

Soared and soured are the polar opposite of one another.    Isaiah 40:31 states: “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.”

Soaring is definitely a good thing.  I want you and I to soar and not sour.

Here are a couple of verses I found on the word sour.  Jeremiah 31:30 “But every one shall die for his own iniquity; every man who eats the sour grapes, his teeth shall be set on edge.”

John 19:30 “So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.”

Souring is yucky.  Makes my lips pucker to think of the word.  Souring tastes so nasty.  It’s not what we want for our lives.

Souring versus soaring.  I pray we soar.  According to Isaiah; soaring involves waiting.  We are learning to soar as God is training us in righteousness. Training involves a lot of crashes until we learn to fly.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I pray to soar in everything You’ve called me to.  Help me to know and do Your bidding.  I love You and want to soar on the wings You created for me.  Thank You, Jesus, for the truth of this verse. Help me to walk in it.  In Your precious Name, I pray.  Amen

Christmas Compared to Wedding Day


Devotion:  Psalms 37:23

This is Christmas Day 2017.  By midnight tonight; it will be history.  At the end of the day; what will your story entail?

Before Christmas day; we plan and we prepare for months ahead of time.  We identify the people for whom we will buy.  Then we determine what to buy those people.  Some of us know exactly what our family expects us to bake.  This was identified in Christmases past.  Then we must choose between the events we will attend.  It’s usually non-stop until Christmas day or New Year’s Eve.

             Lots of preparation for the celebration of                                            one of our most Holy Days.

Then the day arrives.  Anticipation is high!  It will be a perfect day for gift giving and gift getting.  The food will be scrumptious.  The conversations will be awesome.  We certainly do not plan for a disaster of any kind.

It’s the same with our wedding day.  We prepare for months.  We are full of anticipation.  There will be friends and family to help us celebrate this holiest occasion.  The pastor will say all the right things.  The music will be described nothing less than angelic.  There will be lots of gifts.  The people we have chosen to be there will speak lots of blessing over us and our marriage.

I guarantee you that someone now reading this blog had some sort of a disaster at a wedding or on a Christmas day.  The meat burned.  The cake fell.  Someone said something unkind or shared some news you would have rather not heard.  Events do not always go according to our plans.

God knows about every Christmas, and every wedding.  To Him; everything goes according to His plan.  How the “unplanned” goes is up to you.  You either act or react.  Our flesh has a hard time restraining itself.  We want to react in the flesh rather than act according to God’s Holy Spirit.

Whether it’s your Christmas celebration or a wedding; ask the LORD to help you act according to His Spirit rather than react according to your flesh.  At the end of the day; what will be your story regarding Christmas 2017?

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I thank You for this Christmas day 2017.  As the year comes to a close; I pray you will help me always act according to Your Spirit who lives inside of me.  May I be able to look back to this day with fond memories and no regrets.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.




Christmas Flu


Devotion: James 5:14-16

So what good does a flu shot do if you get the flu anyway?  Good grief.  I went to the doc and he said I had a sinus infection and bronchitis; however, now that the aching and fever has set in; in spite of taking antibiotics and Mucinex, it may just be the old-fashioned flu.

Merry Christmas to me.  That sound bah humbug doesn’t it?  I LOVE Christmas better than anybody.  I just read a statement by Mitch Albom in his book; “have a little faith”.  He said; “He bent with the storms but he would not snap.”  Mitch is talking about an old Jewish priest.  We all must bend with the storms as they come.  Some are more fierce than others.

Ask the person who lost a loved one this year.  How are you doing my precious one?  I am so sorry for your deep grief and loss.  Some of you had not a clue last year would be your last Christmas with your loved one.  What in the world am I whining about?  This too shall pass.

The flu is not fun but it’s not cancer, a heart attack or a stroke.  It’s  just the flu.  Maybe God wants me to rest and stop all this hustling and bustling.  Hustling and bustling doesn’t sound like fun; does it?   Absolutely not!

The LORD allows sickness for a reason and a season.  I’m still in the palm of His hand no matter what comes.  When will I ever learn?

