Early Will I Seek You


Devotion:   Psalm 63:1-5.

As believers, we long to see a movement of God, to see His power and HIs glory.  More than us longing to see God move, He longs to move upon His people.  He longs to bring revival to our hearts, minds, and spirits.  He longs to make our latter days greater than the former.  He waits for you to come to him.

A move of God on our lives begins with praise upon our lips.  God’s Word says, “He inhabits the praises of His people.”  Let’s determine to give Him praise no matter what is going on in our lives.

There are believers who think it’s showy to lift your hands in the sanctuary, but right here in verse four, David declares I will lift up my hands in Your Name.  We lift our hands to clap in praise at sporting events and yet those same people frown upon lifting hands or saying amen in church.  It’s God we are cheering for, our Creator and Redeemer!

As I read this passage, I noticed a rip in the bottom of the page in my Bible.  I went to the kitchen drawer to retrieve some tape so that it would not further rip apart.  By the time I came back the sun was pouring in through the waving leaves.  It brought me to worship the Son of God.

When we worship God’s only begotten Son, His Word pours out of the broken and torn places of our lives.  It brings us back to the heart of worship because all of life is about Him.  He who knitted us and formed us in our mother’s womb is always putting us back together.

He will move upon you when you seek Him early.  He will move upon you in the evening and the noon time.  He just desires to be with you His precious child.

Prayer in Motion:

Early, I will seek You Lord.  May I know Your heart and watch expecting You to move in mighty ways.  You are so dear and precious to me.  “I need You, oh I need you, every hour I need You.  Oh, bless me now my Savior, I come to Thee.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.”

Warm Milk to Defeat the Enemy


Devotion:  Judges 4

When a people group has been oppressed for twenty years or longer; they tend to get discouraged. This chapter declares the Lord sold the Israelites into the hand of Jabin king of Canaan.  The man was evil.

The woman Deborah had her own palm tree where the Israelites would come to sit for judgment from this woman.  She obviously had the ear of God.  She confirmed what God had said, to Barak, that they were to go up to Mt. Tabor along with ten thousand men.  Deborah would deploy Sisera against them however they would win a solid victory against their enemy.

I had forgotten this story where a woman Jaael nailed a peg into the head of her enemy Sisera.  The funny part; she gave him warm milk that put him right out, into a stupor of sleep.  The man must have been super tired.

Don’t tell me there aren’t strong women in leadership.  Why were these men so easily defeated? I think they may have abandoned their posts.  Barak had told Deborah, “If you will go with me, I will go and if you will not go, I will not go.”  Deborah went with Barak and helped chase the chariots and Sisera.   The only one to escape was Sisera.

Sisera went into the tent of Jaal and her husband Heber.  He thought he was in a safe place.  Jaal told him not to fear, to come in and rest.  She overtook her enemy just at the right time.  God helped her to defeat someone for which other men were afraid.

Jabin asked for water and was given warm milk.  You see God can use warm milk or anything else He desires to help you defeat your enemy.  He is such an amazing God!


Prayer in Motion:

God, please help me to defeat my enemies.  I know You are for me and not against me.  You will accomplish what concerns me both now and always.  You are my strength and song.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.




Devotion:  Ephesians 6:15

On a Saturday night, I decided to change my toenail color. and wasn’t prepared for what ensued.   I had them painted a winter dark blue, which they had been most of the winter hidden inside my shoes. I began to use the nail polish remover and wanted to change to bright pink.  Sadly the pink was old and clumpy and wasn’t going on very smoothly.

So I took the bright pink off and found a reddish color.  I began to paint the toes this bright red.  I made the most awful mess.  I got it all over my cuticles, the inside of my toes and even on my hands and fingers.  Good grief, a kindergartener could have done a better job.  I finally gave up and decided to wear closed toe shoes on Sunday.  After all, my toes look like they were involved in some sort of bloody murder.  Ruined, for a time.

Part of the armor of God is the shoes of the gospel of Peace.  I’ve got a feeling those shoes do not cover up messy red toes.  However, they do bring good news and peace to those who receive it.

The gospel does indeed help to cover the sinful mistakes of our past.  It brings good news to those who’ve never heard and have much shame and reproach in their lives.  They can know the truth of Jesus Christ who came to bring peace to our sinful hearts and eternal life when our days are over.  All things made new.  All the ruined things rebirthed.

Prayer in Motion:

Thank You, Lord, that nothing is beyond repair.  No person is ruined by their sin if they have Jesus in their heart.  There’s always forgiveness available with You, our Savior.  You are so good that way.  I love You so Jesus.  It’s in Your Name I pray.  Amen.

The Smell of Smoke


Devotion:  Daniel 3:12-29

I was sitting on the back porch of my dear friend Michele and all of a sudden I smelled smoke.  A neighbor had stepped outside to smoke a cigarette.  You wouldn’t think it would drift over from a house next door.  We had to come back inside.

