God’s Presence Equips Us


Devotion:  Joshua 1:1-9, 17

Can God’s people be strong and courageous at all times and in all circumstances?  Of course we can, if we will allow Him to lead the way and keep our eyes fixed on Him, the Author and Finisher of our faith.  This passage in Joshua reveals to us that God will always be with us.  God promised to never leave us nor forsake us.

Three times in this passage; God tells the Israelites to stay strong and courageous.  God left His people with instructions and called these instructions commands.  Commands are meant to be obeyed.  We can all be strong and courageous with the help of the Lord our God.

The Israelites promised to obey Joshua just as they had obeyed Moses.  They must have known anyone Moses called to take his place was trustworthy.  When God’s presence appears; God equips us to do anything He has called us to do.

When we meditate on God’s Word and hide it in our hearts; we learn to apply what we have hidden in our hearts to whatever situation may arise.  God speaks to us through His Word, to teach us, train us, comfort us and build us up in our most holy faith.

God’s Holy Spirit makes Himself known to us when we acknowledge that He is with us.  He is the One in whom we are sealed for our day of redemption.  He longs to speak to you when you call upon Him.  Praise and worship acknowledges and blesses Him.

God’s presence goes with us and if we can remember that He is our advocate and wants to see us living victoriously to serve our Lord.  He equips us to handle whatever He allows.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, help me remember I am equipped to handle anything You allow into my life.  I love You Lord and thank You for providing Your Holy Spirit to equip me.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

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