Out With the Old


Devotion:  Ephesians 4:20-24

Who doesn’t like new clothes?  New clothes for me is something someone has given me or I’ve purchased at a consignment store.  Hey, it’s new to me and I love the way I got it.  I consider it a gift from the Lord.

Old clothes are soft compared to new clothes.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to have new clothes.  There’s a consignment shop in Lynchburg called Nice as New.  It’s a lovely shop with lovely clothes that someone else has worn but still looks wonderful.  They have no stains, rips or tears.

Today’s passage talked about laying aside the old self which is being corrupted.  It truly is being corrupted by this present dark world and all of its deceit.  We can be so easily deceived by all of the sparkly newer and more beautiful trinkets the world puts in front of us, making us think we’ve just got to have them and right away.

We can begin to practice laying aside the old self by denying ourselves the pleasures of the flesh and put on our new self by choosing to be Christ-like, walk in His righteousness, His holiness and His truth.

You see when we choose to put on our new self, we fail to give the devil an opportunity.  Satan wins when we give into the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.  This ancient serpent can’t have our soul; however, he can rob us of our joy and peace.

We are not to grieve the Holy Spirit, by whom we are sealed for our day of redemption.  May we choose to put on our new self daily and walk in His ways.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, may I always choose to put off the old self and put on the new self, by the power of Your Holy Spirit and always choose to be raised up in the newness of life.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.



Traffic Circles


Devotion:  Numbers 22:21-31

Every city you drive through has them.  Traffic circles are designed to help move traffic a bit faster.  Some seem to do just that.  Other times; it baffles me as to why there is one out in the middle of nowhere.  Maybe there is a quota of traffic circles that have to be built.

The first traffic circle I encountered was probably over twenty years ago.  My friend Joyce was driving.  Apparently she’d never seen one either.  We just kept going in circles for a little while.

It made me think about how our lives can go in circles as well.  We don’t know what to do, so we stay in the circle because it gets comfortable.  We can even find ourselves in somewhat of a rut that we cannot seem to pull ourselves out of.  We just keep circling and circling until we become dizzy.

Traffic patterns are established by those in authority over our roadways.  In Bible times there were not cars, trains, buses or planes.  They only had camels, donkeys or horses to ride.  I don’t suppose they had traffic circles in those days.  I do remember there was a time when a donkey got stuck between a rock and a hard place and his master starting beating him.

That donkey began to talk back.  Can you imagine how that man felt?  It’s a wonder he didn’t faint right there in the middle of the road.  That poor donkey was being abused.  God alone could make an animal talk but He got his point across.

We never want to keep going in circleecause ultimately we get no where.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, may I never keep going in circles.  Lead me always on the right path.  May I be kind to all those you bring into my life.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.







Releasing of Leaves


Devotion:  Jeremiah 17:8

It’s that time of year when the trees release their leaves by the thousands. I’ve noticed; they fall one leaf at a time.  One leaf cannot take another’s place.   The fall of each leaf is ordained by the One who created the tree.  After falling to the ground, they begin to disintegrate; serving as fertilizer to the earth beneath them.  Each one fulfilled their duty until their purpose was over. They provided shade for people, animals, as well as the earth beneath their spread.

The same is true for human beings.  God created each of us intentionally with a plan and on purpose.  When each has fulfilled his or her purpose; we return to the earth from which we were created.  We were created from dust and to dust we shall return.

Because we have a relationship with our Creator and Redeemer; the minute we breath our last, our spirit goest directly to be with this One whom our soul loves.  The Bible promises; when we are absent from the body, we will be present with the Lord.

I am seriously afraid of heights but I also know that will be removed when my spirit leaves my body.  God’s got you and me.  He is mindful that we are but dust and loved us even before we were created in our Mother’s womb.

When our time to leave comes; we will shed this body of skin and bones; and our real self will be released into the presence of our Savior.  What a day that will be when we see Jesus.  There will be no more sorrow, suffering or pain.

When our Bridegroom returns for His Bride; the dead in Christ shall rise first and then we who are alive and well will be caught up to meet them in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, teach me to number my days that I might present to You a heart of wisdom.  May I make everyday count for You until my soul takes flight.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Broken and Spilled Out


Devotion:  Psalm 34:18

Steve Green wrote a song by the same name as this devotion.  Research the words and. the melody.

