Having an Agenda


Devotion:  Matthew 28:19-20

                  An agenda.  Everyone has one.

Wearing his agenda; a young man’s shirt said, I’m gay and I’m educated.  He was so close to me that I didn’t get to read the rest of the shirt. The very next day, while flipping through a well known magazine for women; I saw a full add picture of a guy sitting on a couch, with his guy friend’s head in his lap.  The week before; a local school system decided to fully push this same agenda in the form of a book, upon elementary school aged children.

The next two paragraphs were reported by WFXB on the subject of the book called Jacob’s New Dress.

“A teacher raised concerns about the transgender-validating book, Jacob’s New Dress, at a school board meeting. The book celebrates a young boy who wears dresses to school, and it stigmatizes boys who urge their peers to wear boys’ clothes. After lawmakers in Raleigh heard the concerns, the book was removed from the “anti-bullying” curriculum — but it was replaced with Red: A Crayon’s Story, which focuses on a red crayon that believes itself to be blue, reports WFXB.”

 “The purpose of our elementary schools is to teach writing, reading, and arithmetic, not to encourage boys to wear dresses,” Tami Fitzgerald, executive director of NC Values Coalition, said in a statement.  Schools should be focused on helping young children to achieve the building blocks of learning, not indoctrinating them in progressive social values.”
 What are Christians to do?  How are we to respond?
Gays accuse Christians of trying to push our agenda on them. The “Christian agenda” invites change. “If any man be in Christ; he is a new creation; old things have passed away, behold all things become new.”  Our message is based upon; “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16  Now that’s a powerful message.
      For Christians; It should not be a matter of tolerance. We       should not tolerate what God opposes.
      Leviticus 18:22 says: “You shall not lie with a male as with a       woman. It is an abomination. “

Christ followers are to love the sinner and hate the sin.  In love we are to share “the Way, the Truth and the Life.”  No man comes to the Father but through Christ.  Go and tell the truth to your city counsel, to your churches, out on the highways and byways.  After having done all; “Stand and see the salvation of the Lord.”

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, help me to always tell the truth in love. Give me courage to stand against the indoctrination of our precious children with the transgender message, or for that matter any  message that comes against You.  We are the people called by Your Name.  May we humble ourselves and pray and seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways.  Then you will hear from heaven and forgive our sins and heal our land.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

Parable of Two Sons


Devotion: Matthew 21:28-32

I’ve read this parable many times and never understood it the way I did today.  My husband and I began to discuss it.  The way I’ve always understood it; was that the chief priests and the scribes gave the wrong answer. It just didn’t make sense to me that Jesus would tell them they should have given the second answer, “I will, sir’ but did not go.”

On a Wednesday after reading the whole context and having my eyes opened though the Holy Spirit who dwells in my believing husband; I GET IT!  Jesus wasn’t telling the chief priests and scribes, they gave the wrong answer; He was telling them, although they gave the right answer; they did not believe in Jesus. They were not full of regret or remorse regarding their unbelief.  The tax collectors and prostitutes although they rejected Him at first; did finally feel remorse and believed in Him and followed after Him.

Mercy, how could I be so wrong?  I’ve been asking God to open my eyes to His Word and to give me understanding like never before.  He is doing it!  He is revealing the hidden things.  There is so much hidden treasure there; if we will just study to show ourselves approved unto God.  May we always seek His wisdom and understanding rather than relying on our own.

My friend Jo Ellen says, “You’ve got to live it out before you can give it out.”  We must also trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not unto our own understanding.”  Our own understanding will lead us down the wrong path.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, help me to study your Word always in context.  May I seek You deeply.  Please give me wisdom and understanding above all else.  I want to live it out before I give it out.  I want Your wisdom and Your understanding.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

Trust and Obey


Devotion: 2 Samuel 22:31

“There is no other way; to be happy in Jesus; but to trust and obey.”  We have two choices.   We can trust in what our own flesh tells us or we can trust in what the Living God tells us. His Word remains true when your life is falling apart.  His Word remains true when the world turns against you.  His Word remains true even in your doubting.

