Displaying Christ’s Love


Devotion:  1 John 4:19

When is the last time you displayed unconditional love to someone?  It may have been someone standing on the side of the street or ministering to a hurt child or even one of God’s creatures.

Can you display love to one with whom you disagree?  Jesus was even kind to the one who would betray Him.  Will you choose to show the same mercy and grace that Jesus continually shows to you?

“Be ye kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you.”  How many times have we put that verse into action?

Think of the hardest situation you’ve ever found yourself in and overcame.  If God helped you before; He will help you again to overcome,  Trust Him.  Obey Him.  Follow His ways that are higher than yours.  You can respond by the power of Jesus blood and His Holy Spirit.

Christ first loved us and gave Himself up for us.  Will you  choose to die to your own flesh, your own selfish desires, so that His will may be done on earth, as it is in heaven.  He asked us to obey His commandments and because we long to obey quickly at all costs, He will bless you beyond what you could ever ask or think of imagine.

Can you show love to all whom God places in your path?  If God asks you to give, will you give whatever He asks?  He will give back to you beyond what you would ask or think or imagine.  It may be the gift of time; money or the restoration of some broken relationship.  He is a good, good Father.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, thank You for displaying Your great love to me and teaching me to display the same great love to others.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.




Damaged Goods


Devotion:  Psalm 31:12

The definition of damaged goods is as following: “A person regarded as inadequate or impaired in some way.”  Although I haven’t heard that term said about anyone in a long time; I do remember having a long ago friend who referred to herself as “damaged goods.”  I always thought it to be so sad that she felt that way about herself.

Honestly, we are all “damaged goods” in some way, shape or form.  “We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”  We can never be good enough to earn heaven.  God says: “There are none righteous, no not one.”

Many think because they have not robbed or killed anyone; God will let them into His heaven.  Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life and no man comes to the Father but by Me.”  Our Savior also said, “It is not by works but by grace that you are saved through faith, it is a gift of God, lest any man should boast.”

God’s only begotten Son came to seek and to save that which was lost. That is you and me dear reader.   Many churches have a lost and found department.  It makes me think of the verse, “Once I was lost and now I am found.”  The owner must come to reclaim it.

The thing that was lost will not be returned in the same condition as it was when it first went missing.  It will be a little more ragged (a damaged good) than it was in its first condition.  In our own efforts we can never be accepted by a sinless Savior.  It is only by His precious blood that our sins can be washed away.

Jesus longs to reclaim us; from our label of “damaged goods”. to brand new.  We become a new creation and are raised to walk in newness of life.  Glory to God in the highest.

Prayer in Motion:

Thank You Lord Jesus that You reclaimed me from :’damaged goods,” to a new creation in Christ.  I never could earn or deserve it but You gave your sinless life for my sinful one.  I worship You Lord in Spirit and in Truth.  In Jesus Name.  Amen!





God Confidence


Devotion:  1 John 5:14

Are you strong and courageous?  All believers should make that their ultimate life’s goal.  Do you allow your trials and tribulations to build you up in your most holy faith?  That is exactly how God builds His children’s confidence, and character.

Our God Himself will pour confidence into anyone who desires to be bold and courageous in their faith.  All we have to do is ask our Heavenly Father.  In fact, He loves for us to ask for anything that will build His kingdom.

We have the choice to have confidence in our flesh or we can choose to have confidence in the Lord our God.  In our humanness, we will always sin and make mistakes.  When we walk in the confidence of our God, everything will turn out for our good and His glory.

The cost of living out a godly life full of God confidence does not mean everything goes according to your plan. We find in Proverbs 16: “The plans of the heart belong to a person, But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. All the ways of a person are clean in his own sight.  But the Lord examines the motives.”

When a believer finds his/her heart broken by another person or a life circumstance; how does he or she learn to build themselves up with God confidence?  Can it become a discipline to apply God confidence on a daily basis in any given situation?  I believe it can.  We need to put into practice setting our own confidence aside and know that only God’s confidence will get us through.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I want to always have God confidence and not my own.  My hope and trust are in You alone O Lord.  May I glorify. You when I am afraid.  In Jesus Name.  Amen,







Why Do People Reject God?


Devotion:  Psalm 81:11-15

Why do people refuse to heed the voice of God?  Because they want to go their own way instead of following the voice of the Lord.  It’s easier to listen to the voice in our head rather than obey the voice of the Lord God.

It’s sad to think God turns people over to their own stubborn hearts when they have been presented the gospel time and time again, all to no avail.  God longs for His people to listen to Him.  He is pleased when we walk in His ways that are higher than ours.