Prayer in Motion:

LORD Jesus, please bring me peace that surpasses all understanding.  My heart is set on You Jesus.  There is nothing that’s too hard for You.  I trust You to accomplish what concerns me, even in this.  I love You, Jesus.  Amen

Waking up Christmas


Devotion:  Luke 19:10

On Christmas Eve; my sister Susan and I would listen intently for reindeer hooves on our rooftop or jingle bells.  Santa always came to visit our little country church and would bring each little boy and girl a brown lunch bag full of fruit and candy.  It was really a sweet innocent time of believing in Santa.

Remember waking up Christmas morning when you were young?  You always woke up before Mom and Dad. Always.  My sister and I would run and wake up our “pretending to be asleep” Mom and Dad.  Next, we ran into our small living room searching for packages with our names on them.  We tore into our gifts as fast as possible leaving huge piles of paper behind.  We were always thrilled with whatever we got.

Living in the North Carolina Mountains brought some winters that poured down snow on Christmas morning.  That was just icing on the cake.  Either my Mom or Dad would read the Christmas story on Christmas Eve.   They always wanted us to realize the true meaning of Christmas.  My sister and I both played the piano although she was much better than me.  We would gather around the piano and sing all the old Christmas carols.  It truly is some of our fondest memories.

Now our children are making their own wonderful traditions when they wake up Christmas morning.  We are so thankful to have the blessing to watch our sons and daughter in laws training up our grandchildren.  There is lots of laughter pouring out of the walls of their homes, a few tears from bumps and bruises as well as wonderful memories being made.

Along with millions of other boys and girls, my grandchildren will wake up Christmas morning with great expectation and lots of laughter and squeals.  The joy is being passed down.  Most importantly, the true meaning of Christmas is being passed on.  I asked one of my grandsons about the true meaning of Christmas.  He yelled out JESUS with great enthusiasm.  How exciting!

What do you need to do to wake up Christmas inside of you?  When things change in your life; you choose to focus on the true meaning of Christmas.  There is always lots of joy to be had.  Can you bring joy to someone who could use a little?  It is more blessed to give it than to receive it.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, may the Christmas inside of me bring hope and joy to all those around me.  Christmas is Christ.  May we wake up the peace, joy, and love of Christ back into Christmas.  In Jesus Name.  Amen




Christmas Bells are Ringing


Devotion:  Revelation 1:10

In my little country church, we had a bell that rang when it was time for Sunday School to start.  We also had a big church bell that someone would pull on special occasions.  My husband and I had them rung at the 6:00 evening hour when we were wed.  Even as a child; I loved hearing these bells.  My daddy believed in being on time.  We were always fifteen minutes early to church and every other event, so I always heard the bells.

Quite honestly; I’ven never heard the song below, however;  the words are altogether true and lovely.

Christmas bells are ringing,

Hail the Savior’s birth;

Heaven’s blessings bringing

Joy to all the earth.

Join in song without delay,

All the world rejoice today,

For Christmas bells are ringing, ringing, ringing.

Hail the Savior’s birth.

Christmas carols are sounding

Jesus Christ is come.

Gospel joys resounding

Peace to ev’ryone.

Christmas tells us, this we know;

God loves us on earth below.

Oh Christmas carols are sounding, sounding, sounding.

Jesus Christ is come.

Christmas stars are gleaming

O’er the Christ child’s stall.

Children, His redeeming

Love extends to all.

Jesus brought the gospel true,

Lasting peace for me and you.

Oh Christmas stars are gleaming, gleaming, gleaming,

O’er the Christ child’s stall.

Copyright © 1999 by Robert P. Manookin. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial home and church use. This notice must be included on each copy made.

The Christmas carols never grow old.  All other songs seem to come and go; however, every Christmas season we are blessed to hear these wonderful songs penned so long ago.  They never grow old.

There is a sound to come for all of those who love our Savior’s appearing.  It’s the trumpet of the LORD.  One day all those who know Jesus will hear this sound.  The dead in Christ shall rise first and we who remain will be caught up to meet Him in the air and so shall we ever be with the LORD.  Hallelujah!

Prayer in Motion:

Oh LORD my God; I can only imagine the sound of your trumpet.  I believe it will be like the sound of a shofar.  Absolutely amazing.  Everyone will hear it; however only the redeemed of the LORD will rise up to meet You in the air.  Those who are saved will be changed in the twinkling of an eye.  I love You LORD and I lift my voice to worship You, Jesus.  Amen