

Devotion: Ephesians 4:1-16

What brings cohesiveness to a family, a workplace, a business or even a church body?  What are some factors that make these units work fluidly?   Creating margin is a start.  It’s healthy when everyone knows their role and fulfills it to the best of their ability.

It helps when the whole group is working diligently toward a common goal,  to achieve a certain end result.  There must be a designated leader and followers.  My mom used to speak of too many chiefs and not enough Indians.  Everyone cannot be a chief.  When someone tries to supersede the infrastructure; to disavow the guidelines and policies of that particular group, there will be trouble in that camp.

Our Chief Shepherd is in control of this world.  We can look to His Word for guidance in any group.  Each individual is fearfully and wonderfully made; coming from different backgrounds and upbringing.  We are going to have different opinions and ways we speak to one another and receive what has been spoken to us.

As Christians; we choose to intentionally give out the same mercy and grace bestowed upon us by our Father.  “To whom much is given, much is required.”  In a healthy environment; when discipline is given out by the leader; he or she gives it out in love.  A group knows when their leader has their best interest at heart.  The mission is clear and the group strives together to accomplish that mission.

Love and respect are evident in a cohesive group.  You may have disagreements but you can work through them.  It’s such a joy and a pleasure to work where there is unity.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, may I always fulfill my role, whether it is family, workplace or church.  I want my Chief Shepherd to be pleased with me.  Help me to always strive to accomplish the mission of the groups wherein You have placed me.  I love You, Lord.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Planning the Meal


Devotion:  Jeremiah 29:11-14

While planning a couple of meals; I was thinking of the precious company I was about to have over.  One couple is brand new, never been here before.  The other group of people have all been here at least once.

I began to think about the food I have prepared for these people in the past.  As I rehearsed the previous meals, I was also thinking of their diets and what they eat on a daily basis.  I wanted it to be different than before.

For the larger group;  I decided on a spagetti bake.  It is filling and a good fall dish to serve alongside a salad with some garlic bread.  My company can fill their bellies with this “comfort” food and be satisfied before having our planning session.

I am not a fancy cook by any stretch of the word.  I do love preparing a good meal for my hungry guests and always pray they will be satisfied with the food I have chosen.  I love having people over and sharing our hearts together.  Food is just a side to prepare for the main event, talking and sharing our hearts.

In a previous post I reflected on a runaway watermelon that stayed the course until landing in a neighbor’s bushes.  I pray that the food I sit before my company will smell and taste good and most of all feed their tummies.

God has promised He will not let His own go begging for bread.  The disciples of Jesus ate many meals together as they talked of the day and planned for the future.  Many a prayer has been prayed and many a decision has been made around the table.

Meals are important but what’s more important is what is said and done around that table.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, help me plan and prepare for my meals but also what is to be discussed around my table.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.


Runaway Food


Devotion:  John 4:32

I had just unloaded some groceries into my house when my neighbor texted to say I had left the trunk open on my car.  I walked around the sidewalk to close my gate and caught a glimpse of Ginny standing on her front porch.  I had already picked up the watermelon remaining in the trunk.

As I walked over to Ginny’s house; I found myself directly in front of her yard and so I could give her a proper hug; I laid down the watermelon.  All of a sudden it started to roll, down the road, into the neighbor’s driveway and then coursed down his long sidewalk finally landing in the bushes.  We were both running to try and catch it.

A man spraying weeds around his house just watched that watermelon rolling.  Ginny and I were dying laughing and he remained expressionless, totally unaffected by what was going on around him.  That made me laugh even harder.

I’m not sure how far I would have run to catch this $3.00 watermelon.  I was all the time thinking of the old children’s story of the gingerbread man.  “Run, run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man.”

As I thought of this crazy scenario I began to reflect on the “food of God’s Word.”  Daily, we are almost in a run trying to catch the illusive things that never seem to come to a halt.  All the while we have available to us the Person of God who is “quietly spraying our weeds”, unaffected by our break neck speed.