God is for us and not against us.  We do not have to fight our own battles but stand and see the salvation of the Lord.  He has provided armor for us to wear to extinguish those fiery darts among us.  He will allow no weapon formed against us to prosper and will supply all of our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.

If we truly believe the Word of God is truth; then why would we live in rejection of it?  God’s people are to live holy and set apart unto the Lord.  Do we pray like we believe God hears the cries of our heart?  Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.

Many people have rejected God because they did not get the answer they wanted to their prayers.  They lost a loved one for whom they had prayed or lost a job or did not receive a promotion they so desperately wanted.  God knows what we have need of and provides what is best for us.

God’s ways are higher than ours so always remember He will accomplish what concerns us.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord I pray for all those who have rejected You, that You will order their steps and direct their path back toward You.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.



Inside Out or Outside In?


Devotion:  Romans 12:1-2

Which way would you like to be transformed, outside in or inside out?  Lots of women go through transformation through surgeries or use of botox to try and keep their faces beautiful.  However, when any person has a bad attitude; your reflection reveals your attitude.

Out of the heart, the mouth speaks.  When others observe your face, it is possible for them to behold  your mind and heart more than your outward beauty.  Heart transformation is the best way to be transformed.  Believers should long to reflect the Lord God whom they serve.  We should all long to exhibit the fruit of God”s Spirit versus seeking justice through retribution.

Let’s face it; people are going to offend you; however, we must learn the discipline of refusing to take up an offense.  Put on your armor, the helmet of salvation, and the breastplate of righteousness.  Hold up the Sword of the Spirit.  Confess the Word of God that you have hidden in your heart, knowing that it is more powerful than any two edged sword.

Inside out is the only way that true transformation for unbelievers can occur  We can pretend to be godly in front of church people; and then behave in an ungodly manner in every other place.   The Bible tells us; “Out of the heart the mouth speaks.”  We want our actions and our words to be a witness for Christ.

The Bible also says; “We can have a form of godliness but deny the power therein.”  That is when people behave just to be seen as a Christian; however, not a true believer in Christ.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I want to always be transformed from the inside out.  I want to be genuine and not fake in my faith.  I long to glorify You on earth as You are glorified in heaven.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.










In the Midst of Fear


Devotion:  Psalm 56:3

When I was a child, I was so afraid of the dark.  Every time I was afraid, I would say this verse, over and over again. “What time I am afraid, I will trust in You.” It is one that is truly hidden in my heart.  God says, “Thy Word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against God.”  Have I always put that verse into practice?  Fear tries its best to overtake me.  Fear is a liar.

When we don’t know what to do; our eyes are on You Lord.  You are the. Author and Finisher of our faith.  What could be better?  When you choose to trust God with your whole heart, can you focus on God who created you and allowed any circumstance in your life?

When you can’t see the whole picture, you can choose to panic, and be full of anger and bitterness, or you can trust the God who created you and allowed this situation to come to pass. We ask over and over: Why? Why? Why?  God asks us to trust in Him.

When you don’t know what to do; put your eyes on the One who loves you more than anyone.  He says, “I am training you in righteousness.”  “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.”   ” I am Immanuel, God with you.”  “Underneath you are My ever lasting arms.”

There are hundreds of promises penned for you and me in God’s Word.  Since He is the Word made flesh, and His Word is alive and active and sharper than any two edged sword, will you trust Him to fulfill His promises; even when you don’t know the outcome.


Prayer in Motion:

Every time I am afraid; I choose to trust You Jesus ,with my whole heart, for You alone are trustworthy,  You see my whole life from beginning to end.  I need You every hour, most gracious Lord, every time fear tries to overtake me, I will trust in You dear Jesus.




What Shall I Bring?


Devotion:  John 6:35

When someone invites you to a meal at their house; what is the first thing you ask; “What shall I bring?”  Some allow you to bring a side dish and others say, just yourself.  I was pondering this question; and asked Jesus, what do I bring to the table?

We should ask Him daily; “What shall I bring to the kingdom table?”  Shall I bring encouragement, love, joy, hope, peace, contentment, kindness, or self control?  The world we live in should observe all of these characteristics in those who profess Christ.

Ask yourself, how is the Spirit of the Living God inside of me; affecting my family, my co-laborers, and my friends?  God tells us, “We are His friends if we obey His commands.”  Friends share with friends whatever the need is.  Your heart longs to give to those who stand on the street.

We can always bring the gospel message to those who are perishing.  He dwells inside of us.  After all, He is the Bread of Life who feeds our souls so that we might share with others.  We must always shine the “Light of the World,”, so that people might be given the opportunity to come and dine with those who hqve already come to the table.

