

Devotion:  Matthew 4:18-25

While reading this passage; I asked the Lord to let me respond immediately as did His disciples.  Not one of them said; “Wait a minute, while I finish what I am doing.”  When Jesus said, “Follow Me”, that’s exactly what they did.  They left immediately, no excuses made.

Have you ever questioned whether you were hearing the Lord’s voice?  I certainly have said to Him, “Is that me or you Lord”?  Most of the time it is Him speaking and I would like to say I obey Him immediately all the time.  My heart wants to but my flesh gets in the say.  The older I get, the more I long to obey Him immediately, whatever He asks me to do.

I have to ask; are you and I listening for our Savior’s voice?  We want to hear His voice above all the others.  Can we say; “Speak Lord, your servant is listening?”  Are we really listening for His still small voice?  Oh God, help us to tune in and really listen for the still, small voice of the One who first loved us and gave Himself up for us.

He tells us in His Word that “My sheep hear My voice and follow Me.”  If we are truly one of His sheep; we know the voice of our Shepherd.  It is a familiar voice to those of us who know Him.  He wants to communicate with you about all that concerns you and those you love.

He who has ears to hear and a heart to obey immediately the truth of what God has said; Lord, please grant them stellar discernment to hear and obey Your voice.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, help me to discern your voice and obey. you immediately.  You know my heart to do just that.  “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.”  In Jesus Name.  Amen.





Shame is a Liar


Devotion:  1 Corinthians 4:11-14

You share your burden with a trusted friend and ask them not to share it with another human.  There are those who can hardly wait to tell the next person and then that person asks them not to tell.  Mercy. Be careful with whom you share.

I must confess that recently my “more mature brain,” forgot and shared something with a group to whom I was speaking on the subject of grief.  It just came blurting out of my mouth as I was seeking to help my small audience understand the different kinds of grief.  Still, I had promised to keep it confidential.  My heart was crushed,  as well as the one whom I had betrayed her confidence.  (She was in the audience of five.) I broke her trust, so it ended our friendship; and affected a plethora of other people that I had grown to love.

The shame tried to overtake me for weeks, turning into months because I would never betray someone’s confidence.  I was not allowed to contact that precious person at all.  (I asked three times.). Why do things like this happen?  It taught me a lesson that I needed to learn, even in my older years.  Do not ever use someone’s pain as an example, unless you get permission from that person.

Jesus has forgiven me.  I pray that I will run into her somewhere at some point in time; however, until that time, I’ve prayed she would know and remember how I love her.  This huge “faux pas” was not intentional.  Although the shame still haunts me; I walk in my Savior’s forgiveness.

Christ bore our shame and our sins of omission and commission on the cross.  He loves us with an everlasting love and underneath us are His everlasting arms.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, thank You for the most ultimate forgiveness You have bestowed upon me freely.  My sin and shame are covered with Your precious blood.  I am forever grateful!  In Jesus Name and for His sake.  Amen.



Courageous or Coward


Devotion:  Joshua 1:9

I heard my pastor say; “We either have the courage to tell people the truth or we shrink back and are cowards.”  I am not exactly certain what we are supposed to do when someone won’t have a conversation with us to try and work through the conflict.  How are we to respond?

Sometimes, we have to wait until the time is right to address the issue and then again; it might be we just have to be quiet and talk to our Heavenly Father.  Their were times Jesus did not respond to His accusers.  He just stayed silent.  Don’t you wonder if He prayed silently to His Father?  Because the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three in One, they know one another’s voices and are always in unity.

Even when Jesus begged the Father to take the cup of suffering and crucifixion from Him; He added; “Not my will but Your”s be done.”   For now, Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father ever interceding for us.  Each person of the Trinity is fulfilling His role now and has always done so, even before the beginning of time.

God asks us to be strong and courageous and not to be afraid. I do not want to be a coward before God or any earthly person.  I want to always be a truth teller, albeit, to tell the truth in love; but be courageous enough to tell it.

