Ministry of Presence


Devotion:  Psalm 16:11

I had never heard this term before reading it in Jill Briscoe’s book on Job; “It Must Have Been a Monday.”

Most people appreciate your presence more than your presents.  There is something about being with someone that rises above all the gifts anyone could ever give.  In the middle of any crisis, the presence of a friend ministers to your heart and soul more deeply than the most extravagant gift.

Christians are to be the hands and feet of Christ.  We are inhabited by the Spirit of the Living God.  Jesus first loved us.  When we receive Him as our Lord and Savior; He pours out love on us so that we can pour it out on those whom He has given us.

When someone takes the time to come sit with you or walk with you; your souls are united.  The difference is like being in church and watching church on television or the internet.  It is like night and day.  When my mom was dying; many people came by to say their goodbyes.  She had so many forever friends that it was a constant stream of people.

I’m thankful we have the phone and the internet to stay in touch with people, however, there is still nothing like physically being there.  You can see the expression on people’s faces, feel their warm embrace and experience their laughter or tears,  God’s Holy Spirit can minister however He wants and whenever He wants but there can be a totally different action or reaction when you are in the presence of one you love and loves you back.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, may I have a ministry of presence to those whom You have given me.  May I love them the way You love them.  Thank You for giving me precious friends who minister through their presence.




Leave a Message Please


Devotion:  John 1:1,14

Many people record these words on their answering machine or voicemail.  “Leave a message please.”  I’ve even heard the words; “You know what to do.”  I wonder what people who died over forty or fifty years ago would think about leaving a voicemail or sending a text message.

Isn’t it a blessing that we don’t have to leave God a message?  He’s always available and ready to listen and respond to our worship and our prayers.  He never says; “I’ll get right back to you.  You may have to wait before Him but He’s always there and always listening for the voice of His children.

I tend to leave lengthy messages; like the person is listening on the other end of the line.  I can leave an epistle without blinking an eye.  Honestly, I’d rather converse with a person live, to hear their reaction to my words.

Having the ability to leave a message can be a blessing too.  God’s message to us is as fresh as it was two thousand years ago.  His Word is alive and active and sharper than any two-edged sword.

His Word comforts, convicts and restores the years the locusts have eaten.  It’s amazing how words on a page can encourage and equip us to do His bidding.  John tells us in our verses for today, “In the beginning was the Word.  The Word was with God and the Word was God…..  The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.  His Word was established before the foundation of this world.  His Word is the essence of His being.

A line in an old hymn says, “He speaks and the sound of His voice is so sweet the birds hush their singing.”  His gentle, quiet voice is absolutely the kindest, most gentle and yet powerful voice this side of heaven.

Prayer in Motion:

Thank You, God, for leaving Your message to us.  Your Word reminds me daily of the precious treasure You have left me.  I am overwhelmed and overcome by the power and might of this amazing Bible.  I love You Lord.  Amen.


Threads of Jesus


Devotion:  2 Corinthians 4:16

Decades ago I would hear someone say, “Nice threads”, meaning one’s clothes.  I believe there’s a company called Threads. Colorful threads are woven into every garment you wear.  They make up the fabric of our lives.

You’ve heard it said that Jesus is woven throughout God’s Word.  You find the promise of Messiah in the Old Testament as well as the New.  You can find Him somewhere in every single book.

I remember the first time I heard someone tell of how You can find Him from Genesis all the way to Revelation.  It was so powerful I think I shall never get over it.  I had never thought of Him being in every single book of the Bible.  I’ve even heard people say, “I don’t read the Old Testament because that was before the time of Jesus.

Jesus said, “I came to fulfill the law, not to abolish it.”  It’s all important or God would not have had it penned for His children.  His love, His character, His very words are woven in the whole counsel of God’s Word.  His threads won’t wear out or give out.  They just become stronger and stronger as the years wear on.

No earthly threads can begin to compare to the threads of Jesus.  He is the One who holds us together in every situation, through every circumstance.  His threads protect and cover all who choose to be clothed in His righteousness.  His threads look good on all who wear them.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, thank You for the threads of Jesus.  May I remember that Your Holy Spirit courses through my heart and soul.  Though my outer man is decaying; may my inward man remember I’m wearing the threads of Jesus. As my clothes cling to me Lord; I cling to You.   Thank You God!  I love you so!  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Sucked In


Devotion:  Psalm 90:12

No, not your stomach.  I’m talking about being sucked into a Facebook post that keeps you glued to your computer or phone for one solid hour.  You look at one Facebook page and you’re sucked in for an hour.  Unless it’s people you rarely see or hear from; it can be a huge time sucker.

                    YOU FIND YOURSELF SUCKED IN!

I am not saying Facebook is the devil; however, could the time you spent there have been so much more productive?  Maybe you use Facebook for your time of relaxation.  O.K.  I’ll give you that!  Can you see yourself giving it up for one day, or one week; in order to fast and pray about an important matter in your life?

