Forgiving Yourself


Devotion:   Matthew 6:12-15

Can you?  Forgive yourself?  Some make excuses.  Others blame someone else.  Many believers try to bear their own sin by punishing themselves repeatedly.  Why do we do that?  I believe it is guilt and shame.  Who was the One bore that sin of guilt and shame on His cross?  The One who despised it bore it for you and for me.

It’s hard to accept the fact of our Lord forgives us and removes our sin far from us; as far as the east is from the west, and remembers it no more.  He who bore our sins and our sorrows asks us why we think we have to bear them?  Of course there are always the consequences of sin but the forgiveness is always there.

I think we get overwhelmed when we begin to realize God’s provision through His only begotten Son Jesus.  We cannot comprehend the height and depth of the Savior’s great love for us when we know the depth of our depravity and realize the magnitude of His provision.

How do we forgive ourselves?  We walk in the truth of God’s Word.  It is who He is, the Living Word.   We are promised that God’s Word will not return void.  He is mindful that we are but dust but the good news is “Jesus is the Word made flesh who came to dwell among us.”

God sent His Son into  the world that the world through Him might be saved.   Last time I looked, you and I were still living in this world, so God sent His Son for all to come to repentance and to have eternal life. He died for the forgiveness of our sin; so why can we not forgive ourselves?

Our debt has been paid in full.  Is there something we can do to earn or deserve forgiveness?  No.  It’s only through the grace of God through Jesus that we are given forgiveness.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, thank You for Your forgiveness and removing my sin from me as far as the east is from the west and remembering it no more.   Thank You for helping me to forgive myself.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.



The Mean Time


Devotion:  Philippians 4:8

Have you ever had something hanging in the balance, something that nags at your very soul?  If you allow it; this troubling incident consumes your every waking moment and can even rob you of your sleep.  It’s as if your soul cannot find the. sweet Sabbath rest Christ died to afford you.

How do you live and move and have your being in the mean time?  You lay the thing at the foot of the cross.  You remember Christ died for every hard thing that He did not cause; however allowed into your lives.

The Lord said; “All things work together for our good and His glory.”  This thing does not feel good; and we cannot yet see what He is doing.

Will you allow God to use the hard things that He has purposefully allowed in your life; to teach you and train you in His righteousness?   If you will; He will honestly use it for your good.

For the life of you, you cannot figure out how it could ever work out for anybody’s good, much less yours.

That “in the mean-time” business hangs on you like a ton of bricks dragging behind you.  Dear one, it’s a weight you were not designed to carry;  however, there you are, stuck in the middle carrying the guilt and shame.  It is so heavy, you feel as if it will crush you and you’re not sure you can get back up to continue the journey.

You do what you can to make the thing right and you move forward.  The enemy will gloat over you and try his best to defeat you by whispering every lie he can bring into your mind.  Will.  you. choose to say; “Get thee behind me Satan.”  Will you  choose to think on what is pure and lovely?

In the meantime, the in between time, while the time seems mean to you, take heart that God’s plan will be accomplished in your life.  Every single thing He allows will work together for your good, and His glory.

Prayer in Motion:

God, thank You that You are with me in all of my mean times.   I trust You totally and completely.  You are so good to only allow those things that will make me grow closer to You and stronger in my faith.  I even thank You for allowing the hard things because in them I have grown in. my. relationship with You.  In Jesus Name.   Amen.




Redemptive Sense of Tragedy


Devotion:  Genesis 37:18-33

There is tragedy of some magnitude in every person’s life; times when real-life circumstances look dire.  Sin undoes even the most devout of believers in Christ.  The truth of the matter is that our hope should never be placed in our own flesh.  If we believe solely in our flesh; we are delusional, because it will fail us every time.

All of us are a mystery, even to ourselves.    Every single person born is a gift; created in the image of God.  We take what Rosaria Butterfield calls a “sacred risk” when we consider placing ourselves in the middle of another person’s life. You take on their history; including their pain and heartache.

God knows every tragedy even before it happens.  I believe it makes Him sad as He gazes upon every tragedy.   He longs to  turn every tragedy into triumph for His honor and glory.

Perspective makes a difference.  Tragedy always brings about deep sorrow and grief to those who lose loved ones through death or rejection.  Our redemption does not lie in our hope of restoration in this world; it lies in our heavenly Father’s hands.

There’s always redemption in the future of every believer in Christ.  If it is in God’s will and plan; you may be blessed to see redemption occur in the land of the living.  He will give you the. patience to wait upon Him until either earthly redemption or  heavenly redemption comes.

Any tragedy is always beyond difficult and for the most part we do not know how to live and breathe after it occurs.  Continuing on with life seems next to impossible but with God all things are possible.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, thank You that You are in control even when tragedy strikes.  It’s incomprehensible I know I can depend upon my gracious, loving, caring Lord to see me through.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.




