Obeying Our Lord


Devotion: Luke 22:39-44

Jesus knew what was coming. It was three days before His crucifixion. He would go to the garden, fall down on His knees, sweat drops of blood and ask God to allow “this cup” to pass from him. Because He’s fully God and fully man, He was dreading the ripping of His flesh with the metal studded leather strips, dreading the spikes to be driven into His hands and feet as well as the crown of thorns to be shoved upon His head. He was mocked, spat upon, and cursed. No one but our Jesus would sign up for that. It was His purpose.

After He prayed to the Father, let this cup pass from me; He prayed; “nevertheless, not my will but Yours be done”.  Powerful and precious words that have echoed down through the ages. They were meant for you and me as well as every other person that’s been birthed into this world. Why? Because it’s not His will that any man, woman, boy, or girl should perish without Him.

You see; Jesus is at the right hand of the Father and ever lives to make intercession for you and me. While He lived on earth, He lived to obey His Father. He set such a perfect example for us. There are many things we would rather not do, like walk through a difficult diagnosis, be betrayed or abused; lose a parent, a child or a friend.

There was a time I was walking through a deep dark valley and I just wanted to get out of it, for it to move far away from me and never to return. I remember the gentle whisper of the Holy Spirit say to me; “This is training in righteousness.” I said back to the Lord; “I long to be trained in Your righteousness but could You please let this be over sooner than later?” Honestly, that’s not how God works. It’s His timing, His way, and His will. He alone knows when it needs to lift, how many days, weeks, months or years it will take to accomplish what concerns you.

I pray you and I will learn to obey quickly all that God asks of us and that we will be longsuffering in whatever He asks of us.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I want to obey You more than my own flesh. Forgive me for all the times I’ve wanted to do things my own way rather than obeying You. Thank You for dying for me; shedding Your innocent blood for my sins. I will never get over it but am eternally grateful for it. I love You Lord Jesus. Amen.





The Greatest Commandment


Devotion:  Mark 12: 28-34

Debate, debate, debate!  Do you ever grow weary of all the debates?  There are so many arguments going on in the world right now. It can be truly exhausting.  However, there are questions that need to be asked.  This one resonates deeply in the hearts of believers to this day.  What is the greatest commandment?

The Sadducees were arguing over which was the greatest commandment.  One of the scribes trying to catch Jesus saying or doing something wrong went to the Source of the commandments.

Verses 30 and 31 are two of the most famous verses in Christendom.  Do I “love the Lord my God with all of my heart, with all of my soul and with all of my mind and with all of my strength?  Do I love my neighbor as myself?”

I want us to examine ourselves to see what loving God that way really means?  Is there a “to do” list created by certain people?  I wonder what would be on there?  Read your Bible. (check) Pray. (check) Tithe. (check) Contact your neighbor. (check)

There are so many questions; however; what does God require of us.  “To do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with the Lord your God.”  That’s what His Word declares.  I pray we will remember and walk out the greatest commandment Jesus ever gave to us. If we will choose to live out these powerful words; I believe our world will be forever changed. We will be forever changed.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, may I live out this commandment before those You have given me.  May I love my neighbor as myself.  I long to show them I am Christian by my love and care for them.  I love You Lord.  Thank You for saving a wretch like me. In Jesus Name. Amen.






Devotion:  Exodus 12:27

Today we celebrate Passover which is still a very sacred and revered celebration.  Most Christians do not know how to celebrate it the way our Jewish brothers and sisters do.  It was to always be remembered and celebrated because of the amazing message of protection and deliverance from annihilation.

The very first Passover was celebrated by putting the blood of a Lamb on the doorpost, so the death angel would pass over and not kill the firstborn male in the household.

The word Seder means “order.” It takes place at a table and involves dozens of traditions that represent different aspects of the Passover story. A typical Seder includes songs, readings in Hebrew and English, and rituals relating to the Seder plate. Then there’s a traditional Seder dinner followed by more prayers and other activities.

The actual Seder meal is also quite variable. Traditions among Ashkenazi Jews generally include gefilte fish (poached fish dumplings), matzo ball soup, brisket or roast chicken, potato kugel (somewhat like a casserole), and tzimmes, a stew of carrots and prunes, sometimes including potatoes or sweet potatoes.

All too often Christians do not acknowledge the significance of the Jewish people.  They do not see them as the people which in their history have encountered the living and true God. The Jews are a people with whom God established a covenant.

Gentiles were grafted into the covenant by the blood of the Lamb through the blood of Jesus on the cross.  Believers in the whole world are now grafted into the family of God.

Prayer in Motion:

Jesus, thank You for grafting me in by Your blood.  I will never get over it.  Thank You for always making away for people to believe in You and have eternal life.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.


Untie It


Devotion:  Mark 11:1-3

Picture with me Jesus asking two of His disciples to go and untie a certain colt for Him. Why this colt?  No one had ever ridden on it before Him.   The Lord was asking to borrow this animal for a great purpose.  Think of it.  He could have walked but He wanted to present a picture to everyone watching of His triumphal entry.

