God’s Requirements


Devotion:  Micah 6:8

Many people will have little to do with the Lord.  Why?  I believe they feel His requirements are too strenuous.  Actually, it’s man’s rules more than God’s rules.  Man wants all the requirements and rules applied to all the people except for himself.  God’s requirements only involve a few requirements.

  1.     God wants us to act justly to all people.  He treats us fairly            and rightly. It’s much easier to treat people justly who treat            us justly.  He wants us to treat justly even those who treat            us badly.

2.     We are to love faithfulness.  God can never be unfaithful to          His children.  He expects us to love faithfulness and pour it          out on all of those God has placed in our sphere of                      influence.

3.     God expects us to. walk humbly with our God.  It’s easy to            walk in arrogance.   Walking in humility is not always the              easiest pathway; however it’s the one God requires of us.

Christians and non-Christians innately know the difference between right and wrong.  Believers are inhabited by God’s Holy Spirit who prompts them to obey Him.  Still, He is such a gentleman, he never forces us against our will to obey His.

The three things above are not impossible to obey.  We do however need to examine ourselves to see if we are acting justly, loving faithfulness, and walking humbly with our God.  He longs to show you if you are doing all. three.  Just ask Him today and then watch to see what He reveals to you.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, help me to obey these three requirements on a daily basis. Teach me Lord.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Conscientious Reset


Devotion:   Colossians 3:1-17

No, I’m not talking about the world reset!  This old world cries out for our attention.  Do we daily count it all joy when we encounter trials and tribulations?  Do we intentionally set our minds on things above and listen for our Father’s voice?  Remember Paul said, “I die daily.  For me to live is Christ. and to die is gain.”  We must choose to remember when Christ, who is our life, appears, then we will appear with Him in glory.”

It is a conscientious choice, a reset if you will.  I pray for you my dear reader and for myself that our lives will be hidden in Christ.  His Name is a strong tower.  The righteous run into it and they are saved.  May we take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.  Our focus must be clearly set upon our Savior.

Dear one, the One who created you for such a time as this is jealous for you.  Your Savior wants you to walk and talk with Him. He waits for you daily because He has something to say to you.  He causes all things to work together for your good and His glory.

We live and move and have our being in the God who sees us.  Sometimes we think we are invisible.  We believe ourselves to be unnoticed and ignored by God and His people.  That’s when we must do the conscientious reset of our minds, intentionally focusing on the Author and Finisher of our faith.
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face.  The things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.”

Prayer in Motion:

Jesus, help me to do this conscientious reset on a daily basis.  Help me look to You Lord.  “I need You oh I need You.  Every hour I need You.  Oh, bless me now my Savior, I come to Thee.”  In Jesus Name I pray.  Amen.

Don’t Argue Disputed Matters


Devotion:  Romans 14:1-11

Most of the time arguing disputed matters accomplishes nothing.  Everything within us wants to argue our point till the cows come home.  We believe ourselves to be right almost one hundred percent of the time.  We never want to be wrong.

Church folks can find. the silliest things to argue about.  One believes it’s ok to eat or drink certain things and another abstains from eating and drinking the same exact thing.  Some things just aren’t worth arguing about.

Disputes are the things that destroy the testimony of a church.  I spoke with a woman this week who wouldn’t attend a church right by her house due to a church fight.  Goodness, it’s so sad when those things spread throughout a community faster than the speed of sound.  I’m telling you, we will have to stand and give an account before God for such things.

God will not be mocked nor will He allow His church to be mocked.   Christ died for the church and for its people.  We are important to Him.  He does not want His name to be spotted nor stained.

We must stand for what is right and just and let all else go.  God wants us to stand up for Jesus.  He longs for us to fight for what is good and right and just.  He does not want us fighting over the color of the church or what kind of music we will sing or won’t sing, whether we raise hands or don’t raise hands.  Those things simply aren’t worth arguing over.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, forgive us for arguing over things that don’t really matter or making mountains out of molehills.  Help us to keep the main thing the main thing both now and always.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.


Human Tradition


Devotion:   Colossians 2:8-15

Traditions can be good or they can be bad.  We can be taken captive and deceived by tradition.  Ask any alcoholic or drug addict who followed in their father’s footsteps.  I loved verse 9 that speaks of the entire fullness of God’s nature dwelling bodily in Christ.  That solidifies the truth of the Trinity.

Interestingly enough; Paul begins to talk about the circumcision of those that know Jesus.  Our old ways need to be torn away from us just like a baby boy being circumcised for cleanliness reasons.

Any tradition or habit that hurts you or those you love is harmful to everyone around you.

There are great traditions such as attending church on Sundays.  That is also a command that God asks us to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.   That is where tradition and commandment come together.  Now, we need to make certain we don’t just have a form of godliness and deny the power therein.  Just going to church to be going can be a human tradition that profits no one.