The Bread of Life feeds us till we want no more.  What does bread do?  For those of you who can eat really good bread, when the waitress or waiter puts it down in front of you.  Oh the smell of fresh, hot bread,  It is truly intoxicating.  If one is not careful, he or she will fill up on bread and then not be hungry for the main meal.

Since You are the Bread of Life; Oh God, may we all bring a sweet smelling fragrance of You to the world.  You created us for such a time as this to fulfill this very thing.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord may I always bring Your sweet smelling fragrance to all whom You place in front of me.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Love Your Neighbor


Devotion:  Mark 12:30-31

What does love thy neighbor as thyself really mean?  How do we define following through with this command?  Who is your neighbor?  It certainly could be the people who live next to you or it could be someone living in your community.

Loving someone as yourself means treating them the way you want to be treated.   Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you.  If we would learn to prefer one another; the saved and the unsaved would take notice and God would be glorified.

Do you even talk to your neighbors?  I am close with a couple of mine.  I know the ones right around me, some better than others.  I want to be a better neighbor to them so they will feel loved and appreciated.

If there is ever a crisis, you want your neighbors to know they can call on you in their time of need.  There may be a time when you are the one in need off help.  Always do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Neighbors need to hear about Jesus. Through exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit you may earn the right to share your faith with them.

Get to know your neighbors and their stories.  Offer help if and when they need it.   Jesus meant for us to serve others and allow them to serve you.  It’s a give and take relationship, similar to a family.  We give one another grace and show unconditional love to one another.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, may I always love my neighbor as myself.  I want to obey You both now and always.  In Jesus Name.  Amen





Take Up Your Cross


Devotion:  Mark 8:34-38

Do we even begin to understand denying ourselves?  With all of my heart, I want to.  Most of the time; comfort for the flesh prevails.  I want to obey my Lord immediately all the time, whether it’s convenient, or comfortable does not matter.  As Christ took up the literal cross; I am asking Him that I might take up my own invisible, heavy cross.

He bore my sin in His own flesh so I can bear mine in any given circumstance You have allowed.  Remember Christ, who knew no sin; became sin for us; endured the cross, despising the shame.  He did that for you and for me.

Remember the hymn; “Must Jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free.  No there’s a cross for everyone and there’s a cross for me.”  Oh my goodness; we beg our Savior to redeem and restore the years the locusts have eaten, to change our circumstances, to set us free from illness.  We continually cry out, “How long oh Lord?  Will you forget me forever?”

Christ told us “In this world you will have tribulation, but do not be afraid for I have overcome the world.”  Why do we expect to be free of any crosses to bear?  Every cross you bear is part of your testimony.  Others are watching how you are living out your looking up.

Is it fun to bear a cross?  Of course not!  Are we as believers being trained in righteousness through the cross He has allowed in our lives to purify and make us more like Him?  Oh may it be so ;in the powerful and strong name of the One who bore our sin, sorrow, guilt and shame.  By His stripes we are healed and made whole.

Prayer in Motion:

Oh Jesus, we cry out to You, that we would deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow You, when it is easy and when it is not.  In Jesus precious and holy name.  Amen.





Devotion:  Matthew 4:18-25

While reading this passage; I asked the Lord to let me respond immediately as did His disciples.  Not one of them said; “Wait a minute, while I finish what I am doing.”  When Jesus said, “Follow Me”, that’s exactly what they did.  They left immediately, no excuses made.

Have you ever questioned whether you were hearing the Lord’s voice?  I certainly have said to Him, “Is that me or you Lord”?  Most of the time it is Him speaking and I would like to say I obey Him immediately all the time.  My heart wants to but my flesh gets in the say.  The older I get, the more I long to obey Him immediately, whatever He asks me to do.

I have to ask; are you and I listening for our Savior’s voice?  We want to hear His voice above all the others.  Can we say; “Speak Lord, your servant is listening?”  Are we really listening for His still small voice?  Oh God, help us to tune in and really listen for the still, small voice of the One who first loved us and gave Himself up for us.

He tells us in His Word that “My sheep hear My voice and follow Me.”  If we are truly one of His sheep; we know the voice of our Shepherd.  It is a familiar voice to those of us who know Him.  He wants to communicate with you about all that concerns you and those you love.

He who has ears to hear and a heart to obey immediately the truth of what God has said; Lord, please grant them stellar discernment to hear and obey Your voice.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, help me to discern your voice and obey. you immediately.  You know my heart to do just that.  “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.”  In Jesus Name.  Amen.