A coward tells a lie to try and defend themselves and cover up their true character.  It becomes easier and easier until the liar doesn’t recognize the truth from a lie.  There is also a type of liar who says nothing; totally disregarding telling any of the truth.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord please keep me honestly courageous and always speak the truth in love.  In Jesus Name.  Amen





First Adam, Last Adam


Devotion:  1 Corinthians 15: 45-58

In the beginning of time; God created the very first man, Adam.  He formed him from the dust of the ground,  Everything else was spoken into being by the Creator of the sun, moon and stars, the earth and all that was in it.  There was not a big bang; it happened because God spoke all of it into existence.

Look at the words He spoke from Genesis 1

Vs. 3.     God said, “Let there be light:” and there was light.          Vs. 5.     God called the light day and the darkness He called                      night.                                                                              Vs. 8.     God called the expanse heaven.                                    Vs. 9.     God said, Let the waters below the heavens be                            gathered into one place and let the dry land appear.        Vs. 10.   God called the dry land earth and the gathering of the                  waters He called seas.                                                      Vs. 11.   Then God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation,                          plants yielding seed, and fruit trees on the earth                            bearing fruit after their kind…                                            Vs. 16.   God made two great lights, one for the day (sun) and                     one for the night..(moon)                                                  Vs.20.    Then God said, “Let the waters team with living                             creatures…..Let birds fly above the earth.                        Vs. 24.   Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth living                               creatures,,,cattle and creeping things and beasts of                     the earth…                                                                        Vs. 26.    Then God said, “Let us make man in our image,..”

Genesis 2:7.   Then the Lord formed man of dust from the                                   ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath                             of life…

We saw God had already said; in Chapter 1, vs. 26, Let Us make man in our image.  That implicates the Trinity, from the very beginning. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.” With His hands; God made us in His image, from the dust of the ground.  From dust we came and to dust we shall return.  The first Adam (man) was created from the dust of the ground,

You read the verse that said the Last Adam became a life-giving spirit.  Although Christ was fully God and fully man; He died a horrific death of crucifixion for you and me and was raised up three days later.  Jesus now lives at the right hand of the Father interceding for us.  Christ is the last Adam, our God given-way to eternal salvation.

Prayer in Motion:

Oh Lord my God, thank You for providing a way to have eternal life.  Open the eyes of the lost people in this world before it’s too late, to accept the only Way, the Truth and the Life.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.






Healed People Heal People


Devotion:  Isaiah 53:5

I have written posts about “hurt people hurting people,” so it’s time I wrote about healed people healing people.  Actually, it’s Jesus inside of the healed person who is able to help others to heal.  God is always working on transforming us into His image.  We are His image bearers.  Any healing that comes from our own hurt is from Him.  “For from Him and to Him are all things.”

The Holy Spirit who resides inside of you wants to heal your heart and soul from the things that have hurt you.  He sees and knows every wound and scar that He allows.  Although we do not forget those hard things that invaded our lives, we can choose to walk in bitterness, or allow the thing that tried to destroy us, to make us better, stronger Christians.

Hard things happen to Christians and non-Christians alike.  We get to choose whether we will be made bitter or better.  For those who choose the “better” pathway; you will live to see the goodness of God in the land of the living, as you allow God to rule and reign on the throne of your heart.

God will take what Satan meant for evil and turn it around for your good and His glory.  He will use your testimony of healing and restoration to help in the healing of another’s heart.  It is supernatural work of God’s Holy Spirit to bring healing to anyone’s heart and mind.

Forgiveness should be poured out by believers on the saved and the unsavedf. Why? Because God continually pours it out on us. “To whom much is given, much is required.”   If we confess our sin; He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Jesus also said; “There is therefore now no condemnation for those of us who are in Christ Jesus.”  Once we have confessed and repented; He takes our sin and “removes it from us as far as the east is from the west and remembers it no more.”  Now that is amazing! Submit your hurt into God’s very capable hands and let the healing begin.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord God, thank You for the healing process.  I trust You to accomplish what concerns me and the people You have strategically placed in my life.  Help me to walk in the forgiveness that You afforded me and the whole world.