Another tradition could be reading the Bible together.  Now there’s one that will profit the reader and the hearer.  God’s Word will never return void.  It feeds the mind, the heart, and the soul.  It brings beauty for ashes, strength for fear, gladness for mourning, and peace for despair.

I want you dear reader to examine your traditions and habits.  Give them a hard look.  Ask God to show you what needs to go and which ones need to stay.  I promise He wants to reveal those to you.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus may I only include the traditions that are beneficial for my spiritual growth.  May I release everyone that is harmful to me.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

What is Lacking in Christ


Devotion: Colossians 1:24-29

I’ve always been puzzled by this verse.  I understand the part about rejoicing in our sufferings for others.  It’s the second statement I took as arrogant, thinking Paul was saying Christ’s suffering on the cross wasn’t enough.  It seemed Paul was saying he was completing what was lacking in Christ’s afflictions for his body. What? His body was given for us.  He was wounded for our transgressions and by His stripes, we are healed.

I googled John Piper, a theologian that I trust deeply. He explained that Paul was carrying the gospel even in his suffering and pain.  Paul served the church no matter what. He was finishing well the calling on his life, that was to share Christ, the hope of glory.

Paul wanted to present everyone mature in Christ.  The only way to accomplish this was to strive with His strength.  Dear reader, we are to do the same.

I had to ask myself; Am I making the Word of God fully known?  I certainly want to.  It’s of first importance.  I want it to become what consumes me till I go to be with Jesus.  I want my zeal for the Lord to consume me.

It is in Christ’s strength alone that we will finish the race set before us.  Everything worth fighting for; the people for whom you are struggling, as well as the circumstances God has allowed; this passage is explaining that you can rejoice in your sufferings because you are completing in your flesh what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the church.  Read that again.  It’s something to ponder for this day.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, thank You for helping me to rejoice in my sufferings.  You alone are my help. and my strength to complete in my flesh what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the church.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  in Jesus. Name.  Amen.

Wisdom and Spiritual Understanding


Devotion:  Colossians 1:1-14

All of us desire to be filled with the wisdom of God and have spiritual understanding.  That is what we long for; however, at what lengths will we go to seek it out, to seek Him out?  He alone has the foreknowledge of our future.  We are not psychic.  If we know Jesus, we are Spirit-filled.  When we seek Him, we will find Him when we search for Him with our whole hearts.

The whole purpose for seeking wisdom and spiritual understanding is found in the next verse; “so that we may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him; bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God.”  We all want to walk worthy of the LORD.  It’s more than wishing we could; it’s finding out there are ways to achieve that godly goal.

How happy are you?  Psalm 1:1 tells us “Happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked…” Sometimes we seek advice from the people who will agree with us.  They do not mean to give us bad advice, it’s just not godly advice.  Verse 2 tells us to “delight in the LORD’S instruction and meditate on it day and night.”  Dear one, you cannot go wrong by seeking His counsel in His Word.  It is like apples of gold in settings of silver.

The results in delighting in the LORD”S instruction is that we will be like a tree planted by the water, yielding much fruit, prospering in all of our ways, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

The Bible tells us, “If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and without reproach.”  That verse declares wisdom is available to all men.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I am boldly coming to Your throne room of grace to find help in time of need.  I need wisdom and understanding as I pray for my family, neighbors and all those You have given me.  I long to be a fruit-bearing as a believer, as Your child.  God help me.  I love You and put my trust in You alone.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.


My Holy Dwelling Place


Devotion:  Psalm 46:4-7

As I read these verses; I wrote out beside them, “God, I know this is speaking of Your dwelling place in heaven; however, as I worshipped You, it came to me that by Your Holy Spirit; You are my holy dwelling place.”  My heart is secure because I trust in You alone.

God is within us so we will not be toppled. Because You are within us You will never leave us nor forsake us. You will help us daily.   As I pondered who You are, the LORD of Armies; I thought of all the wars and battles that have been won because of You.

LORD, You are the God of Jacob.  We Gentiles have been grafted into the Jewish heritage through the blood and mercy of Jesus.  We are chosen, adopted, and allowed to come into the Holy of Holies anytime, twenty-four seven.

When Jesus breathed His last, the veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom signifying that we have access to the throne room of God.  No weapon formed against us shall prosper.  Our King of Kings extends His scepter to us His children.  He who never slumbers nor sleeps is attentive to the cries of our hearts.

One version says in Psalm 46:10, “Stop fighting and know that I am God.”  I’ve memorized the version that says “Be still and know that I am God.”  There are many ways we fight, physically, emotionally, and even spiritually.