God is unaffected by the run we find ourselves in.  Why don’t we stop chasing after the things that matter little to our Gardener?  He has the best food available to us in His Word.  It does not run away from us.  Let’s sit down and soak in God’s Word rather than chasing after the runaway food.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, Jesus, help me to sit down and soak in Your Word.  Then I will be going in the right direction You have ordained for me versus chasing the runaway food.  I love You Lord.  In  Your Name I pray.  Amen.





The Secret to Our Strength


Devotion:’  Judges 16:1-18

I recently bought this shampoo called Plump for Joy by a company called “Not Just Your Mother’s”.  I actually laughed out loud when I saw it sitting on the shelf at a local Concord store.  What woman doesn’t want to have the appearance of nice thick hair?

I had been using this new found wonder for about two weeks when I asked my dear husband if he had noticed the name of our new shampoo?  Ben said, “What?  I was wondering why I couldn’t get my hair to go flat?”  He also added; “For your information,  I don’t like my hair to be poofy.” I began to laugh again because I love my new “Big hair” product.  (I can’t find it anywhere since.)

I began to picture Sampson with his long locks of hair reflecting in Delilah’s eyes as she planned to find out the source of his strength.  God told Sampson to never cut his big hair; for his strength was in those locks. The strongest man alive during his era was to never tell his secret.

Delilah was determined to get the truth out of this man who could accomplish amazing feats with his bare hands.  Seduction was the answer.  Many a strong man has yielded to the temptation of a woman determined to ensnare her prey.

After many attempts; Delilah accomplished her mission to pry out Sampson’s well kept secret.  It wasn’t too long after the secret was shared; Delilah came to Sampson and after several attempts at securing him; successfully cut Sampson locks.  He was trapped by the Philistines and tortured until he brought down the temple walls on top of him and many others.  What a sad ending to the life of one so strong.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, my strength comes totally from You.  You are my everything!  May I never be deceived by the things of this world.  I give You Praise, Honor, Glory and Blessing.  The secret to my strength comes from You Jesus.  My life is in Your hands Lord.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.


Go and Make Disciples


Devotion:  Matthew 28:19

As we celebrated our church’s first year anniversary; my heart was full of joy for The Factory Church.  Pastor Andy always preaches straight from God’s Word.  His love for the Word and broken people pours out of him as he preaches and teaches what God gives him each week.

As Andy began to place on the screen all God had accomplished in twelve short months; it was quite mind boggling.  We haven’t had one week without visitors. Every week people come to know Christ as their Savior.  We are in no debt and we are run by 95% volunteers.  We have ownership versus membership.  We’ve helped schools, supported missionaries, shared free ice-cream  in neighborhoods and businesses, all just to love on people, all for the glory of the Lord.

We cannot stay inside our church walls and accomplish the great commission.  We must go to where the people are, be intentional to serve them.  This is what our Lord did.  The fields are white unto harvest.

God’s children are called to be the church.  We are the bride of Christ.  Our mission is clear.  Share our faith, hope and trust in the One for whom we live to serve.

Jesus is our example always.  He’s the One we long to immolate.  Let’s intentionally go and give out His truth and His life to those God has given us.  Ask God how He wants you to be the hands and feet of Jesus, on a daily basis.  Your mission field awaits.

Prayer in Motion: 

Lord, my heart is full of the joy You have given.  “Your love is amazing, steady and unchanging.”  Thank You for saving me and may I bring many into Your kingdom.  Prompt me by the power of Your Spirit to share this wonderful truth.  In Jesus Name I offer up this prayer.  Amen.


So What’s Really Important?


Devotion:  Luke 19:38-42

Ever asked yourself this question?  I just did a few minutes ago as I entreated God about some precious company coming.  I want to serve them and bless them as they visit.  What a treasure to have friends come from half way across the world!

Do they care that every corner is dusted?  Probably not!  Bathrooms are cleaned!  Check!  Sheets are clean!  Check!  Floors are vacuumed!  Check!  Food to be bought and preparation to be made.  Not checked but will be.