Facebook can be used for good.  Many use it to post the things going on in their ministry.  Others use it to post health benefits.  Still, others use it as a witnessing tool.  Some post family updates.   It certainly can be used for many good purposes.

Any good tool can be twisted ever so slightly and steal your time, change your attitude or give you “stinkin thinkin.”   The enemy of your heart and soul came to steal, kill and destroy.  Before long Facebook becomes an addiction to your mind.  That’s where sin begins.  Before you know it; this becomes your very heart’s desire.

I am not suggesting that you totally abandon Facebook, well, unless the Lord Himself prompts you to.  I am suggesting that God may long for you to listen for His voice, to get His perspective on time spent on the internet time or watching t.v. or ______________.  You fill in the blank.

Prayer in Motion:

God, give me balance in all areas of my life.  Keep me focused on You and the important things in life.  Is there anything I could give up that would be beneficial to my mind and heart?  Jesus, teach me to number my days; that I may present to You a heart of wisdom.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.




Plans of Man


Devotion:  Proverbs 16:1-3

Men make their plans but God wants to ordain their steps.  We plan and we plan but do we ask God to ordain our steps?  I’m afraid I ask Him fewer times than more.  Oh, I pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, but will I remember to pray and ask God to ordain my steps?

Jesus, You know every hair on the heads of every person on this earth.  You know the beginning from the end.  You are the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.  You are One amazing God.  You are the One and Only God.  As your child; I want to trust that You know what You are doing.  I so long for my plans to line up with my heavenly Father’s.  You will direct my path and order my steps if I will seek Your face.

How do we know when God’s plans and ours are in one accord?  God’s plans line up with His Holy Word.  Do ours?  What does He have to say about my plan for________________?  God has an opinion on everything.  His is really the only one that matters.  You can pray about everything.  Nothing is too big or too small for our God.  He listens for our voices.

“Our God is greater!  Our God is stronger!  God, You are higher than any other.”  I will never get over His great love and knowledge that His ways are higher than mine.  He is with me. I love Him so and I know He’s got me from beginning to the end.

We are to make plans but ask God if they line up with His will and His plan for us.  When we seek the face of God to know that our plans line up with His; He will be honored and glorified.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, I want my plans to line up with Yours both now and always.  May I seek Your face and know Your heart on Your plans for my life.  Thank You, Lord, for caring that much about my plans.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.


Words that Win


Devotion:  John 8:47

Spiritual words from a “qualified Christian” can deeply wound the soul of another.  We need to choose our words carefully when speaking advice to the recipient of those words.  Words can be one of our most powerful attributes or weapons.   They can either build up or tear down the hearer.

At this writing; I am listening to two very loud birds near my front porch.  They are imitating one another.  It’s so hard to believe such loud sounds can come from such small vessels.  Think about it; our mouths are one of the smaller parts of our whole body.  What comes out of these word holes either can encourage or demolish the hearer.

One word coming from a deeply spiritual person; can devastate and destroy the direction God has designed for another.  We were created to speak the truth in love to those whom God has given us.  Our Lord told us to build each other up in our most Holy faith.

We need to choose our words carefully when speaking to or about another.  Many times we just need to zip it rather than lip it.  Our God wants us to encourage and equip those whom He’s given us.  There are times He would have us to admonish someone; however, we’d better diligently seek His face and know the words He would have us to share.

David said, “Out of the mouth the heart speaks.”  Heartfelt words come from the very heart of God.  They are to be spoken in love and not judgment.  Judgment screams Phariseeism in the highest form.  Leave judgment up to God for yourself and others.

Jesus said I have come that they might have life and life abundant.  Choose words that win over words that wound.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord God, may my words bring life and not death.  Create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a right spirit within me.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Counterfeit Christianity


Devotion:  Matthew 7:21-23

Webster defines counterfeit in the following way: “made in imitation of something else with intent to deceive “ forged 

  • counterfeit money
  • counterfeit diamond

Satan wants people to play church.  Religious activity makes people feel useful and like they’ve done their duty on the Sabbath day; however, outside of Sunday’s ritual; there is not a shred of evidence they belong to Jesus.

To me, the above verse is the saddest verse in the Bible.  So many have “a form of godliness but deny the power therein.”  It’s heartbreaking to think of the many who have been in church every time the doors are open and yet they are lacking a relationship with Christ.  They have religion without the relationship to the One who is our reason for being (Christ-ian).

It should make us weep and wail.  A true relationship with Christ is imperative.  Any “religious practice” is just that: a religious practice that has nothing to do with Christ.  Pouring into counterfeit works yields false hope.

The works of going to church; doing good things makes us feel good about ourselves and indeed they should be a by-product of our relationship.  The question remains; Are we engaging with the One who called us so long ago?  Is He still our First Love?

