To Love, Trust and Stand By


Devotion:  Genesis 9:9

Today my husband and I celebrate our forty-sixth wedding anniversary.  On a hot sunny day, in a little church packed full of relatives and friends, I can still hear our young voices making a covenant vow before God;  “to love, trust, and stand by as long as we both shall live.”  We still do.

For those of you who are younger, can I tell you it flew by so fast?  During our first years together, he worked out of town as a project manager in construction while I practiced speech therapy with school-aged children.

Four years later we had our firstborn Joshua Aaron who still brings us such joy and delight.  My daddy built our first house and my precious mother in law came to help move us while I was still in the hospital after Joshua’s birth.  I jokingly tell Ben that I married him because I loved this passionate woman.  She was indeed amazing.  I miss her to this day.

Two and a half years later we were blessed with another son named, Justin Paul.  He brought completion to our little family of four.  We made six moves over the past forty-six years, once moving to Garden City, SC.  God orchestrated every single move as we grew in our relationship with one another and those He brought along the way.

Our two sons have given us six amazing grandchildren.   We are so blessed to live nearby and be involved in their lives.  It is precious to get to watch your children raise their own.  They are each one so different, so full of life and great potential!

I am forever grateful for the gift of my husband Ben.  I will love trust and stand by him as long as we both shall live. We took our covenant vows seriously.   He is still my one and only true love and I thank God for him every day.

With each anniversary, we experience more and more of God’s blessings.  We see Him working all things together for our good and His glory.  Our prayer is to finish strong and well the race set before us so that we might hear, “Well done, thou good and faithful servants.  Enter into the joy of your Master.”

Prayer in Motion:

God, thank You for Your covenant vow toward us so long ago and for the covenant vow of marriage.  It’s the sweetest picture of our betrothal to You.  Thank You, Lord for this heavenly picture of Your covenant which can never be broken.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.




Mountain Top Experiences


Devotion:  Revelation 21:10

The mountains are my favorite place to be.  The air is so fresh and clean.  God’s majestic mountains rise against the crooked sky.  I grew up surrounded by the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains in a small town known as Morganton, NC.  I must say; I took my beautiful view for granted until I had it no more.  I miss it sorely to this day.  It is the place my very soul is at peace.

I want to share with you a few mountain top experiences from God’s Word.

Ezekiel 28 tells us that “Eden, the garden of God: is also called “the holy mountain of God.”  Who knew the garden of Eden was affixed at the top of a mountain?  I get amazed every time I find something I’ve glossed over in the past,  making a new discovery in God’s Word.

In Genesis 22 God told Abraham to go to a mountain in the land of Moriah to sacrifice his son Isaac.  When Abraham obeyed, “Jehovah Jireh the “God who Provides,” provided a ram in the bush to be the substitute for Abraham’s only son.

Mount Sinai was one of God’s favorite places to meet with His children.  He met there first with Moses, then Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, the seventy elders of Israel, and years later, with Elijah.

We see in Deuteronomy on the top of Mt. Nebo, God met Moses to give him a view of the promised land before he died.  God loved Moses so much.  Dear one, He does not love you any less.

In the book of Revelation John was carried in the Spirit to “a great high mountain,” to witness New Jerusalem coming down from heaven,

Our Lord Jesus often went up to the mountain top to pray or be alone.  Many times He healed the sick from a mountain and fed the hungry in the same place.  The mountain top is where He was transfigured after his resurrection.  The mountain top was the place Jesus gave out the great commission to the eleven disciples.

Sweet friend, we live in a world that is full of tribulation,  As believers, we will have mountain top experiences but just as Jesus, we cannot continually dwell there.  We must come down to share what Jesus said and did there.  That’s the only reason, God takes us there.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, I thank You for the mountain top experiences.  Please help me to share them in the valleys as well.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.



Here I Am


Devotion:  Exodus 3:1-6

God spoke to Moses while he was working.  He was shepherding the sheep of his father in law and after leading them to the mountain of God, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a burning bush.  Moses was intrigued by this sight so he walked over to have a look.  God is always watching His children; so He called Moses by saying his name twice.

Remember God did the same thing with Samuel.  He called his name as he slept.  Samuel didn’t recognize his voice but Eli knew who it was and he told Samuel to respond by saying, “Here I am.”

God would not allow Moses to come closer.  God asked him to remove his sandals because He was on holy ground.  Anytime God speaks to you, you are on holy ground.  Your God longs for you to say, “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.”

Does God still speak to His children?  Of course, He does through His Word, as well as the preaching and teaching from pastors, our singing praise and worship songs back to Him.  Remember He inhabits the praises of His people,

God can use anything or anyone to speak to our hearts and minds.   Jesus, may we be listening when You call our name.  May we say boldly, “Here I am.”

Listen for your name and then be prepared to say, “Here I am.”