Our Lord is trust worthy.  His Word is truth. When we are weak; He remains strong! John tells us;  “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.”   Our hope and strength comes from Christ alone.  We cannot fake trust and obedience.

Our flesh will deceive us twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. We want comfort.  We want easy.  We want pleasure.   If we trust and obey the Lord daily; instead of our own flesh; God will be honored and glorified.  We may have to suffer.  We may have to be uncomfortable.  We may have to do hard.  We may have to do the unpleasant.

God is always for us.  If we obey Him; all will be right one day.  It might not be this side of heaven.  It might be in eternity.  How do we trust and obey in the midst of persecution and conflict?  We choose to trust; one faith-filled moment at a time, one courageous step at a time.  We walk in the light as He is in the light, no matter what comes.

In this world we we will battle trials and tribulation. Trust and obey anyway.   Say to your soul, “I will hope in the Lord continually”.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, I choose to trust and obey You.  When my world is crashing in; I will lift mine eyes into the hills from where my help comes.  I choose to believe Your Word because Your Word is truth.  I will not lean unto mine own understanding but in all my ways acknowledge You.  You are my strength and shield.  I love You Lord.  In Jesus Name.  Amen



The Lord Has Need of Them


Devotion:  Matthew 21:1-11

Picture with me; the Savior of the world needing a donkey and a colt.  These two animals were owned by a fellow believer.  How do I know this?  First of all, He created them and He knew the two disciples would be questioned as to why they were taking these two beasts.  He also knew when the disciples told the owner, “The Lord has need of them;” immediately he would send them.

Jesus came riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, and a colt, sitting upon the coats given to Him.  He did not have a saddle so the King of Kings needed something to sit upon.  Don’t you love that people offered their coverings or coats; to the One whose blood would cover their sin?  Some were throwing their coats down before Him as an act of worship and honor to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Jesus’ entrance  into Jerusalem caused quite the stir among the people.  Anytime a crowd gathers; it makes others enquire, “What’s going on?

For what does the Lord have need of in your life?  Is it a physical thing for which you cannot bear to part?  Is it a habit; a secret sin, a person whom you are desperately trying to control?  Can you begin to release that habit, that sin, that person, to the Lord your God?  He stands with open arms; ready to bear those burdens and forgive those sins you were not meant to carry.

Prayer in Motion:

Oh Lord, You are my burden bearer.  You not only take my sins but You you bear the sins of the whole world.  What a Savior!  What a covering!  I just love You so!  I untie those things that have held me captive and give them to You Jesus.  It’s in Your Name I pray.  Amen




Be Vigilant


Devotion:  “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the wellsprings of life.” from Proverbs

For what are you vigilant?  Is there anything you work hard to protect?   Your time?  Your money?  Family and friend relationships?  What is the one thing for which you would willingly lay down your life?

Let us examine the word vigilant. It suggests intense, unremitting, wary watchfulness.  There are a few things for which we should always be vigilant.  The only way to watch over your heart; is to be vigilant about your relationship with your Savior.  He should remain at first place in your heart.

The tyranny of the  urgent will try to swallow up your time with the Lord and steal your devotion to His Word and prayer.  Those things are imperative to living a life of peace, contentment and joy.  If you will be vigilant to protect your time with Jesus; everything else will fall into place.  He promises in Matthew 6:33; if you will “Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; everything else will be added unto you.”

Take a few minutes to talk to the Lord about the things for which you are vigilant.  Examine your heart to see if there is anything that needs to go, (an activity, a relationship, a time waster) as well as what needs to stay and if anything needs to be added. He promises to give us wisdom if we ask Him.