Jesus knew the people watching would think they were stealing the colt.  All they had to say was, “The Lord has need of it and will send it back right away.”

God could have used any colt however I believe He created this colt for its rider.  The disciples took off their cloaks and threw them on the colt for Jesus to sit upon.  Those who were watching Him ride into Jerusalem began to throw down their own cloaks and branches and chant these wonderful words…

“Hosanna!  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!  Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!  Hosanna in the highest heaven!”

Jesus has all the authority given to Him by His Father in heaven.  I believe He has given us authority to untie or unleash His truth for the good of His kingdom.  It’s always about doing good because of our relationship with Him.  What would He have us do?  What is His will?  There are so many things I need to untie and loose so Jesus can be the focus of my life.   Will I obey?  It will be daily choice.

One day I will see Him riding in on His white horse to bring me to Himself and so shall I ever be with the LORD.

Prayer in Motion:

“Jesus, I have promised to serve Thee till the end.  Be Thou forever near me, my Master and my Friend.  I shall not fear the battle for You are on my side.”  Unleash anything in me that I may fully depend upon You.




Why Did Large Crowds Follow Jesus?


Devotion:  John 6:1-13

People who saw the miracles of Jesus wanted to follow Him.  He always drew a crowd and yet Jesus would sit with children, His disciples, or the greatest of all Kings and temple leaders.  He loved people right where they were, rich, poor, powerful as well as those with no power.

People follow others for various reasons.  Some are followed for their money.  Others are followed for their talents.  Then there was Jesus who was followed for His miracles.  It was exciting to see people healed, to see bread multiplied, to watch the dead raised and demons cast out.

Those who were hungry had a real reason to follow Christ.  They had a physical need for food.  Jesus knew this; however, He said His Father had true bread from heaven.  He proclaimed, “I am the bread of life.  The people said, “Give us this bread always.”

I am reminded of a verse in the Lord’s prayer which says, “Give us this day our daily bread.”  He told us, “He is the Bread of life.”  The Jews were offended by this statement.  “If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever.”  These men could not understand what Jesus was saying and began to argue with Him about the Israelites eating Manna from heaven and they died.  They did not understand He was speaking about eternal life.

The people came to be fed earthly bread, however; they walked away having found eternal life and soul giving Bread that would stay with them until eternity.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, thank You for being my life and soul-giving Bread.  You fill me up to the full.  I am blessed and highly favored by You my Bread from heaven.  Feed me till I want no more.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.



There’s Bread and then There’s Bread


Devotion:  John 6:25-35

For many years I have had to eat gluten-free bread.  If you’ve ever tasted it; it does not compare to bread that is made with gluten.  I grew up in Morganton, NC right next to Valdese, NC, home of Sunbeam Bakery.  Oh my goodness, if the wind blew the right way on the days that bread was being baked;  the aroma sometimes would travel all the way to my home on Brandon Road.  I’m not kidding.  The fragrance is divine.

Before I developed an allergy to gluten, I could eat 1/2 a loaf at a time.  It still makes me salivate to think about it.  Soft goodness melting in my mouth.  People who are not allergic can honestly live off of bread and water.  It will feed and nourish their bodies like nothing else.

The feeding of the 5,000 had just taken place so the people wanted to see more miracles.  You must understand what an impression Jesus had made on those hungry people.   He knew why they followed Him.  They wanted more of this miracle bread.

He addressed the whole issue by saying, “Do not work for the food that perishes but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you.”  Of course, they all wanted some of that.  Jesus explained that He was the Bread of Life coming from His Father.  That is what we all should hunger and thirst for continually.

Prayer in Motion:

God help me to hunger for You more than my literal food.  I long for my soul to be fed more than my stomach.  Please forgive me for all the times I’ve hungered more for earthly food than soul food.  I love you, Lord.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.


What Makes Jesus Stop?


Devotion:  Mark 10:46-52

This morning I listened to my friends Chris and Nicki Haas share their testimony of Chris’s six-minute death.  If you can go on Instagram and look them up; you will be amazed and blessed at the word of their testimony.

In God’s Word, we read about many miraculous things that happen in this town called Jericho.  In this instance; there was a blind man called Bartimaeus sitting by the road.  One wonders who placed him there to beg?  In our day; we still have beggars standing or sitting by the roadside with a hand outstretched.

The ears of Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was coming.  Can’t you hear him loudly crying out; “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me?”  Did your momma ever sush you?  These people were shushing Bartimaeus.  He did not listen.

                                   Jesus stopped.

He said “Call him.”  So the same people who were sushing Bartimaeus a few minutes ago; were now telling him to have courage and get up.  Jesus was calling his name.  What do you do when Jesus calls your name?  You get up and throw off anything that might be hindering you and go to Jesus.

Can you hear Jesus say, “What do you want me to do for you?”  He asked the question of Bartimaeus and if you listen; He may be asking this same question to you sweet one.  “What do you want me to do for you?”  Tell it to Jesus.  He is waiting for you to ask.  Jesus said in Matthew;  “Ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and you will find.  Knock and it shall be opened to you.”