2 Chronicles 20:17 (Click on this verse)

All of us are fighting some sort of battle either spiritually, physically, or emotionally.  We have been given so much grace so we must bestow grace on all those God has given us.  God is our dwelling place.  He made a way for us.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, You are my holy dwelling place.  I need You now, more than yesterday.  I need You now more than words can say. You are my everything, Jesus!  I trust You!  In Your Name, I pray.  I love You, Lord.


Can’t Unknow


Devotion:  Matthew 6:9-15

Lysa Terkeurst made this statement in her book, “Forgiving What You Can’t Forget;” “I can’t unknow these teachings on forgiveness.”  There are many Christian songs as well as regular songs that have been written on forgiveness.

Music and melodies come together to try and make sense of what has been said or done.  Although we can’t unknow these hurts; we who have experienced the forgiveness of Jesus can choose to bestow it upon those who’ve hurt us.

We can know the truth and it will set us free.  The hurt and disappointments can honestly be terribly weighty.  We can choose to hang onto bitterness and if left festering in our souls; it will bring physical as well as emotional pain.

Lysa stated that “the goal of forgiveness isn’t perfection, it’s progress.  We aren’t robots. We are tenderhearted humans who feel deeply and can be hurt deeply.  The sign of progress is to allow the pain to work for us and not against us.”

We must determine daily to forgive again, over and over to walk in forgiveness.  I was reminded of the Lord’s prayer on forgiving us our debts as we forgive our debtors.   These are the words that follow in Matthew 6; “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”  Wow!

You and I have received forgiveness lavishly so we must choose to give it lavishly. You can’t unknow the power of forgiveness.

Prayer in Motion:

Dear Lord, help me walk in the measure of forgiveness that I have been given.  Help me to never “unknow” Your forgiveness or choose to withhold it from anyone.   In Jesus Name.  Amen!

To Live is Christ


Devotion:  Philippians 1:21

Am I truly living?  Do I live as unto the Lord? What does that even mean?  To live is Christ but to die is gain.  God gives grace for every single day.  Christ knew you before the foundation of the world.  He knows every single day of yours from before you were conceived in your mother’s womb until the day you will draw your last breath.  I want to bring honor and glory to the Lord in my thoughts, words, and deeds.

How can I live as if You God are walking right beside me?  You are Lord, living, and breathing inside of me.  I will live to honor and glorify You.  I want to share You with all of those You have given me.

I want to live victoriously and walk in that victory no matter what is going on in my world.  Faith is the victory that overcomes the world, not faith in myself but faith in Jesus Christ.  I can hear His voice above mine and all the others.

I long for you and me to give the right response. God is jealous for you.  He wants you to obey Him and follow after Him.  When I think about the statement “to live is Christ,” I believe He wants us to pour into His Word and listen for His voice.

God longs to train us in righteousness.  He longs to keep us in perfect peace and teach us daily what it means to be an overcomer.  I pray you and I will learn to die to ourselves that we might live to bring honor and glory to God with every breath we breathe.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, will You help me understand the true meaning of “to live is Christ”.  I so want to.  I want that to be true of me Lord.  Thank You for teaching me and training me.  I love You Lord.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.



Heaven and Earth


Devotion: Psalm 19:1

The whole earth is full of God’s glory.  Look up dear one and gaze upon the sky, the trees, the stars, the sun, and the moon!  The heavens are telling of the glory of God.  Let your eyes feast on all that God has for you to behold.

Now, take time to listen to the sounds of nature, the birds, the frogs, the crickets, so many sounds pour forth in worship to their Creator. Many years ago my husband and I were blessed to go see Niagra Falls.  We boarded a little boat called Maid of the Mist and went as close as possible to this all-encompassing waterfall.  I felt as if it were going to suck us right in.  It honestly brought me to worship.  This majestic creation was roaring praises to God.

I’ve only mentioned a few of the earth’s sights and sounds.  God also says, “The heavens are declaring the glory of God.  He also tells us “Heaven and earth shall pass away but my Word will not. pass away.”

As I sit on my front porch, the leaves on the trees lean forward toward me.  I watched them move in the gentle breeze.  My own soul is stirred as well.  The few flowers I have are showing their glory as well.  It’s a new season.  Temperatures are rising.  Rains are watering the grass and all the veggies too.  New life is springing forth and bearing much fruit.

One day there will be a new heaven and a new earth.  Until that day, we are to bring glory to the One who thought about us before the foundation of the earth.  Look up, dear reader.  Praise Him!  Worship Him.  Get to know the One to whom you are betrothed!  He waits for you in this season of life and all those that will follow.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, I lift Your Name on High!  Thank You for every season.  “The longer I serve You, the sweeter You grow.  The more that I love You, more love You bestow.  Each day is like heaven.  My heart overflows.  The longer I serve You, the sweeter You grow.” In Jesus Name.  Amen.