Wilderness of Sin


Devotion:  Exodus 16:1-12

The wilderness of sin is an actual place between Elim and Sinai.  It’s also a place of grumbling and complaining.  How many of us find ourselves in the wilderness on our journey with God?   For the life of us; we cannot understand how we got here.  In our human-ness; there are times we’ve wanted to die.  We’ve despaired as those without hope and actually asked God to allow us to die.

Remember this;  “We all sin and fall short of the glory of God.”  Ask yourself; “Did I just wander into this wilderness of sin and doubt?”  Some intentionally go to check out this wilderness and then cannot seem to escape.

Even for those who wander into this wilderness; It takes you further than you wanted to go and keeps you there longer than you wanted to stay.  (Remember the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for forty years?). I do not want to stay in the wilderness of sin.  Does anyone?  Absolutely not!

When we find ourselves complaining; it’s really not against people but against the LORD.  Just as the Lord heard the complaints of the Israelites; dear reader, He hears yours as well.  Jehovah Jireh will provide your needs as well as many of your desires, as they line up with His will and His plan.

We see that as the Israelites poured out their complaints before the LORD; He heard their cries and answered their prayers.  God longs to hear your praises as well as your complaints.  He inhabits the praises of His people.  At the same time; He does not want you to stay in the wilderness of sin.

Prayer in Motion:

As David, a man after God’s own heart did; I pour out my complaints before You.  I also praise You for delivering me from the wilderness of sin and despair.   I thank You for holding me in the palm of Your righteous right hand.  I thank You for bringing healing and restoration to my soul.







Devotion:   Leviticus 16:1-22

So many of our words originated from Biblical words.  Scapegoat happens to be one of them.  A scapegoat  was a goat that the sins of the people were spoken over it and then it was released into the desert to wander around until it died.

I used to think well at least the animal did not have to lose its life so. quickly;  but which is worse, to be released into the hot, dry dessert or just go ahead to be sacrificed and get it over with.  I guess it  depends upon your perspective.

Have you ever been used as someone’s scapegoat?  It doesn’t feel so good, does it?  Actually, it’s quite hard to be the chosen scapegoat.  Scapegoats were chosen by lot in Biblical times.  Carrying the sins of others was only meant for One person, Jesus Christ, who came to seek and to save that which was lost.

In this passage we observe the scapegoat carrying the sins of the people off into the wilderness  to an “uninhabitable place,”  This act makes atonement for the priest and his household as well.  Now, you know where scapegoat comes from.

Nobody. wants to be a scapegoat; however we are happy to. allow someone else to be the scapegoat on our behalf.  It seems easy when it’s in reverse.  I guess we need to realize how it feels to be the scapegoat and not always allow someone else to be it.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, You are our true Scapegoat.  You took our place to carry our sins as far away as the East is from the West and remember them no more.  Thank You Lord for being our Scapegoat.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.






When God Calls


Devotion: 1 Samuel 3:9-10

…when God asks: “Where are you?”   Will. you. say, “Here I am.”  God always says. that  when you ask ,”Where are you God?  He. always says:  “Here I am.”    Abraham answered the same when Isaac called to his father.

We all so long to respond: “Here I am” when the Lord calls to us.  He is the Great I Am., “I Am that I Am”; to be exact.

There is so much symbolism that projects onto Christ.  The. wood laid on Isaac’s back.  Jesus carried His cross on His own back.  He carried the cross that should have been mine and yours.   God made a way for us to have eternal life, not based on our goodness but on His grace.

What is. your answer when God asks;  “Where. are. you?”   Are you afraid to answer, “Here I am to the Great I Am”?  God wants you to answer Him when He calls.  He longs to hear; “Here I am.”  I Am wants you to be available.

When God calls, will you be listening for His voice?  What will. your answer be?  How I pray your answer will be, “Here I am.”  FYI, that. happens to be  God’s favorite answer.  He already knows where you are; however, He needs you to acknowledge where you are physically, emotionally and spiritually.   It’s a truth. we all need to acknowledge.

Before Christmas this year; ask God to reveal where you are physically, emotionally and spiritually.  His Word says, If we seek Him, we will find Him, when we search for Him with our whole heart.

Prayer. in Motion:

Lord, thank You. for calling to me.  I pray will always answer, “Here I am.”  I love You. so. much Lord.  In Jesus. Name.    Amen.


Unresolved Conflict


Devotion:  2 Corinthians 7:5

Unresolved conflict brings a lot of unrest to our souls.  Our spirits long for conflict resolution.  It’s hard to sit in our unresolved messes, especially the one’s we caused whether intentional or unintentional.  That underlying conflict brings about unrest in a believer’s heart and you find your spirit is not at rest.

God longs for His children to reside in unity.  We need to be quick to hear, slow. to speak and even quicker to forgive.  Many. believers carry grudges for years possibly.   That’s hard to comprehend because to whom much is given, much is required.

Unity is to be the theme for brothers and sisters in Christ.  We are to dwell together in unity.  The testimony of God’s people should be one of exhibiting the. attributes of the fruit of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentlenss and self control.