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, when you call my name, I will say, “Here I am.”  I promise.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.





From the Dust


Devotion:  Genesis 2:7-9

Adam was the first man, the only man to be formed from the dust of the earth by the hands of the Savior.  That same God formed Eve out of a rib from Adam’s side.  Both were formed by God and that is our fleshly heritage.

Only a few chapters later we find Adam and Eve disobeying God.  Well, that didn’t take long.  Why?  Because even the first man was full of sin.  God created Adam and Eve with a will.  He wanted them to obey Him; however, they chose to disobey.  Did that take God by surprise?  No way.  It did not.  He’s Omniscient God.

The blame game began quickly.  Adam began to blame Eve.  They lost their privilege to eat from the tree of life which would have allowed them to live forever on this earth.  God allowed them to conceive and bear one son and then another.

After these two brothers grew up, Cain killed Abel out of a fit of rage.

We see in Romans 5;12…”Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, in this way death spread to all people, because all sinned.

Then One fully God, fully man, Jesus Christ came into this world to seek and to save that which was lost.  That’s you and me, That’s the whole world.

From dust, we were created and to dust, we will return untie day we will be resurrected to go to heaven, whole and new.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, I am mindful that I am but flesh.  My heart cries out to You Lord from this dusty old world and body created from the same.  We trust You, precious Lord Jesus, to accomplish all that concerns me.


Lifetime of Love


Devotion:  Isaiah 54:4-8

Many of you have been deserted or betrayed by your spouses.  Betrayal can come in all forms, pornography, verbal abuse or actual affairs.  Either of those results in a devastated, broken heart.

I have been blessed with a husband who has been faithful to me and to his God.  He has loved me for soon to be forty-six years.  For that lifetime of love, I am eternally thankful.  There are plenty of people who have experienced rejection, separation, and divorce.  Next to death, that has to be the hardest thing anyone could ever go through.

For those who are struggling with separation or divorce; let today’s verses sit with your soul for a minute.  “For your Maker is your husband.”  He promised to never leave you nor forsake you.  Although you can’t see Him yet, He alone will lead you through such a difficult time.

Pray these verses over yourself in the following way:

“God, You are my Maker, LORD of hosts is Your Name.  You are my Redeemer and the God of the whole earth.  You have called me like a wife deserted and grieved in spirit, like a wife of youth when I was cast off.  Lord, I felt deserted by You for a brief moment but I know with great compassion You will gather me. I honestly felt You were angry with me but I acknowledge Your everlasting love and the compassion You have poured out on me.”

Your God is the love of your lifetime.  He will not leave you comfortless.  Your Emmanuel is with you.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I thank You for being my Bridegroom, my eternal Husband, my lifetime of love.    I’m speechless with Your all-consuming and compassionate love.  Till I see You face to face. I honor You.  I magnify Your Name.  I cry aloud praises and honor to You my Maker and God of the whole earth.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.




Seek the Lord


Devotion:  Isaiah 55:6

I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised.  So will I be safe from my enemies!  I will call upon the LORD!  As I pondered today’s verses, this old hymn came flooding into my mind.  This is the day the Lord has made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it.

The Lord inhabits the praises of His people.  How we long to acknowledge His presence and His power.  Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; his faithful love endures forever.  Blessed be Your Name.  Lord, You are Holy and we lift Your Name on high.

Psalm 73:28 tells us “But as for me, God’s presence is my good.  I have made the Lord God my refuge, so I can tell about all You do.”

When we seek the face of God, we must begin with praise and worship to Him.  He is there in the midst of your praises.  He adores you and pours out His unconditional love and blessings upon you as you offer up to Him a sacrifice of praise.

Do you only worship the Lord on Sundays?  He longs for your daily worship.  He wants to be with you more than you want to be with Him.  There is no comparison.  I pray we will seek the Lord while He may be found.  Draw nigh to Him and He will draw nigh to you His beloved child.

God is never impatient with you because love is patient and kind.  Remember His eyes are searching to and fro looking for those whose hearts long to be completely His.

Prayer In Motion:

Lord Jesus, I seek Your face and want to worship You alone.  You are worthy to be praised above all.  I love You and long for You.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.


Conviction is Not Popular


Devotion:  Matthew 18:15

Have you ever noticed when you start to talk about your convictions, some people will move away from you or shut you out?  Why?  Most do not want to be convicted of anything.  People with strong convictions can be misunderstood or dismissed altogether.

Lisa Whittle declares in her Warrior Boots book: “We must be responsible with the call to call out, not from a place of pride but a place of obedience to our God.  She declares, telling people not to judge to stop conversations is something we need to get past as believers.  It stifles needed repentance.”

I want to be convicted of my sin.  It is ever before me.  I want to repent and return when I’ve sinned against God or man.  If I must confront someone in their sin, God will help me to do it.  It’s way more loving to confront someone than to ignore and act like you don’t know it happened.

