

Devotion:  Matthew 4:18-25

While reading this passage; I asked the Lord to let me respond immediately as did His disciples.  Not one of them said; “Wait a minute, while I finish what I am doing.”  When Jesus said, “Follow Me”, that’s exactly what they did.  They left immediately, no excuses made.

Have you ever questioned whether you were hearing the Lord’s voice?  I certainly have said to Him, “Is that me or you Lord”?  Most of the time it is Him speaking and I would like to say I obey Him immediately all the time.  My heart wants to but my flesh gets in the say.  The older I get, the more I long to obey Him immediately, whatever He asks me to do.

I have to ask; are you and I listening for our Savior’s voice?  We want to hear His voice above all the others.  Can we say; “Speak Lord, your servant is listening?”  Are we really listening for His still small voice?  Oh God, help us to tune in and really listen for the still, small voice of the One who first loved us and gave Himself up for us.

He tells us in His Word that “My sheep hear My voice and follow Me.”  If we are truly one of His sheep; we know the voice of our Shepherd.  It is a familiar voice to those of us who know Him.  He wants to communicate with you about all that concerns you and those you love.

He who has ears to hear and a heart to obey immediately the truth of what God has said; Lord, please grant them stellar discernment to hear and obey Your voice.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, help me to discern your voice and obey. you immediately.  You know my heart to do just that.  “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.”  In Jesus Name.  Amen.





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