Holding onto unresolved conflict is like holding a smoldering coal in your hand.  It burns the flesh injuring the one who holds onto it.   Refusing to let go of a hot coal brings deeper and deeper searing pain and injury.  It’s the same with our emotional and spiritual pain.  Holding onto it is detrimental to the growth of our very soul.

Unresolved conflict keeps our minds and hearts consumed with thoughts of the conflict; so much so, that no other thoughts can penetrate one’s mind.  You may miss important things like something God wants to speak to you, or someone whom He wants you to bless.

Ask God if there is something you need to do to help resolve the conflict and if not; ask Him to help you release it into His very capable  hands.  He will work it out.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, thank You for helping me with every unresolved conflict.  You are a God who longs for us to be able to operate in. Your perfect peace.  Thank You that all things are possible with You.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

By the Side of the Road


Devotion:  Luke 10:30-35

You can see some strange things on the side of the road.  While traveling to one of my jobs, out of my peripheral vision, I noticed a striped sofa sitting under a grove of trees.  It was of French provincial design.  Seated on the side of the road it looked totally out of place.

A man who was attacked and left wounded by a band of robbers, was also left on the side of the road.  The good Samaritan stopped to bandage his wounds and put him up in a room for his safety  and protection till. h returned.

When I saw that fancy sofa under that grove of trees, I actually chuckled.  How in the world did that sofa get planted so perfectly, just far enough off the road to be safe?  Honestly, it looked like it was waiting for someone to come sit comfortably upon it.

Things and people don’t belong as permanent fixtures on the side of the road.   When they appear in that bazzare place, they. should be examined and removed as quickly as possible.

In the last years you see many. people begging on the side of the road.   It is so sad to know there are so many homeless people without hope and without shelter.  They seem to be unable to find jobs and to have no hope.

Have you seen or found anyone or anything by the side of the road that should have not been there?

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, remind me to deal quickly and succinctly with anything or anyone on the side. of the road.   Shoe me what I need to do and how to. do it.   In. Jesus’ Name.  Amen.





Peeled or Unpeeled


Devotion:  Romans 7:6

I have a question regarding eggs.   Have you ever boiled them and when you begin to peel them, they give you a fit?  The shell does not want to release from the egg?  It seems to happen especially when you are in a hurry.

Why does it happen?  I don’t know the answer to that maddening question.  It doesn’t happen all the time.  I use the same pot as always and yet today the shell was sticking to the white part of the egg.  There must be an answer.

Peeling an egg does away with the part you cannot eat to get to the edible part.  I thought of all the layers God has been peeling away in me.   Peeling layers away doesn’t necessarily feel good.   According to Jesus, it is necessary in order to al the hidden things.  God needs those things to be exposed so He. can do a greater work in us.

Outside shells can be quite hard and difficult to peel.    The peel tends to want to stick to its host.   Release can be difficult when the shell does not lend itself to being removed.  It is the same with us.  There are habits and customs we have developed over the years that have become so much a part of us that we can’t even imagine them being peeled away.

The truth about me.  I want those things that I cherish more than Christ to be peeled away.  As hard as it is to release those people and things I cherish, I don’t want anything or anyone to be more important than my Savior.

Rather than remaining unpeeled I want the Lord to  peel away anything that I cherish above Christ.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, thank You for peeling away my external layers so that the internal can be revealed.   God, pleasing You is my. entire aim in life.  I want light to be shed on what’s crucial for spreading peace and joy.  I love You Lord.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.



What Won’t Kill You Will Make You Stronger


Devotion:  Isaiah 40:29

This is what my friend Teresa Brown used to say.  She’s now walking the streets of gold.  She fought the battle with cancer strongly for fifteen years.  God gave her fifteen more years because we asked Him to do so.  I guess one thinks if you make it fifteen more years you’ve got it licked.  God knows our every day before there is one of them.

Teresa was made stronger the moment she stepped out of her. own body and into glory.  She was already one strong woman; however, the cancer that tried to take her out, way before fifteen years, finally succeeded.

Teresa was an amazing teacher, speaker, author and actress.  She was beautiful outwardly but her heart was so incredibly beautiful.  She opened her mouth and God would fill it with His truth, and  His encouragement.   His Word would always grace the hearer building them up in their most holy faith.

Even while sick; Teresa operated from the strength of her Savior.  Until the day He came for her;  she waited on her Bridegroom.  We know she heard those words; “Well done, thou good and. faithful servant.  Enter into the joy of your Master.””

My dear reader; that same strength is available to you, no matter what you are walking through.   For many, it feels like a dry desert because we are parched and scorched through and through.  Even in the desert, believers have amazing grace and peace in Christ.

If we will allow our Savior; He will pour out the strength that we could not begin to muster.   He longs to teach us and train us in His righteousness.

Although many of life’s circumstances feel like they are going. to kill you,  it’s how God has chosen to train you in the righteousness of Christ.  Think about it.  Would you have desperately clung to Him if these things had not taken place?

As I have grown older; the Lord has become sweeter and more precious to me.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, thank You for strength beyond myself.  I know I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.   I love You so much!  In Your Name I offer up this prayer.  Amen.