Never Give Up


Devotion:  2 Corinthians 4:16

While looking out my kitchen window one morning; I watched a squirrel trying to eat from the “squirrel proof cage.”  How many times has he tried to no avail; to get to those sunflower seeds?  Only God knows.  Mr. Squirrel never gives up.

How about you?  Is there something in your life that is just beyond your reach?  It’s right there in front of you. You can smell it.   You want it so badly;  you can almost taste it.  This thing that tries to control your every waking moment, wants to consume you.

You must not allow anything but God to consume your heart, mind and zap you of your energy.  Do not be constrained by any temptation to give up.  There is therefore now no temptation but such as is common to man but God has made a way of escape.

Put on your armor and forge ahead with the thing God has given your hands to do.  Do it with all your might as you heed God’s calling on your life and let nothing deter you.  May “No weapon formed against you prosper not now, not ever.  Your Father has great and mighty plans for you.

Don’t lose heart or hope.  Keep moving forward in the direction to which God is calling you.  No matter how long it takes; never ever give up or give in to the voice of your enemy.  He wants you to fail but God does not.

Just remember; God created you with and on purpose, to glorify Himself.  Continue to walk by faith and not by sight.  Your enemy is always trying to defeat you through tribulation, torment, suffering and grief.  He wants you to give up!  Tell him to get behind you in the Name of Jesus!

God is fighting for you so do not give up.  If He is for you; who can be against you?

Prayer in Motion:

God, You are so incredibly good ro mw.  I can never earn nor deserve Your goodness but am forever grateful.  I will never give up on You nor Your Word.  In Jesus precious Name.  Amen.




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