Your Personal Messiah


Devotion:  Matthew 1:18

At one time or another, we’ve all placed our hope and happiness in people.  How’s that working for you?  Paul Tripp says; “There are many Christian relationships that no human relationship can bear.”  He bullet pointed the following in his book: “New Morning Mercies.”

  •    No person can be the source of your identity.
  •    No one can be the basis of your happiness.
  •    No individual can give you a reason to get up in the                      morning and continue.
  •    No loved one can be the carrier of your hope.
  •    No one can change you from the inside out.
  •    No human being can alter your past.
  •    No person is able to atone for your wrongs.
  •    No person can give your heart peace and rest.

When you count another person to fulfill your happiness, Paul says in essence; you make them the fourth person of the Trinity.  Yikes!  We are making them an idol.  Shame on us.  Examine your heart today and ask the Lord to reveal any sin that He wants you to confess and repent of.

The Bible tells us; “If I regard iniquity in my heart; the Lord will not hear my prayers.”  Ask Him; “Search me oh God, and know my heart.  See if there be any wicked way in me and lead me to the way everlasting.”

We must not make anyone our personal messiah.  Jesus Christ came to be the One and only personal Messiah.  The only begotten Son of God lived and died for our sin and by His death made a way for us to have eternal life.  No one can take that away from you.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, my own personal Messiah; thank You for first loving me, providing for me; for being patient and kind in Your ways toward me.  Thank You for listening and talking to me, teaching and training me in righteousness.  All the glory and honor belongs to You Lord.  I bless Your Holy Name.  Amen.


God’s Presence Equips Us


Devotion:  Joshua 1:1-9, 17

Can God’s people be strong and courageous at all times and in all circumstances?  Of course we can, if we will allow Him to lead the way and keep our eyes fixed on Him, the Author and Finisher of our faith.  This passage in Joshua reveals to us that God will always be with us.  God promised to never leave us nor forsake us.

Three times in this passage; God tells the Israelites to stay strong and courageous.  God left His people with instructions and called these instructions commands.  Commands are meant to be obeyed.  We can all be strong and courageous with the help of the Lord our God.

The Israelites promised to obey Joshua just as they had obeyed Moses.  They must have known anyone Moses called to take his place was trustworthy.  When God’s presence appears; God equips us to do anything He has called us to do.

When we meditate on God’s Word and hide it in our hearts; we learn to apply what we have hidden in our hearts to whatever situation may arise.  God speaks to us through His Word, to teach us, train us, comfort us and build us up in our most holy faith.

God’s Holy Spirit makes Himself known to us when we acknowledge that He is with us.  He is the One in whom we are sealed for our day of redemption.  He longs to speak to you when you call upon Him.  Praise and worship acknowledges and blesses Him.

God’s presence goes with us and if we can remember that He is our advocate and wants to see us living victoriously to serve our Lord.  He equips us to handle whatever He allows.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, help me remember I am equipped to handle anything You allow into my life.  I love You Lord and thank You for providing Your Holy Spirit to equip me.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

“But I Say to You”


Devotion:  Matthew 5:44

Did your mom or dad ever say to you “Because I said so?”  That, my friend was the end of discussion!  The verdict was spoken and with those words the gavel fell.  Court was over.  You were dismissed!

Whether good or bad; final words circle your heart and mind continually.  The words of Jesus are sealed in our hearts forever.  Hundreds of times, our Savior would say; “But I say to you…” I Am, speaks through His Word.

Jesus spoke the world into being.  Oh dear one, may we find His words and eat them because they will become a joy and a delight to our very soul.  Whether a promise or an admonition,  I can assure you, this same Jesus, the Word made flesh, will teach you and train you in righteousness.

As you read your Bible for the rest of this year;  I want to encourage you to mark every time you see the words; “But I say to you.”  Ask the Lord to seal it in your heart and your mind.  Share it with those that He puts in front of you.  When God stirs His words in your spirit; He is providing counsel for you, and shining a light on the path He has ordained for you.

