What Shall I Bring?


Devotion:  John 6:35

When someone invites you to a meal at their house; what is the first thing you ask; “What shall I bring?”  Some allow you to bring a side dish and others say, just yourself.  I was pondering this question; and asked Jesus, what do I bring to the table?

We should ask Him daily; “What shall I bring to the kingdom table?”  Shall I bring encouragement, love, joy, hope, peace, contentment, kindness, or self control?  The world we live in should observe all of these characteristics in those who profess Christ.

Ask yourself, how is the Spirit of the Living God inside of me; affecting my family, my co-laborers, and my friends?  God tells us, “We are His friends if we obey His commands.”  Friends share with friends whatever the need is.  Your heart longs to give to those who stand on the street.

We can always bring the gospel message to those who are perishing.  He dwells inside of us.  After all, He is the Bread of Life who feeds our souls so that we might share with others.  We must always shine the “Light of the World,”, so that people might be given the opportunity to come and dine with those who hqve already come to the table.

The Bread of Life feeds us till we want no more.  What does bread do?  For those of you who can eat really good bread, when the waitress or waiter puts it down in front of you.  Oh the smell of fresh, hot bread,  It is truly intoxicating.  If one is not careful, he or she will fill up on bread and then not be hungry for the main meal.

Since You are the Bread of Life; Oh God, may we all bring a sweet smelling fragrance of You to the world.  You created us for such a time as this to fulfill this very thing.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord may I always bring Your sweet smelling fragrance to all whom You place in front of me.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

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