Borrowing Biblical Phrases


Devotion:  John 8:32

“The truth will set you free.”  I heard the words in a cartoon called Big Foot Family.  Many people have no idea it comes straight out of God’s Word.  I love it though; because God promises His Word will never return void.

You see the principles of God’s Word ring truth out loud to all those who are listening.  I wondered how many thousands of kids watched this cartoon and heard that word spoken across the airways.

God’s Word is more powerful than any two-edged sword and pierces to both joint and marrow.  When it’s read, it goes into our hearts and souls.  When it is spoken, depending upon the medium used; it disperses into the ears of all who hear it.

For those who choose to submit to God’s powerful words, their very lives can be changed and transformed forever.  The Bible has an effect like no other book in the world.  It has stood the test of time and will last throughout eternity.

When we read God’s Word to ourselves or to others; it solidifies it in our spirit and theirs.   Jesus Himself comes alive because the Word awakens our very spirit to His Holy Spirit.  There is something about seeking the face of God through agreeing with the Word of God.

One can never discount the most powerful Words written since time began.  They are bread to the eater, sweeter than honey to our lips and water to the thirsty.  They truly provide food for anyone who longs to hear and will water the thirstiest of souls.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus may I share any Biblical phrase that will minister to the people You’ve given me.  I love You, Lord.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Being Born Again


Devotion:  John 3:3

Being born again can be a hard concept to receive and believe.  Nicodemus asked the natural question.  How is it possible to be born again?  Jesus teaches with questions.  How can you be a teacher of the law and yet being born again escapes you?

God first loved us.  He gave us His only begotten Son so that all may choose to have eternal life.  This life is but a breath compared to eternal life.  I long to point everyone to my Savior.  He longs to make our joy-full with His voice.  He wants us to decrease so that He may increase.

I pray we will put Him first.  Whoever believes in Him will have eternal life.

Are you sharing the Light that dwells inside of you?  Your dear Lord who brought new birth to you wants you to share this great salvation with those He’s given you.    We are not to be amazed that He told us, “You must be born again.”

We will not be judged if we have Jesus in our hearts.  We will have life abundant on earth and in heaven.   All those who do not have Jesus residing in their hearts will be condemned.

You and I must be born again.  God Himself draws all men unto Himself.  Some obey and others refuse to listen.  Whoever believes in the only begotten Son of God has eternal life.  Those who cling to darkness will not have eternal life.



Process to Forgiveness


Devotion:  Mark 11:25

I am reading a book by Lysa Terkeurst called “Forgiving What You Can’t Forget.”  I highly recommend that you read it for yourself.  Highlight.  Underline.  Write down what jumps into your soul.

I believe much of our sickness stems from the unforgiveness we have toward others, toward ourselves, and even toward God.  We carry it around like a badge of honor.  It’s our right to be angry.  Yes, indeed it is.  However; card-carrying unforgiveness will weigh down your soul like a ton of bricks.  It steals your joy and your hope.

We try desperately to forget the hard things that were said and done to us.  Try as we may; we cannot seem to block them out, erase them off of our heart.  We long for things to be the way they used to be.  We feel trapped in the prison of unforgiveness.

There truly is only one way out of that prison.  It is to begin the process of seeing the person as Jesus sees them.  Hurt people hurt people.  Can you begin to ask Jesus to show them His forgiveness for that person?  Can you walk in the truth of “To whom much is given, much is required?”  We have been forgiven much so why would we withhold what has been poured out upon us?

Here’s a statement from Lysa’s book.  “And whatever my feelings don’t yet allow for; the blood of Jesus will surely cover.” That spoke volumes to my soul.  I pray it does to yours as well.

Forgiveness is a decision and a process.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, thank You for forgiving my sins.  They are ever before me.  May I walk in the forgiveness You’ve poured out upon me.  I love You, LORD.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Sun Stand Still


Devotion:  Joshua 10:1-15

Five against one.  Now, what are the odds of the one tribe having victory?  Lies and deceit were planted and planned in the hearts of the five kings and their armies.  I love verse 8 which declares a word from the LORD.  “Do not be afraid of them, for I have handed them over to you.  Not one of them will be able to stand against you.”

Scripture tells us in verse 10 that the LORD threw them into confusion before Israel.  Did you get that?  God did it right before their very eyes.  He defeated them not just a little bit but in a great slaughter at Gibeon.