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I am asking You to save ____________________.  Bring this person to Yourself.  Help them to hear You calling their name.  In Jesus Name I pray.  Amen.





If You Can


Devotion:  Mark 9:17:29

I love this passage.  Raw truth poured out.

The man declared, “I brought my son to You, speaking of Jesus.  How many of us have brought our sons, our daughters, our husbands, our mothers and fathers and friends to Jesus.

Hopefully, they are not possessed; however, they could be held captive by previous choices.   In other words, they need deliverance from the evil that has befallen them.  Why do we see so many people chained to their past?  It’s hard to get the past out of the present.

This child’s demon had thrown him into the fire or water to destroy him.  Jesus said how long has this been happening?  He is God so why did He ask the question?  He spoke it aloud so that everyone else could hear; the father and son as well.

This father felt hopeless and was less than full of faith.  Thus he said:  “But if you can do anything have compassion on us and help us”. That dear struggling father cried out;  “I do believe help my unbelief.”

What was Jesus’ command?  “Come out of him and never enter and him again.”  The demon could do no other.  He came out and the little boy became like a corpse.

The words of Jesus ring true down through the ages. “Everything is possible for the one who believes.”  The disciples wanted to know why they could not drive out the demon.  Jesus told them; “This kind can only come out through prayer.”

Jesus took the little boy by the hand and pulled him up.

Jesus tried preparing those closest to Him for His death, burial, and resurrection however they could not comprehend it.  They did not want to believe that this same Jesus would ever leave them through such a horrific idea.

Jesus can do anything but fail.  He does not want any child to be mistreated by an adult.  He said it’s better to have a millstone hung around his neck.  Who knows how this child became demon-possessed?  Only God knows.

God told us the story in HIs Word for a reason and a purpose.  He was delivered by Jesus from the torture He’d gone through for so long.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, thank You for this story of the deliverance of this little boy.  You want deliverance for all people, freedom, and deliverance from the things that have held them captive.  God we need You, desperately need You.  You can do all things.  We trust You and beleive You.  Amen.

Take Up Your Cross


Devotion:  Mark 8:34-38.

Before you can take up your cross; you must deny yourself. That is not easy in a world that’s all about self, self-help, self-restoration, self-examination.  None of those are bad in and of themselves.  Even Jesus told His followers to love one another as we love ourselves. Then he commands us to deny ourselves.  It seems to be an oxymoron; however it is not.

Denying yourself is different from loathing yourself.  So are we to love ourselves or hate ourselves?  Which is it?  The Bible never ever contradicts itself, even though many do not read it for that very belief system.

The flesh and the soul are inhabited by the same body.  If you know Jesus, you add a third party to the equation by the gift of God’s Holy Spirit.

Why did Paul say; “I die daily.”  It’s a daily choice.  We all have the capability of choosing who gets to sit on the throne of our hearts.  We can actively choose to refuse to react to our circumstances.  Oh God, help us to act with the godly character you died to give us versus our flesh.  God will be the strength of your heart if you will only humble your flesh before Him.

What will you give in exchange for your life?  Will you trade a moment of your flesh’s gratification in order to glorify the One who created you for His own glory?  He encourages us: “In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.”  He longs to give you the victory over your flesh.  It will be a battle as long as you live but remember; He died to make you an overcomer.  Take up your cross and follow Him.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord in heaven; I beseech You by Your mercies that are new every single morning to help me choose to follow Your voice.  I long to glorify You in every situation, deny myself and follow You.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Demanding a Sign


Devotion:  Mark 8:11-13

I remember being a part of a prayer group many years ago and hearing a woman demand something of Jesus.  She actually said; “We demand You, God.”  I do not remember what she was demanding God to do; however, I stepped back fully expecting lightning to strike.  It did not.

We cannot demand anything of God.  That would be the created demanding its Creator to obey him.  It’s just out of order.  It can’t be right.

Even the disciples of Christ could not comprehend the signs of God were HIs ideas, not theirs.  Every miracle was wrought by Him for the people, not the other way around.  Jesus told those closest to  Him; they still did not understand Him and His powers even after all the miracles they had seen Him perform.

After Jesus healed yet another blind man; He began to speak very openly to His disciples.  He began to speak to them about His coming death although they did not want to hear it.  Peter even began to rebuke the Lord for all the things He was sharing with them.  That was when Christ told him to get behind HIm, calling him Satan.

When anyone tries to say something in opposition to God or His Word; we need to rebuke them openly by speaking the truth boldly and courageously.  It’s what God expects us to do.  It’s what God empowers us to do.   It’s what He equips us to do.

We should never demand a sign from God at any time.  We are to submit to God and in all our ways acknowledge Him.  He will direct our paths.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord in heaven; I do not demand anything of You.  I humbly submit myself to You right now and every day going forward.  I am Yours and I need You not the other way around.  I thank You for my life and for being my Lord and Savior!  In Jesus Name I pray.  Amen