God’s Presence Fills the Temple


Devotion: 1 Kings 8: 1-13

The word Ethanim means “enduring.”  As you read the text you see it was the seventh month of the year.  Solomon is dedicating the permanent house of YHWH.  The ark of covenant has found its final resting place.

Up until this point, the ark was kept in a tent, always being in a temporary place, continually moving.  Figuratively, Ethanim  described the usual constant position of a stream or sea.  It alludes to the Holy Spirit of the Living God, as well as eternity beginning to form.  The Word of God tells us He has set eternity in our hearts.

The passage lets us know there were more animals being sacrificed than could be numbered.  What resided in the ark?  The most important words given to Moses from God so long ago, preserved for us.  The ten commandments are still critical for today’s world if only we would obey them.

How miraculous that the glory of the Lord filled the temple so fully that the priests had to come out of the holy of holies.   Oh dear reader, may that be true of us individually.  May we come apart from our flesh and allow God’s glory to consume us.

Prior to the ark of covenant being placed in the permanent temple; when it was moved, the people followed.  Now the holy of holies would move the people, by the power of God’s Holy Spirit.  You see the Spirit of God cannot truly be contained.  Because of  the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, He goes where we go.  He dwells inside of our hearts.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, thank You for dwelling in my heart.  You promised to never leave me nor forsake me.  You are a promise keeper.  I love You with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.








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