Some of us who are less organized and possibly may not be described as the Proverbs 31 Woman, get so wigged out when company is coming.  If you find yourself there, welcome to my world.  I don’t want to get wigged out because I love having people. I believe I have the gift of hospitality but not organization.  What’s up with that?   I want to enjoy time with the people God sends my way more than anything.

So how do we relax?  How do we present a little more of a Mary heart versus a Martha spirit?  I asked the Lord to show me what really matters.  He is.  He’s desperately trying to help me keep the most important things the main thing.  God help me make my home a respite, a place of peace and order.  Being immaculate, able to eat off the floors is not necessary.  Who does that anyway?  Good grief!

God, I want people to sense Your sweet Spirit in my home.  I need You to be pleased with my heart and long to show people love and service more than anything else.

God, forgive me for being anxious about people that I love coming over.  It’s really ridiculous!  Nourishing precious friends matters the most!  Teach me Your ways Oh Lord and continually renew a right spirit within me.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord thank You for precious people to share this life with.  I want to pour out love upon those You send my way.  You are so dear and I want to reflect You to all who enter my doors.  Thank You!  Teach me to keep the main thing the main thing.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.


Life Storage


Devotion:  Matthew 6:19-20

Life Storage is the name of a beautiful storage facility on Mallard Creek Church Road in Charlotte, NC.  It is design built to look like a dwelling place.  Come to think of it; it is a dwelling place for people’s earthly treasures.

I wondered if the stored stuff is there because people have too much, or they are in between dwelling places?  Could it be the stuff one has inherited and they are trying to decide what to do with it?  Maybe there are some who have a storage unit to give to the poor or those who may have lost everything.  That would be a wonderful thing.   There are almost as many storage places as there are churches in the Carolinas.

I began to think about the treasures kept in heaven for us.  My sweet friend Carlene shared about a woman who had a near death experience.  Jesus showed her a storage place full of gifts unopened.  He told her; “These were the things I had for you that remain unopened.”

Do you and I have gifts that remain unopened, kept in heaven for us?  At the least, it is something to ponder.  The question remains; “How do I begin to lay up treasures in heaven?”  We talk to people about our Jesus.  He is our everything.  He is what matters most.  Right?  Laying up treasures in heaven involves spending time in God’s Word and in prayer.  It involves pouring into people; the lost, the hurting, the poor, and the sick.  Those are the things that matter to our Savior.  Many times He didn’t even have a place to lay His head.  He definitely did not have a storage unit.

Prayer in Motion:

Oh God, I pray that I have more treasures in heaven than I do on earth.  All of this “stuff” will one day burn up.  Burn up!  Please forgive me for putting so much stock in stuff, versus spending time laying up treasures in heaven.  I love You Lord.  In Jesus Name I pray.  Amen.







I Truly Have…


Devotion: 2 Timothy 4:7

Last words are important.  People hang on to them because their memory is forever etched in your mind.  These were the last words of my dear friend Teresa. “I truly have…” I believe she was having a conversation with her Lord Jesus.

I don’t pretend to know what He said to her.  Here’s what I believe He said; “You’ve fought the good fight.  You’ve kept the faith”…She said:  “I truly have.”  He said Teresa Martin Brown your name is written in the Lamb’s book of life.  Enter into the joy of your Master.

My friend’s celebration of life was amazing.  Jason Lanier and Jasmine Lloyd sang “The Prayer.”  Teresa’s children Dr. Christa Phipps,  Mrs. Hope Wooten and Dr. Timothy Brown spoke powerful words about their mom and her testimony.  They spoke of their precious memories of her “training them up in the way they should go.”  All three spoke of her love for God’s Word and her prayers for them.  Each one spoke of her amazing strength and courage.

Several hundred choir members sang; “I’d Rather Have Jesus” and “It is Well.”  I thought we were going to be raptured right into heaven with our sister.

Dr. Mike Whitson gave a powerful eulogy based upon Teresa’s last words.  Dr. Stephen Rummage encouraged those of us who grieve but not as those who have no hope.