Nothing is impossible with God.  Just as the river Jordan overflowed Pharaoh and his army; God threw large hailstones on Israel’s enemy and they all died.  We read; “More of them died from the hail than the Israelites killed with the sword.”  “Our God is stronger, awesome in power.   Our God is higher than any other.”  Sing it from the housetop.

Joshua saw the power and might of his God.  He spoke to the Israelites in the presence of Israel and said,

“Sun stand still over Gibeon and moon, over the valley of Aijalon.”  Verse 13 declares; “And the sun stood still and the moon stopped until the nation took vengeance on its enemies.”

Verse 14 says “There has been no day like it before or since when the LORD listened to a man because the LORD fought for Israel.”

Dear one when God is fighting for you; you need not fear nor be afraid.  Victory will be yours.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, thank You for sharing this Word with me.  It is so powerful and encouraging during this season of life in our nation and our world.  You are still in control and can do anything but fail.  I watch to see what You will do.  I still believe in miracles.  in Jesus’ Name.  Amen.


No Word Left Unread


Devotion: Joshua 8:34

This whole chapter is full of God-ordained plans and the victory that comes after.  Total and complete annihilation of the enemy!  God instructed His people on how to defeat their enemy.  He is the true Commander and Chief.  We who follow His commands win in the end.

You will be so encouraged if you take a few minutes and read this chapter in its entirety.  Some of Joshua’s instructions were “Pay attention.”  “Lie in ambush.”  “Be ready.”  “Come out of your ambush and seize the city.”

                        “…follow the Lord’s command.”

The promise that comes in verse 7  “…The LORD your God will hand it over to you.”  The city lay in permanent ruin until this day.  When we allow God to lead and obey all He says to do; victory will be ours.  We will overcome our defeated foe.

What did Joshua do after this amazing victory?  He got up and “read aloud all the words of the law – the blessings as well as the curses according to all that is written in the book of the law. There was not a word of all that Moses had commanded that Joshua did not read before the entire assembly of Israel…”

Exodus 20:24 “I will come to you and bless you in every place where I cause my Name to be remembered.”

Please read a bit of God’s Word every day.  He will give you a battle plan to defeat your enemy.  I promise His Word will not return void.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord God, I want the zeal for You, my LORD, and my God to consume me.  I want to consume Your Word, Your truth, and hear Your voice above all others.  I love You LORD!  In Jesus Name.  Amen.




Do Not Lose Heart


Devotion:  Galatians 6:9

Where do you run and to whom do you turn when your heart is grieved and full of fear?  The very air you breathe seems to be sucked right out of you.

God speaks the following words many times throughout scripture, “The people lost heart.”  I saw it this morning in  Joshua 7:5.  Once again God’s people were being chased by .their enemies.  Lives were taken which caused the people to lose heart.

Losing heart defeats you like nothing else.  It means you give up hope.  Joshua 7:6 informs us that “Joshua tore his clothes and fell facedown to the ground before the ark of the Lord until evening, as did the elders of Israel; they all put dust on their heads.”  

Obedience to God is critical when you begin to lose heart.  Defeat sets in when somebody somewhere does not obey God.  The only way to be restored is to confess that you have sinned against God and long to be restored.  1 John 1:9 promises that “If we confess our sin; He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

We lose heart when we allow fear to set in.  “God is not a God of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”  You can know that “He will never leave you nor forsake you.”  “His promises are yes and amen.”

Why do we lose heart when we know our God is with us?  We set our hearts on what we can see, what we can touch, and what we can feel.  If we have never encountered the true and living God, we do not know there is a God who holds our heart in His hands.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, forgive me for the times I have lost heart which means I did not trust You.  Great is Your faithfulness Lord.  You have never left my side.  Thank You for first loving me.  May I never be afraid of what man can do to me.  I do love You so.  In Jesus Great Name I pray.  Amen.



The Very First Miracle


Devotion:  John 2

The very first miracle blessed a whole crowd of people.  Jesus can multiply when He sees a need.  He is trustworthy for every need, whether it’s healing, or a need for food, clothing, or drink.  When the Israelites were walking in the wilderness, God made certain their clothing nor their shoes did not wear out.

How did He do it?  He is God.  He is the One and only true and living God.  He brought everything into being.  In Him is life and light.  There is nothing He cannot do.  He can never fail.  His mother Mary knew in her very soul, this child she birthed was God.  She believed.

My dear one, what miracle do you need in your life?  How deeply do you believe?  All things come from your Lord and Savior.  Oh, how He longs to perform miracles in your life.  All things are possible to those who. believe.  That comes from the lips of God written for you.