Tell the person the truth, in love, but tell him or her the truth based upon the Word of God.  They may or may not like it however, you have obeyed the Lord. your God and done what He’s asked you to do.  Conviction comes from His Holy Spirit.  You give out the message and God will do the convicting. It’s not up to you to change anyone.

When you stand before God, He will be pleased with all who stood up and spoke out with the truth.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, may I boldly speak truth to those who need to hear it.  Give me holy boldness to love people enough to tell them the truth.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.







Return to the LORD


Devotion:  Deuteronomy 4:29-31

What does it mean to search for the LORD your God? God had warned his people not to make or worship any carved images like the people of the nations where they had been driven.  He knew his children would conform to this type of worship but also told them from those places they would come back to Him, seek Him, return to Him, and find Him once again.

Lately, that has been the prayer of many American people for our nation.  We’ve been praying 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land.”

“When you are in tribulation, and all these things come upon you in the latter days, you will return to the Lord your God and obey His voice.”  We have been in some tribulation of sorts with the Co-vid outbreak and all of the rioting, police de-funding, looting, just all of it.

I know I’ve mentioned this recently; however, “We have not worshipped idols of wood and stone.  Americans have worshipped idols of material wealth, idols of popularity, idols of position, and put people on pedestals they could not possibly stay upon.

So many continue to ask, “Did God cause all of this?”  I always say it was man-caused but God allowed.  You see Satan has an agenda but so does our victorious God.  Are you speaking to Jesus on a daily basis?  Do you long to return to the LORD your God.  More than anything He longs for you to return to Him.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, may I return to You, my first love!  Forgive me for straying from the fold, neglecting my time with You.  My heart yearns and even faints for You my LORD and my God.  I love you so very much!  In Jesus Name.  Amen.





The Blessing


Devotion:  Numbers 6:22-27

When’s the last time you opened to the book of Numbers for a little encouragement?  Probably not ever!

Don’t you love that God puts such a nugget right in the middle of listing all the names of people and tribes?    They are important to Him.  Genealogy is important to Him,   Although you are reading this; I know you are wowed by the wonderful blessing He is pouring out on Moses and the Israelites.  This blessing is meant for you too!

Can you receive this blessing from the LORD?  Will you repeat this prayer blessing over yourself?

“Lord, bless me and keep me and make Your face to shine upon me and be gracious to me.  Lord lift your countenance upon me and give me peace.”

Remember Moses begged God to see His face?  God told Him He could only see His back.  God tells us in His Word that no man can see God and live.  When Moses came down off the mountain, the people said He was glowing from having been in the presence of God.

There will be a day we shall behold Him face to face in all of His glory.

John 1:16 tells us  “For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace.”  God has provided for us His fullness and amazing grace.  He has also provided a peace that surpasses all understanding.  In other words, from Him comes peace, not as the world gives but that is only available through Him.

This is a blessing straight from God written for Israel and for you dear one!

Prayer in Motion:

Lord God, thank You for this blessing!  I receive it and believe it!  In Jesus Name.  Amen!






Blessed Hope


Devotion:  Titus 2:13

I was listening to my friend LeeAnn Hopkins teach on hope. If we look to the world for hope, we will be sorely disappointed.  She reminded me that my eyes need to be fixed on Jesus.  You can find her on Facebook and hear the good news she shares on Revelation.  She does a whole overview of all of Revelation and then there will be a fourteen-week study if you want to follow this amazing teaching.

Revelation 6:15-17 talks about the seals that will be broken.  If you go watch her video, she reviews chapters 7-9.   Trumpets were blown releasing much wrath upon those who were not sealed in Christ.  Chapter 11 talks about the two witnesses and what happens through them and to them.  “The Kingdom of our world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ.”  Wow, what a blessed hope in the middle of all the persecution and destruction.

Skipping over to chapter 12 there will be a time Satan is thrown down to the earth.  As he knows his time is short, he goes after and tries to destroy all who belong to God.  There will be a war like no other.  There will be a beast who is the anti-Christ who is given power for a while.

Chapter 14 of Revelation speaks of 144,000 who had the Father’s name written on their foreheads.  Verse 13. declares,  “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.  Blessed indeed, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!”

We know as believers that God is love.  However, in these times, God will pour out His wrath and judgment.   The Blessed Hope is spoken of in chapter 20:11 John tells us “Then I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse!  The One sitting on it is called Faithful and True and in righteousness, he judges and makes war.  He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood and the name by which He is called is The Word of God.”

A new heaven and new earth is coming dear one.  Your blessed hope will be realized.  Your eyes will behold Him in all of His glory,  Chapter 22:7 declares “And behold, I am coming soon.  Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.”

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, my hope is in You alone my LORD and my God.  You will make all things new.  No more sadness or sorrow or grief or pain.   Thank You Lord for that blessed hope that comes from You alone.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.