Choosing Kindness


Devotion:  Ephesians 4:32

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, resonates in my heart, after hearing unkind words. That’s after the unkind responses have raced through my head.  “But Lord, do I really have to respond in kindness toward someone who is being unkind toward me?”  Are Christians forbidden to give back the words heard through the ears but piercing the heart?

Sometimes kindness means saying nothing.  Our flesh wants vengeance but the Lord says, “Vengeance belongs to Him.” There will always be a battle because our flesh demands equal time.  If a rebuke is needful but our anger is getting in the way of a godly response; we may have to put down our flesh and choose to respond at a later time.  We are called to exhibit kindness and self control.  The only way God can teach us to employ a godly response, is to place those opportunities in front of us.  I don’t like it one little bit, but as James says, “This is training in righteousness.”

If we will choose to put down our fleshly responses; and take a minute to pray, the Holy Spirit who dwells within us will take charge of our anger and our responses.  Righteous anger is allowed but what does that really mean?  It is responding the way Jesus did  when the money changers were working inside the temple.  I am not telling you to throw furniture around but sometimes intense fellowship is required.  Just watch over your mind, your heart and your mouth before you engage the offender.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus;teach us to choose kind responses and actions toward our fellow man.

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