In the Midst of Fear


Devotion:  Psalm 56:3

When I was a child, I was so afraid of the dark.  Every time I was afraid, I would say this verse, over and over again. “What time I am afraid, I will trust in You.” It is one that is truly hidden in my heart.  God says, “Thy Word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against God.”  Have I always put that verse into practice?  Fear tries its best to overtake me.  Fear is a liar.

When we don’t know what to do; our eyes are on You Lord.  You are the. Author and Finisher of our faith.  What could be better?  When you choose to trust God with your whole heart, can you focus on God who created you and allowed any circumstance in your life?

When you can’t see the whole picture, you can choose to panic, and be full of anger and bitterness, or you can trust the God who created you and allowed this situation to come to pass. We ask over and over: Why? Why? Why?  God asks us to trust in Him.

When you don’t know what to do; put your eyes on the One who loves you more than anyone.  He says, “I am training you in righteousness.”  “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.”   ” I am Immanuel, God with you.”  “Underneath you are My ever lasting arms.”

There are hundreds of promises penned for you and me in God’s Word.  Since He is the Word made flesh, and His Word is alive and active and sharper than any two edged sword, will you trust Him to fulfill His promises; even when you don’t know the outcome.


Prayer in Motion:

Every time I am afraid; I choose to trust You Jesus ,with my whole heart, for You alone are trustworthy,  You see my whole life from beginning to end.  I need You every hour, most gracious Lord, every time fear tries to overtake me, I will trust in You dear Jesus.




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