Many times I ask the Lord; “Was that my voice or Yours?”  He declares; “My sheep hear My voice and follow after Me.”  Recognize and acknowledge God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Remember Jesus’ first miracle; when at a wedding feast; the host ran out of wine.  His mother Mary said to the head waiter; “Just do what He says.”  Jesus told the man to fill up all the barrels with water.  He immediately turned water into wine and the Bible says; people said; “You have saved the best wine for the last.”

Place before your Savior all of those long unanswered prayers.  Search for words that say; “But I say to you.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, thank You for every; “But I say to you…”  You wrote those words down for me and every living soul.  I pray for all those who do not take You, nor Your words seriously.  Help me to share the truth of my life’s greatest treasure.  In Jesus Name I offer up this prayers.  Amen.






Never Give Up


Devotion:  2 Corinthians 4:16

While looking out my kitchen window one morning; I watched a squirrel trying to eat from the “squirrel proof cage.”  How many times has he tried to no avail; to get to those sunflower seeds?  Only God knows.  Mr. Squirrel never gives up.

How about you?  Is there something in your life that is just beyond your reach?  It’s right there in front of you. You can smell it.   You want it so badly;  you can almost taste it.  This thing that tries to control your every waking moment, wants to consume you.

You must not allow anything but God to consume your heart, mind and zap you of your energy.  Do not be constrained by any temptation to give up.  There is therefore now no temptation but such as is common to man but God has made a way of escape.

Put on your armor and forge ahead with the thing God has given your hands to do.  Do it with all your might as you heed God’s calling on your life and let nothing deter you.  May “No weapon formed against you prosper not now, not ever.  Your Father has great and mighty plans for you.

Don’t lose heart or hope.  Keep moving forward in the direction to which God is calling you.  No matter how long it takes; never ever give up or give in to the voice of your enemy.  He wants you to fail but God does not.

Just remember; God created you with and on purpose, to glorify Himself.  Continue to walk by faith and not by sight.  Your enemy is always trying to defeat you through tribulation, torment, suffering and grief.  He wants you to give up!  Tell him to get behind you in the Name of Jesus!

God is fighting for you so do not give up.  If He is for you; who can be against you?

Prayer in Motion:

God, You are so incredibly good ro mw.  I can never earn nor deserve Your goodness but am forever grateful.  I will never give up on You nor Your Word.  In Jesus precious Name.  Amen.




Showers of Blessings


Devotion:  Deuteronomy 28:1-2

I grew up singing this hymn in a little country church in Morganton, NC.  Manley Smith was our faithful choir director.  We would belt out the words that rang through those beautiful Blue Ridge Mountain foothills.

1 There shall be showers of blessing:
This is the promise of love;
There shall be seasons refreshing,
Sent from the Savior above.

Showers of blessing,
Showers of blessing we need:
Mercy-drops round us are falling,
But for the showers we plead.

2 There shall be showers of blessing,
Precious reviving again;
Over the hills and the valleys,
Sound of abundance of rain. [Refrain]

3 There shall be showers of blessing:
Send them upon us, O Lord;
Grant to us now a refreshing,
Come and now honor Thy Word. [Refrain]

4 There shall be showers of blessing:
Oh, that today they might fall,
Now as to God we’re confessing,
Now as on Jesus we call! [Refrain]

These country folks were singing for revival every time we sang this hymn.  We still need to confess and be refreshed; so our hearts can be revived and restored.  God has blessings beyond what we can ask or think or imagine.

Blessings come in all shapes and sizes, from things seen as well as unseen.  They can be physical, emotional or spiritual and sometimes all three at one time.  It’s almost more than a child of God can comprehend when the Father pours out abundant, unexpected blessings that he did not deserve.

Who knows how many blessings are kept secret till God decides to reveal the hidden things?  Be thankful for His moment by protection and blessings over you.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, thank You. for how You shower me with blessings day in and day out.  You provide breath in my lungs; protection from evil, provision for my needs and many of my wants.  I trust You to accomplish what concerns me.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.