I love the Bible story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  These would be martyrs were put in a fiery furnace to be burned to death for not bowing down to the King.  The fire was so hot it consumed the men who threw the God-fearing men in the furnace.  However, there was a fourth person who walked around with them in that human kiln meant to turn them into ashes.  We know this man to be Jesus.

When the king who put them in the fire came the next morning to check on them; he heard their voices. He wanted to know if their God had saved them.    Their God had indeed saved them and when the king brought them out; they did not even smell like smoke.  He wanted to know; “Who was that fourth man”?

Isn’t that amazing?  This was an absolute miracle.  It was also a testimony to the one in earthly power.  The God of the three men who feared Him more than men brought them safely to the other side. He wanted their earthly king to know there was One who had greater power than him.  He was to be feared and revered above all others.  This Old Testament like crematorium made a believer out of the one who had just a few hours earlier wanted all the worship for himself.

Our God can do anything at any time in any way He wants to do it.  He will make Himself known to the saved and the unsaved.  My friend Danny Benton says,  “He still sits on the throne where He’s been all along and He knows what going on.”

Shadrach, Mesach, and Abednego were willing to go through the fire and God delivered them from the evil against them.

Prayer in Motion:

Jesus, thank You for being a God who protects and delivers.  Nothing is too hard for You Lord.  There are so many people who are suffering persecution this day.  God, would You make Yourself known to them right now?  Would You deliver them from their fiery furnace?  Bring them safely to the other side whether it’s on earth or in heaven.  Whatever brings You the most glory Lord; that’s what we are asking on their behalf.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.



Sacrificial Love


Devotion:  Hebrews 2:18

If Christ had not suffered temptation; He could not identify with unholy human beings.  He could not repeatedly come to our aid.  He knows that we are fully man.  He understands our weaknesses, that we are but flesh.

In my whole life, I’ve never linked temptation with suffering.

Hebrews 4:15 reads; “For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.”

Then “He who knew no sin became sin for us.”  That my friend is true sacrificial love.  Every bad thought, word, and deed is covered by the blood of Jesus.  That’s no excuse to go ahead and do what you want to do.  Seek the face of Jesus before you give in to that temptation.  Ask the Lord to help you. PIcture every stripe that was put on His back, ever slap of His face, every blow to His body, that horrid crown of thorns shoved down on his head and all for our sin.

The Bible tells us He was bruised for our transgressions.  He would do it all over again so that you can have eternal life in heaven and abundant life on earth.  Oh, what a Savior!

Prayer in Motion:

Lord of heaven and earth; thank You for Your sacrificial love.  Help me to overcome any doubt or discouragement and overcome temptation.  I want to resist temptation and love the way You love me.  Thank You Jesus!  Amen!



Devotion: 1  Thessalonians 5:18

God created this wonderful stuff.  It makes some of us so sick and yet without we wouldn’t have honey nor any of our beautiful flowers.  To everything, there is a season, time and purpose under heaven.  Everything, even the pollen on your car and porch.  There’s a purpose for this yellow stuff filtering through your nose and mouth.

We love to eat the honey and look at the beautiful flowers.  So we give thanks for the pollen.  God will wash it away eventually after all the flowers and the trees have bloomed.

It’s hard to be thankful for something that makes you sick but thankful we must be.  I can wear a mask when the pollen count is really high.  I just hate breathing my own hot air.  I actually found one that has a little bit filter on the end.  It’s called a cold air mask and although there is nothing cold about it, I do feel there’s less hot air circulating inside of the mask.

Everything God created was good.  I just ask the Lord to help me be wise when the pollen is high, to know whether I should go out or stay in on those days.  He will direct our paths.  He loves us so much!

Prayer in Motion: 

Lord, I thank You for the pollen!  I thank You for all of Your creation.  It belongs to You.  It is all created with great purpose.  We must never quit thanking You for all You give us and do for us.  I love You Lord.


An Ounce of Prevention


Devotion: 1 Corinthians 10:13

We’ve all heard the old adage; “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  It’s the same way with sin.  You are to watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.   It’s when we are not making any preparation to protect ourselves that temptation rears its ugly head right in front of us and we are left unprotected.

Why not get into God’s Word and pray a shield around ourselves?  Satan prowls around the earth seeking whom He may devour.  Why would we refuse to ready ourselves?  God is our Defender and the Word is our defense.  He declares His Word is more powerful than any two-edged sword and pierces to both joint and marrow.

Why would you wait until the battle is full on to pull out your weapons?  That would be foolish.   How can you ever be ready to fight the temptations of this world without picking up the armor provided for you?   Read Ephesians six this very day.

Please don’t leave your weapons lying on the ground. Pick them up and add them to your daily attire.  Your Savior paid a great price for your armor so that you could be protected.

