Communication Becomes Communion


Devotion:  Psalm 97:5-6

My dear friend Cynde Freely gave me a beautiful book filled with poetic words by an author named Anne Morrow Lindbergh. “GIFT from the Sea,” fills your mind with pictures of God’s beautiful shells and the meaning found in the different seasons of life.

This book quiets your mind and although God’s Name is not to be found; the words stir the soul to realize His creation is beyond compare.  As the shells are described; it stirs the soul.

I do not know the season of life you find yourself in; however, I know you will be able to identify in some small way with each one.  This book is not leisurely reading.  It has to be read slowly. in order to digest the true meaning.

You will find yourself examining your own mind and spirit as you identify with Lindbergh’s times of solitude.  She would draw away from her house full of children and husband to her beach home and the words would flow.  She never forced one written word.

Quiet did not bother her.  In fact she cherished her quiet times like gold.  I am learning to be alone is not necessarily a bad thing.  I’ve never been comfortable with another person in the quiet.  It seems I have had a need to be in continual conversation.

I am learning in my older years to be comfortable in the quiet.  There are a few that I can sit with and conversation turns into communion.  That is true in many of the conversations we have with God.  What begins in praise and adoration to the Friend whom your soul loves, turns into beautiful communion with the Same One.

“Communion is defined as the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level.”  How I pray you have those people and places where your communication can easily turn to communion.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, thank You for the blessing of communion with You and with those You have given me.  I do not take it lightly nor for granted.  Your presence Lord. is better than life.


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