The Lord is faithful to all those who call upon Him in Spirit and in truth.  He longs for you to be vigilantly about His business.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, show me the thing(s) for which You would have me to be vigilant.  I truly want to know your heart on this matter.  Direct my path and order my steps Lord.  I want to be about my Father’s business.  I love You Lord.  In Jesus Name.  Amen




Devotion:  Genesis 3:1-4

I hate snakes!  While in college; my youngest son’s roommate had an anaconda as a pet.  It was HUGE!  They would get it out of it’s aquarium and hold it like any other pet. From time to time it would hide in the couch springs, or other dark places.

This reptile was cold to touch and whoever handled it had to wash their hands immediately after touching it in order to prevent salmonella poisoning.  That should tell you something. They fed this snake baby rabbits or mice every three days.  Why anyone would want a snake for a pet is a beyond me.

While playing with my grandchildren in their backyard; my one year old grandson; Zachary brought me a baby snake! Just the thought makes me shiver.  Their neighbor Emily and her two girls were over playing with the boys. That snake was wiggling in the hands of my grandchild!  Like a pro-snake handler; he was holding it in its middle.

Af first; Emily thought the snake was a toy, but then we both screamed and Zach threw it down. It bored itself into the ground to try and get away.  I ran for a shovel and chopped it into a million pieces.

I didn’t examine it to check out its type but know it was brown and about 10 inches long.  Right before I killed the dastardly thing; I saw its forked tongue poking in and out of it’s mouth. I still hate snakes.

The devil walked into the Garden of Eden.  Yes, I said walked! These verses declare he was more cunning than any beast of the field.  He spoke words of deception to the very first woman created by God.  Eve gave the right answer.  She told the devil the very words God had spoken to her and Adam.  God cursed these reptiles to crawl on their bellies for as long as the earth exists.

This wicked serpent deceived Eve into thinking she would not die when she disobeyed God.  The curse of sin began at that very moment.

Prayer in Motion: 

Lord, I pray I will refuse to listen to any temptation from that Serpent of Old.  May no weapon formed against me prosper. May I disarm his crafty voice with the Words of the Lord my God. Oh Jesus, be a shield about me.  Thank You Lord.  In Jesus Name I pray.  Amen



The Hunter Becomes the Hunted


Devotion:  Acts 9:20-23

God stories are the best!  Saul’s life is dramatically changed after his Damascus Road experience.  Jesus knows how to turn things around.  He did it in Saul’s life and He can do it in your life as well.

After Saul was saved; the Bible tells us “immediately he preached the Christ…”  People were stunned at the changes in Saul.  This one who had destroyed many Christ followers was becoming stronger and stronger, confounding the Jews in Damascus.  After many days, they plotted to kill this man called Saul.

                     The hunter became the hunted.

The scales had fallen off of Saul’s eyes.  He had been “turned from darkness to light and the power of Satan to God and received forgiveness of sins and a place among those sanctified by faith.”  You cannot contain a person who’s been so radically transformed and redeemed.

The Bible tells us to be on the alert; for our enemy Satan prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.  Even more so, the Lion of Judah desires for us to be watching for the “great and mighty things” He has in store for us.  This is a Lion who will hunt you down.  He longly waits for you, to overtake your very life.

Christ centered believers; should live with an open ended expectancy, that Jesus is going to act.  He is going to turn things around; if not here on earth, in heaven.

I don’t know about you but in my flesh; I can be fatalistic.  I say to myself; “This is just the way I am.”  “It’s just going to be this way.”  “It’s never going to change.”  That is a lie from the enemy himself.   When you or I began to think this way; we must remember God’s Word promises; “He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it.”  Allow God to overtake you.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, these words come flooding into my soul… “I have promised to serve Thee till the end.  Be Thou forever near me, my Master and my friend.  I shall not fear the battle, for Thou are on my side.”  You have orchestrated a plan for my life and I will trust You to complete what You started in me.  I love You Jesus. Amen!



Sowing in Tears


Devotion:  Psalm 126:4-6

As I read these verses; I realized I had prayed them over many people.  There are those who have grieved deeply over lost loved ones, prodigal children and the condition of our nation and world. God heard and received every prayer.