“One day a plain village womanDriven by love for her LordRecklessly poured out a valuable essenceDisregarding the scornAnd once it was broken and spilled outA fragrance filled all the roomLike a pris’ner released from his shacklesLike a spirit set free from the tomb

Broken and spilled outJust for love of you JesusMy most precious treasureLavished on TheeBroken and spilled outAnd poured at Your feetIn sweet abandonLet me be spilled outAnd used up for Thee
Lord You were God’s precious treasureHis loved and His own perfect SonSent here to show meThe love of the FatherJust for love it was doneAnd though You were perfect and holyYou gave up Yourself willinglyYou spared no expense for my pardonYou were used up and wasted for me
Broken and spilled outJust for love of me JesusGod’s most precious treasureLavished on meYou were broken and spilled outAnd poured at my feetIn sweet abandon LordYou were spilled out and used up for Me
In sweet abandon, let me be spilled outAnd used up for Thee”
This is my prayer for you and for me today.  I want to be spilled out and used up for the sake of Jesus, my Savior and my Lord.
The Savior is waiting to put back all the used up pieces.
Prayer in Motion:
Lord, be near to the broken hearted.  Restore all the time the locusts have eaten.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

His Banner Over You


Devotion:  Song of Solomon 2:4

While riding the struggle bus one morning; a dear friend sent me today’s Scripture.  No matter what bus you find yourself riding; God’s banner over you is love.  He who promised to never leave you nor forsake you is flying His banner of love over you at all times.

Have you ever been at the beach to look up and see a banner with some sort of proclamation flying right behind it?  It’s meant for every person on the ground to notice.

I want you to take into your soul this very Word of God and picture your Savior’s banner flying high over you.  There is no where you go that His banner refuses to fly over you.  He first loved you and knew you before the foundation of the world.  He knows ever detail of your life from beginning to the end.

You may be asking; “Well then, why did He allow this hard thing to happen?”   We know the answer but sometimes we don’t want to hear it.  He allows all these things for our good and His glory.”  You say, “Even when. it does not necessarily feel good?”  Yes, even then.

When all is going well; it’s easy to rejoice and praise God from whom all blessings flow.  When things are not going so well; it becomes an intentional choice to praise Him anyway.  The One who inhabits the praises of His people is pleased when you. honor Him with your praises and I believe even more so; when you are in grief or pain.

Always remember “His banner over you is love.”

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, help me to live like I know “Your banner over me is love.”

In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Thorn in the Flesh


Devotion: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

Raise your hand if you want a thorn in your flesh.  Who would say; “Pick me!  Pick. me?”  I see you sitting on your hands.  Paul had such a healthy way of viewing his trials and tribulations.   Oh, that we would do the same.  I complain and complain about pain and discomfort.  Although Job complained before the Lord; He still glorified Him.

When believers are tormented with a. physical affliction; we need to consider the pain – “a messenger from Satan to torment us – to keep us from exalting ourselves.”  If allowed; those maladies will knock us off the course God has ordained for us.  God is still in charge. and. He alone knows everything that is going on in and around you.

Ask the Lord to make you strong, courageous and unafraid of what man may do to you or say about you.  You go out and operate in His strength because when you are weak;  He is strong.

The Lord has made His armor available to you on a continual basis.  Please don’t. leave. home without it.  He is our Protecter, our Provider and our Peace that surpasses all understanding.  He will. give His angels charge concerning you to bear you up in all of your ways.

When the Lord does not choose to remove your thorn; you continue to praise and glorify Him.  His grace truly is sufficient and His power is honestly perfected in the very middle of your suffering.

The thorn in our side is allowed by our Savior.  We’v begged Him to remove it but He has not.   He. will use what Satan meant for evil. and turn it out for our good and HIs glory.

Prayer. in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I pray You will continually help me as I have this thorn in the side.  You’ve brought it for a season and a reason.  I trust You to always accomplish what concerns me.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.




Lord, I Believe


Devotion:  Mark 9:20-24

How many of us pray like we know God is going to do something?  Do we really believe “Things impossible with man are possible with God?  Honestly and truly believe?  I’m afraid that many times I pray filled with fear and doubt (not with the fear and reverence of God) but with more fear than faith in the One to whom I am praying.

You know all the verses but have you truly applied them to your life?  You know them in your head but have they dropped down about thirteen inches into your heart and soul? What or who are you earnestly and fervently praying over?

God never tires or grows weary in hearing your prayers.  In fact, He who never slumbers nor sleeps longs to hear your voice.  He created you for fellowship with Himself and nothing brings Him more joy than talking to His child.  Most of the time, I am so busy with my own thoughts and actions, I am not listening closely for the voice of my Savior.

If you seek Him, you will find Him when you search for Him with your whole heart.  God longs to be found by you, for you to serve Him and be intimately aquainted with all His ways.  That happens over time.  You pray, read His Word, worshi?  p Him and commune with Him as friend with friend.

