Research on Tears


Devotion:  John 11:35

While perusing my phone the other day a post by Mark Batterson came up and now I cannot find it to save my life.  He had done a study on human tears.  There were four types of tears noted, tears of grief, tears of pain, tears of joy and tears brought about by a strong odor like an onion.

Placed under a microscope, dried tears present themselves differently.  A lady named Rose-Lynn Fisher did a year long study called the topography of Tears.  It covers the Microsopic Structures of Dried Human Tears.  Although in black and white, each photograph was amazingly beautiful.  Dried tears of joy and tears of.sorrow manifest themselves uniquely different.

Rose also discovered that when we weep from sorrow, the temperature of tears increases with every blink.  We can sense the flood of warm water on our cheeks.  Emotion actually effects the quantity of tears while the temperature is controlled by the blinking action of the eyes.

Only emotional tears contain cortisol, a stress hormone that serves as a pain killing neurotransmitter.  God knows we need release when we are in the middle of an overwhelmingly stressful crisis.   It’s God’s pathway to needed relief for our souls.

We’ve probably all experienced each type of tears at one time or another.  Tears not only cleanse the eyes but cleanse our hearts of built up frustration, anger, hurt and disappointment.  Our God designed us to cry when those times come.

At times I’ve cried so hard and for so long, I couldn’t imagine there could be any water left in me to cry but of course there always was.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, thank You for the gift of tears.  You’ve got all of our tears in a bottle, kept in heaven for us.  You must treasure them.  That is so dear.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.



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