I was curling my hair and it came to me before her celebration that Teresa would speak to us.  She did!  A video message was played.  God had given our sister a dream about her death a couple of years before God took her to her heavenly home.  She had seen the whole thing.  She was at perfect peace in her dream and she was at perfect peace when her appointed time came.

Dr. Whitson ended Teresa’s life celebration with inviting people to ask Jesus into their heart.  There must have been at least thirty who raised their hands to be saved.  Glory to God in the highest!  My friend LeeAnn and I prayed that God would allow Teresa to know that even in death; she was winning people to Jesus.

My precious friend Teresa, you will be missed sorely by your beloved husband Dr. Joe Brown, and children Christa, Hope and Timothy, all of your precious grandchildren and every one of us who called you friend.  All were your life’s treasures.  You loved people well by telling them the truth of what God says.  As I’ve told you before we are better people because of your life.  Thank you for giving to the Lord.  Until we see you again precious friend!

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, I pray to finish well and strong as this child of the Most High God did.  May I run the race in such a way as to win the prize that our sister has won.  Thank You for her well-lived life.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

God’s Joy


Devotion:  Nehemiah 8:10

Amazingly enough, God’s Word declares, “a merry heart does good like medicine.”  My friend Teresa Brown used to say, “I choose joy.”  In the midst of sickness; she carried on with this being her motto.  God’s Word should always be a Christian’s motto.

I want to choose joy in the midst of sorrow.  Choosing the joy of the Lord doesn’t necessarily mean happiness.  It is possible to experience both at the same time but to display joy in the midst of pain or grief can only come from the Lord.

How do joy and happiness differ?  Happiness depends upon your circumstances.  Joy is an abiding fruit of God’s Holy Spirit.  He who promises to never leave you nor forsake you is your neverending joy.  You have this joy in you and will experience it and display it throughout eternity.

It’s because of the joy of the Lord that we can have a merry heart.  This joy cannot be produced in our own flesh.  It comes from the Lord Jesus Christ.  He died in order that we might have His indwelling joy.  In His Spirit alone we can manifest this attribute.

There are many Christians who battle sickness, pain or depression and yet they make the Lord’s joy known to all those in their sphere of influence.  They keep on doing all that God has called them to do in His strength.  Their countenance is supernatural.  I don’t know about you; but I long to display this kind of joy to all those around me.

Prayer in Motion:

Thank You, Lord, for giving to me such joy unspeakable and full of Your glory.  I want to have that “joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart to stay.”  I pray others will see Your joy in me Father.  It’s in Your Name I pray.  Amen.

Sorrow Upon Sorrow


Devotion:  Isaiah 53:3

There are no words to say to someone who’s just lost their child. You just go and cry with them.  The verse about Jesus being a man of sorrows acquainted with grief is all that would come to my mind.  He is the God of all comfort when we can’t find words to say.  Our hearts long to do what only our Savior can.

It is by His stripes that we are healed.  There is no salve to pour onto this kind of parental hurt.  “He was wounded for our transgressions.”  It’s part of the reason He died for us, to take on our sorrow upon sorrow.  Christ knew we could not bear it with every stripe that was placed upon His body.

God who goes before us holds us with HIs nail-scarred hands.  He holds us when we hurt so deeply.  Jesus is at the right hand of the Father ever interceding for all who are weary and heavy laden.

His yoke, the one that we are in with our Lord; is the one that holds us close to Him.  When one of God’s children is in the middle of the most horrific tragedy they ever thought possible; this man of sorrows is yoked with them.

Our Jesus promised to never leave us nor forsake us.  Promised!  Oh God, I am asking You precious Savior to minister to the parents, siblings, and relatives of this one gone at such a young age.  You knew his pain and You know theirs.  You are at the right hand of the Father ever interceding for them.  Hold them close Lord.  May they receive from the heart of the Savior who knows their deep pain, the comfort only You can bestow.

Prayer in Motion:

Jesus minister to all those who’ve lost their children.  Right now yoke them with You and comfort their sorrow upon sorrow.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.