The Savior is waiting to restore the years the locusts have eaten.  He longs to have sweet fellowship with those He’s created.  He desperately seeks to be glorified by His most precious creatures; you and me.  We were made in His image, for a relationship with our Creator.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord God, I need You, oh I need You. I’m desperate for You.  You are my One and Only Jesus.  My heart yearns for You.  I don’t want to be counterfeit, not now, not ever.  Forgive me for all those times I’ve been deceived into allowing good works to replace the more important fellowship with You.  May I glorify You on earth as You are glorified in heaven.  In Jesus Name.  Amen



Condemn or Commend?


Devotion:  Romans 8:1

Which will you do for those God has given you?  Condemn or commend?   Satan comes to condemn us and God comes to commend us.  Our enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy.  He comes like a roaring lion seeking whom He may devour.  He hates the children of the Most High God.  He accuses the servants of the Lord both day and night.

Jesus says He did not come to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved.  When we disagree with what Jesus said; we are speaking for Satan.  We need to practice: “After having done all to Stand and see the salvation of the Lord.”  Stand for the affirming truth of God’s Word rather than our own words of condemnation.

It’s easier to condemn or judge people versus commending them.  We are to build one another up in our most holy faith.  God’s word says; “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

If there is no condemnation for us; then why should we condemn others?  For we shall be judged by the same measure with which we have judged.  Oh God forgive us!

I want to build up my brothers and sisters in Christ.  I want to win others to Christ by commending them to His Word and looking at His life.  God is rich in mercy and forgiveness.  This has been lavished upon us by Jesus Christ and we need to pour it out on those whom God has given us.

Please commend rather than condemn those God has given you.  Remember, “To whom much is given; much is required.”

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, please forgive me for condemning those I need to commend to You.  Thank You for leaving me with the word that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  I love You, my Lord and my God.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.


Expect the Impossible


Devotion:   Matthew 19:26

So many times we get what we expect because we expect little.  When we expect God to do the impossible; He shows up to do just that.  I think many times we believe Him for so little and He wants to do those great and mighty things we know not of.

Why do we expect so little from such a great God?  The God who created the world and all that is in it;  the sun,  the moon,  the star, the mountains,  the thunderous waterfalls,  newborn babies, the oceans and all that they contain.  That’s only a fraction of His greatness.

I wonder how many times I’ve limited Him by my lack of full trust, my faith placed somewhere else but Him.  You would think when a person has trusted God with the salvation of their soul, they would be able to believe Him for great and mighty things, for impossible things.

Oh God, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief.

Over the course of our lives; He has made Himself known in ways beyond what we could ever ask or think or imagine.  ‘Who said we should begin to put limits on our God now or at any time in our lives?  He doesn’t place limits on us.  We place limits on ourselves and seem to forget Who created us for things beyond ourselves; those things only He could accomplish in and through us.

Do we ever expect the impossible to happen?  Something that is totally outside of our realm of well; “expectation”?  What is your impossible?  The thing you have prayed over for what seems to be like a million years?  God still longs to miraculously perform the thing you thought would never happen.  It may look different from what you expected but He will accomplish what concerns you and the impossible.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I fully expect You to accomplish the impossible thing I’ve been praying about for so long.   I repent for believing You for so little.  I trust You to accomplish all that concerns me.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.



The Real News


Devotion:  Proverbs 25:25

All news is not good.  It seems bad news would prevail in our world.  It’s refreshing to hear some good news proclaimed.

Many years ago I was sitting in a radiology department waiting to have an x-ray; when I looked up to see Doug Mayes.  He was an anchorman on WBTV.  He too was having an x-ray.  We chatted briefly as he talked about retirement and health issues.

Doug made an interesting statement.  He said, “I was an anchorman when the news was the real news.”  Even fifteen years ago he declared there was so much hype.  Now it’s called fake news.  He declared there’s so much drama interspersed in the truth of what’s really happening.

If there’s a major event happening in the world; we all know it rather quickly.  It will be broadcast on every major television station, as well as the internet and radio.

I thought of the news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Now there’s some real news!  It’s the honest truth!  There’s true drama in His amazing story.  It’s simple to understand and wonderful to comprehend what has been accomplished through the life of Jesus Christ.  All we have to do is receive it.

Fake news is spread across television, the internet, and the radio.  Believers are to be the proclaimers of the real news of Jesus Christ.  He is our only hope for eternal life in heaven as well as our only hope for an abundant life on earth.

The news of our salvation is daily being worked out in and through our lives.  As we proclaim Him; people should behold the truth of His message in us.  His news is the greatest thing we could ever hear or share with anyone.

Prayer in Motion:

Thank You, Lord for the real news, our precious gospel of Jesus Christ.  We believe it and receive it!  Spirit of the Living God fall fresh on me on a daily basis!  I love You, Lord.  in Jesus Name.  Amen.