What is it that you are believing God for?  It looks totally impossible in your own eyes.  Things impossible with man are possible with God.  Do not lose heart or hope because your trust is not in man but in God.

Prayer in Motion: teaching me

Lord God, thank You for leading me, teaching me and training me through all of life’s trials and hardships.  You are so good to me both now and always.  I trust You.  I believe You Lord.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.



Sexual Purity


Devotion:  1 Corinthians 6:12-20

On a Sunday morning my pastor Ronnie Parrott spoke on sexual purity for the Christian.  It was so good, I felt I should share. his main points.

  1.  We have been purchased by God and are called to glorify           Him with our bodies.
  2.  We are prone to sexual immorality. (vs 12-14)
  3.  We are freed from sexual bondage. (vs 15-17)
  4.  We are called to sexual holiness.(vs. 18-19a)
  5.  We are redeemed from sexual brokenness.  (vs. 19b-20)

Sexual immorality has been around since Bible times.  As time marches on, society becomes more and more perverted.  God certainly gave us guidelines.  Men and women are tempted to look at pornography more than ever.  It’s become acceptable to society but certainly not to God.

Those who give into the lust of the flesh and the pride of life, do not fear the Lord our God.  Above all else we are to guard our hearts with all diligence for from it flows the issues of life.  Can you believe that in Bible times, there were temple prostitutes, for crying out loud?

There are many people who claim to be Christian, who excuse away their hidden sins.  Some are not even ashamed that they disobey God and His Word .   If we all truly feared the Lord, (which is the beginning of wisdom) I do not believe there would be so much disobedience and confusion in the world.  Of course we know God is not the author of confusion.  He is a God of order.  He longs for us to holy as He is holy.

Prayer in Motion: 

Lord Jesus, please restore sexual purity to your church.  May those who claim your Name live a life that is holy and pleasing to You.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.





What’s Next?


Devotion:  Ecclesaistes 3:1

People can easily become stymeed with a ton of information regardiing  life on planet earth. We are watching with abated breath to see what happens next.  I’ve heard many a Christian ask, “What’s next?  Honestly, only God knows.  Emmanuel, God is with us both now and always.  He will never leave us nor forsake us.

We can do hard things through Christ who strengthens us.  Actually. that’s all things through Christ.  All includes the hard things.  When you’ve been through some of the worst of the hard; you truly. do become stronger in character, in faith, and trust in the One who first loved you.

God asks us to take up our cross and follow Him to the next thing and the next.   There’s always going to be a next thing.  Do you trust the One who has all the next things?    I pray that you do.  We trust in the Lord with all our heart and never lean on our own understanding.

When we follow Christ in obedience; the next thing can show up unexpectedly and  be harder than you ever imagined.  However;  your Savior will teach you and train you in righteousness with each hard thing.   Nothing is ever wasted and not just for your growth alone but prepared to help others who may be going through similar things.

God longs to use every thing in the lives of His children for our good and His glory.  (Yes even the things that don’t seem to be good.). Be watching for the very next thing God allows to come. your way.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, may I. be thankful for everything. you allow to come into my life to draw me closer to you.  In Jesus name.  Amen.


United We Stand


Devotion:  Philippians 2:1-2

The Bible talks a lot about division versus being united and acting like one.  There’s a recent commercial about our country being divided over licorice.  Oh, if it were only that unimportant thing  about which we are broken.

The Bible talks so much about unity and division.  A house divided against itself will not stand.  Our nation has always been called The United Sates of America.  These are desperate times and only a miracle could ever bring us back together.

The world has always taught and sung about peace.  “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”   Jesus said; “My peace I give you not as the. world gives, so give I you.”  “Peace, peace wonderful peace, flowing down from the Father above.”

Unity is a choice.  Division is a choice.  One brings together.  The other tears apart.  We have been blessed to live in a free nation, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.  That’s the nation I’ve grown up in and still deeply love.

Is there anything. we can do to help promote unity in these United States?  Jesus, the Prince of peace said He came to bring a sword.    The sword of truth actually. rightly divides right. and wrong. according to God.  We live in a fallen world.

Without God’s Holy Spirit we can never begin to understand God’s Word or HIs ways.  He alone orders our. steps and directs our path.  His love that endures forever is all that unites us.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, thank You for helping me to stand and see the salvation of the Lord, the truth of the gospel.  You continue to make. a way in the wilderness .  There is unity and peace in You when the world provides none.  I love You Lord.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.