“But I Say to You”


Devotion:  Matthew 5:44

Did your mom or dad ever say to you “Because I said so?”  That, my friend was the end of discussion!  The verdict was spoken and with those words the gavel fell.  Court was over.  You were dismissed!

Whether good or bad; final words circle your heart and mind continually.  The words of Jesus are sealed in our hearts forever.  Hundreds of times, our Savior would say; “But I say to you…” I Am, speaks through His Word.

Jesus spoke the world into being.  Oh dear one, may we find His words and eat them because they will become a joy and a delight to our very soul.  Whether a promise or an admonition,  I can assure you, this same Jesus, the Word made flesh, will teach you and train you in righteousness.

As you read your Bible for the rest of this year;  I want to encourage you to mark every time you see the words; “But I say to you.”  Ask the Lord to seal it in your heart and your mind.  Share it with those that He puts in front of you.  When God stirs His words in your spirit; He is providing counsel for you, and shining a light on the path He has ordained for you.

Many times I ask the Lord; “Was that my voice or Yours?”  He declares; “My sheep hear My voice and follow after Me.”  Recognize and acknowledge God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Remember Jesus’ first miracle; when at a wedding feast; the host ran out of wine.  His mother Mary said to the head waiter; “Just do what He says.”  Jesus told the man to fill up all the barrels with water.  He immediately turned water into wine and the Bible says; people said; “You have saved the best wine for the last.”

Place before your Savior all of those long unanswered prayers.  Search for words that say; “But I say to you.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, thank You for every; “But I say to you…”  You wrote those words down for me and every living soul.  I pray for all those who do not take You, nor Your words seriously.  Help me to share the truth of my life’s greatest treasure.  In Jesus Name I offer up this prayers.  Amen.






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