Today’s scripture is a promise to all who know and love the Lord their God.  He sees every tear that falls.  He even promises that He has them stored up in heaven; in a bottle known only to Him. He who created tear ducts; means for you to shed a few from time to time.  (Over your sins, and over the sins of others,)

What does it really mean to sow in tears?  It means pouring out your heart like water before the face of the Lord and lifting up your hands toward Him for the lives of those for whom you are praying. When you pour out tears before the Lord; you are soaking this earth with the water from your soul.  There will be fruit to be born.

Those tears do not go unnoticed by the One who created them. He sees every single one that falls from your eyes.  He knows your tears are never sown in vain.  

Is there anything that brings you to tears, or have you grown hard hearted?  What’s the physical purpose for tears?  To cleanse the eyes and the tear ducts.  What’s the purpose for tears from an emotional stand point? Tears can bring release from grief and sadness.  They cleanse the soul.

There are times it seems like the faucet can’t be turned off, when the wounds run deep.  This scripture encourages us; that person will come again with rejoicing.  Don’t lose heart or hope.  .

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, thank You for this promise.  My tears have not been in vain.  I trust in You Jesus, that one day I will come rejoicing.  In Jesus Name.  Amen








Everything’s Gonna Be Alright


Devotion:  Psalm 150:6

I walked outside my back door to throw out the trash.  I looked up to see the bare tree limbs swaying in the breeze and observed birds in flight against a piercing blue sky.  The birds were singing their most beautiful song and I thought to myself; if I just remember to look up; everything will be alright.  God is in control.

Even in the midst of a storm; God is there with you, in every season, every trial, and every heartache.  Even His creation praises Him, everyday, all day long.  That’s why He created you my friend, to bring Himself honor and glory and blessing.

We will worship our Lord continually when we get to heaven. What a day that will be, rejoicing around the throne of God for eternity.  We will always do His bidding, whatever that looks like.

God is still on His throne and He knows what’s going on.  He knows the thoughts I think before they even pop into my mind. He is my Shield and my Strength, a very Present Help in trouble. He knows my going out and coming in from this time and forever more.  He loves me in spite of myself.  Everything is gonna be alright.

God is God of love but also He is a “just God.”  He will accomplish what concerns me and what concerns the people in your sphere of influence.  You need not worry or fret.  God’s got you.  He’s got the people of the world.  He’s got every single situation in your life as well as all the things going on in the world.

Prayer in Motion:

God, I praise You for the knowledge that “Everything’s gonna be alright.”  I just love You with all my heart, mind, soul and strength.  I trust You with my life and all these things that are going on around me.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.


Working Hard


Devotion:  Ecclesiastes 9:10a

I love watching my children raise my five, soon to be six grandchildren.  Both my sons and daughter in laws are training their children to be responsible.

My grandson Eli came over to help with yard work.  We have a gazillion trees in our front yard.  He worked for a solid hour helping pick up sticks and what we used to call “sweet gum balls.”  It’s those brown, round spiky little things that plunge to the ground in the Fall.

We came inside for lunch and to put Ian; Eli’s two year old brother, down for a nap.  Then we headed outside and worked for another thirty to forty five minutes.  Did I mention Eli is three? Most three year olds can’t stick with an activity more than fifteen to twenty minutes.  He will be four on April 1st.

Eli is a part of a fund raising project in his church.  Freedom House is working hard to pay off a  building debt for their growing church. I love how they include their youngest members in this endeavor. They also pick kids from the youngest to the oldest; to share testimonies of godly attributes like truth telling, The leadership of FH incorporates their members in all areas of service.

Hard work comes from God.  We must do all He’s given our hands to do.  It was so dear; to watch my little tow headed grandson, working hard to earn money to put in his “liberty box.” This body of believers comes alongside parents to “train up their children in the way they should go.” Working hard for the Kingdom of Christ always pays great dividends!

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I pray that I will do all of my work as unto You.  I want to glorify and honor You with all my  hands find to do. Thank You for teaching me and training me in righteousness. In Jesus Name.  Amen!