Shame is a Liar


Devotion:  1 Corinthians 4:11-14

You share your burden with a trusted friend and ask them not to share it with another human.  There are those who can hardly wait to tell the next person and then that person asks them not to tell.  Mercy. Be careful with whom you share.

I must confess that recently my “more mature brain,” forgot and shared something with a group to whom I was speaking on the subject of grief.  It just came blurting out of my mouth as I was seeking to help my small audience understand the different kinds of grief.  Still, I had promised to keep it confidential.  My heart was crushed,  as well as the one whom I had betrayed her confidence.  (She was in the audience of five.) I broke her trust, so it ended our friendship; and affected a plethora of other people that I had grown to love.

The shame tried to overtake me for weeks, turning into months because I would never betray someone’s confidence.  I was not allowed to contact that precious person at all.  (I asked three times.). Why do things like this happen?  It taught me a lesson that I needed to learn, even in my older years.  Do not ever use someone’s pain as an example, unless you get permission from that person.

Jesus has forgiven me.  I pray that I will run into her somewhere at some point in time; however, until that time, I’ve prayed she would know and remember how I love her.  This huge “faux pas” was not intentional.  Although the shame still haunts me; I walk in my Savior’s forgiveness.

Christ bore our shame and our sins of omission and commission on the cross.  He loves us with an everlasting love and underneath us are His everlasting arms.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, thank You for the most ultimate forgiveness You have bestowed upon me freely.  My sin and shame are covered with Your precious blood.  I am forever grateful!  In Jesus Name and for His sake.  Amen.



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