Inside Out or Outside In?


Devotion:  Romans 12:1-2

Which way would you like to be transformed, outside in or inside out?  Lots of women go through transformation through surgeries or use of botox to try and keep their faces beautiful.  However, when any person has a bad attitude; your reflection reveals your attitude.

Out of the heart, the mouth speaks.  When others observe your face, it is possible for them to behold  your mind and heart more than your outward beauty.  Heart transformation is the best way to be transformed.  Believers should long to reflect the Lord God whom they serve.  We should all long to exhibit the fruit of God”s Spirit versus seeking justice through retribution.

Let’s face it; people are going to offend you; however, we must learn the discipline of refusing to take up an offense.  Put on your armor, the helmet of salvation, and the breastplate of righteousness.  Hold up the Sword of the Spirit.  Confess the Word of God that you have hidden in your heart, knowing that it is more powerful than any two edged sword.

Inside out is the only way that true transformation for unbelievers can occur  We can pretend to be godly in front of church people; and then behave in an ungodly manner in every other place.   The Bible tells us; “Out of the heart the mouth speaks.”  We want our actions and our words to be a witness for Christ.

The Bible also says; “We can have a form of godliness but deny the power therein.”  That is when people behave just to be seen as a Christian; however, not a true believer in Christ.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I want to always be transformed from the inside out.  I want to be genuine and not fake in my faith.  I long to glorify You on earth as You are glorified in heaven.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.










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