Put on every piece so that nothing is left uncovered, not your head, nor your heart, nor your waist, nor your legs.  What you think on, what dwells inside your heart, how you turn your body, where your legs take you; all of those are critical to living a godly life, to not give way to temptation.

Remember the temptation is not the sin.  It’s when you actually follow through the temptation that it becomes sin.

You, my friend, have a Savior who continually provides protection for you.  Twenty four seven; you are covered.  Just put on your armor and remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  God has made a way of escape.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, thank You for all of Your provision to help me fight against temptation.  It’s only by Your grace and mercy that I can resist the devil and he will flee.   Thank You, Jesus, for Your help and Your strength.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Painful Pruning


Devotion:  John 15:1-8

Vines bring life!  Branches must be attached to the vine in order to thrive.  My mind goes immediately to the picture of grape vines and their branches.  I’ve watched a gardener prune his grape branches severely.  I thought to myself;  “These grape vines will never produce any fruit and will probably die.”

Actually, the opposite happened.  The very next year the vines were loaded with grapes, even more so than the year before.  What?  How does that happen?

Pruning is good for the crop.  When we are pruned by our Savior, it isn’t very comfortable; in fact, it’s quite painful.  However; Jesus prunes us because He loves us.  He longs for us to yield much fruit, fruit that remains.

When you are going through horrific trials physically, emotionally or spiritually; just know that your Faithful Gardner has not left you nor forsaken you.  He’s still working on you to cause you .to yield much fruit.  Just be patient during the painful pruning.

This sounds weird however; thank God for using His pruning sheers.  That means He loves you.  Draw close to Him and allow Him to accomplish what concerns you.  Remember after the painful pruning, much fruit will come, fruit that will remain.

Draw close to the One who is doing the pruning.  Stay close to Him.  Listen for His voice.  The Vine has a purpose and a plan.  As He cuts away at the things He wants to remove from your life; continue to glorify Him during the process.  It’s only for a season.  The next season will yield amazing results.

Prayer in Motion:

Thank You, Lord, for pruning me.  Thank You, Jesus, for being the Vine.  I am Your branch.  I belong to You and I long to yield fruit that will remain until I come to live with you.  Thank You, Lord, for teaching me and training me in righteousness.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

First of Forty


Devotion:  Acts 1:3

Jesus walked on the earth for forty days after His resurrection.  At one time he spoke to five hundred people.  Although not allowed to touch Him; He spoke to hundreds, maybe thousands of people before He ascended to His Father.  He did not want to leave a shadow of a doubt in anyone’s mind that He indeed had risen from the dead.

Monday was the first of forty days Jesus would be seen.  In that time many became convinced He was alive and well.  Some of those were the same people who saw Him beaten and crucified.  This must truly be the Son of God.  There was no way He could have survived what He went through.

Even doubting Thomas could not deny the nail-scarred hands and feet of Jesus.  With every day more and more people came to see Jesus very alive and well.  History can be challenged but not denied when so many pairs of eyes have seen something take place.

Forty days of living proof that He did what He said He would do.  Pictures don’t lie but there were no cameras.  These forty days were planned so long ago.  He would be transformed from glory to glory.   He completed His work and would go back to His heavenly home.  He is ever interceding at the right hand of the Father for you and for me.

Jesus, our Savior also became our Faithful High Priest.  He who is without sin is the perfect Priest.  He alone can forgive all sin because He never committed the first one.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, thank You for being Living Proof to so many.  Thank You for interceding for me at the right hand of the Father.  I love You and thank You for leading me and guiding me all the days of my life.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.


He’s Alive


Devotion:  Mark 16:9

Can you imagine Mary’s dismay at seeing the empty tomb?  She was mortified that someone had stolen his body.  Where had they laid Him?  And then to hear her name called by the familiar voice of her Lord and Savior.  She couldn’t believe her eyes or her ears.  I wonder if she rubbed her eyes to make certain she wasn’t dreaming.  She was not allowed to touch Him but her eyes saw what they saw and her ears heard what they heard.  No one could deny her that first-hand truth.

Can you imagine when He burst forth from that tomb?  Alive forever more.  No more dying for our Lord.  Our King of Kings and Lord of Lords finished the work His Father had given Him to do.  He fulfilled His earthly purpose.

My dear reader; isn’t it wonderful to know that same Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father ever interceding for you and for me?  He went through the most torturous of deaths so that we could hear Him call our name.  It may or may not be audible; however, He knows your name and declares that His sheep know His voice.

He is living and in the world today by the power of His Holy Spirit dwelling within His children.  He was on the earth for forty days before He ascended to the Father.  Many people saw Him alive.  There was no denying His death, burial, and resurrection.  Sing Hallelujah!  Christ is risen!

Prayer in Motion:

Thank You, Lord, for being who You say You are!  You are my Risen King.  I trust and love You with all of my heart and soul.  You have been so good, kind and faithful to me.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.