When Jesus prayed; He knew He had His Father’s ear. Do you believe that for yourself?   He believed but yet He would say, “Not my will but Yours be done.”  He brings a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving always before His Father.

I think we believe in God for so few miracles.  I honestly wonder if we have a plethora of miracles that we’ve given up on just a bit too early.  Many believe we do not live in a day of miracles.  I happen to believe God is still in the miracle-working business.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I know that You are still a miracle-working God.  I know whom I have believed in.  I’ve seen You do them before and God I know You can do it again.  i trust You Lord.  in Jesus Name.  Amen.



Soldiers of Unforgiveness


Devotion:  Mark 11:25

Offenses march to the beat of different drummers.   Some march quickly in order to keep from thinking about the unforgiveness they are holding onto.  Others march slowly hanging onto every little detail of the offenses of the unforgiven one.

The soldiers of unforgiveness are harsh on those they hold hostage.  They take great measures to make certain their prisoners cannot escape easily.  There are grudges to be held onto, disappointments to be kept and hatred to be held high.

The soldiers can be sent on their way when they realize there are new soldiers in town with the name of forgiveness.  True forgiveness leaves the past in the past.  It disarms the negative hatred, anger, and strife and brings freedom and relief.

Forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts life has to offer.  It can only come through Jesus Christ.  It can’t be mustered up in the flesh.  It can’t be under pretense.  It must be really honest to goodness forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a no-strings-attached kind of release.  It is loving a person enough to let them out of your expectations.  It is a true letting go of things that are in the past.

You can walk in forgiveness even when the other person hasn’t asked for it.  That would be nice to have but it’s not necessary.  Jesus forgives us when we repent but earthly people may not ask for forgiveness.  We just need to offer it freely to those who’ve done us wrong.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, I pray I will offer forgiveness freely because of all that You’ve forgiven me.  You are my everything and I thank You for first loving me.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Don’t Say A Word


Devotion:  Joshua 6:10

My mom used to say this to me all the time.  Don’t say a word!    Who knew it came straight out of the Bible?  I should have known.  Ecclesiastes tells us there’s a time to speak and a time to be silent.

Joshua told his people; “Do not make a peep!”  However, at the right time; make a shout!  They were to go from zero to a hundred in their decibel level.  Why?  Because they did not want to alert their enemy.

I wonder how many times I would have saved myself some trouble if I had kept my mouth shut and refused to engage in unhealthy conversation.  Oh God, forgive me.

God promises He will open doors that no man can shut and close doors no man can open.  You may feel as if you are going to explode if you hold a retaliation in.  If you will take time to ask Him; He will say yes, no, or later.

If we would listen more than we talk I’m certain we would be so much better off.  I promise you, God’s got something to say.  Just be still and listen intently for His voice.  Ask the LORD, what do you say I should do?  How would you have me respond?  Do I need to say anything?  Do I need to do anything?

There are times when not speaking honors God more than speaking.  God longs for the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts to be acceptable in His sight; oh Lord our Rock and our Redeemer.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, You are my everything.  May I listen closely for your voice and listen way more than I talk.  May every word out of mouth bring you praise, honor, and glory.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.




When Your Enemy Loses Heart


Devotion:n Joshua 5:1-9

All of us will face an enemy at some point in time.  You either have faced, are facing, or will face an enemy of great proportion.  Nothing is too hard for your God.  Has your enemy heard about the miracles your God has done? Will he lose heart and courage because of what your God has done?

Let’s look back at what had just transpired in Joshua 4.  The entire nation had finished crossing the Jordan.  Twelve men were told to pick up a stone, carry it on their shoulders and set it up as a memorial before the Lord.

Why twelve?  Because there were twelve tribes in Israel.  What had gone out in front of them?  The priests carrying the ark of the covenant.  What is a covenant?  It’s a promise with a binding to say it can never be broken.  Covenant is serious to our God.  He will never break His promises to us.  They are yes and amen.

I believe the enemy is more afraid of some than others.  They are more of a threat.  The enemy actually knows their names. He keeps trying to defeat them by using his age-old schemes and plots.  They won’t work.  They didn’t work from the beginning of time and they certainly won’t work now but he keeps desperately trying.

Let’s make him run scared of what he has heard about us.  He is not omniscient, omnipresernt nor omnipotent like our God.  You see he’s already been defeated and he knows it!

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, help me remember my enemy is a defeated foe.  No weapon formed against me shall prosper.  My God will never fail.  He fights for me on a daily basis!  I choose to trust Him.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.